Sunday, November 2, 2014

Lowongan Kerja Astra Honda Motor

Astra Honda MotorPT Astra Honda Motor was the manufacturing & distribution of the largest motorcycle in Indonesia, with the number of employees more than 10,000 people. In accordance with the vision of the company, PT. Astra Honda Motor is always working to provide the best mobility solution that could meet customer needs with world-class management system.

For that we need the best human resources in a creative, innovative, competitive and ready to join in achieving that goal. In HR management, PT. Astra Honda Motor has a system of management of human resources professionals with the principles of Fair Internally and externally Competitive accompanied by the development of human resources through training programs and other development and a clear career path in line with the development of the motorcycle business increased.

Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Merencanakan, mengatur, serta mengkoordinasikan sumber daya yang ada di seksinya dalam melakukan kontrol produksi sesuai target PDCA meliputi achievement rate, delivery rate, stock level, MH unit, loss production, rejection rate.Jurusan

Pendidikan Minimal S1Maksimal Usia 27 TahunMinimum GPA 2.75Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Menganalisa, mengevaluasi, dan mengontrol standar cost untuk masing-masing unit cost yang menjadi tanggung jawabnya (material, direct, atau in-direct) pada unit motor yang telah mass production guna menghasilkan actual unit cost yang akurat.Jurusan

Pendidikan Minimal S1Maksimal Usia 27 TahunMinimum GPA 3.00Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Mengelola data harga material, proses, dan kurs valuta per periode  (per kuatral) sebagai dasar ataupun referensi dalam membuat forecast harga part untuk periode kuatral berikutnya.Menganalisa dan mengontrol pencapaian target yang dilakukan dan melakukan audit di seluruh bagian internal Divisi.Menganalisa & mengontrol aktual, pencapaian Cost Reduction yang dilakukan terhadap target yang telah ditentukanJurusan
Pendidikan Minimal S1Maksimal Usia 27 TahunMinimum GPA 2.75 Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Menganalisa, mengevaluasi, dan mengontrol standar cost untuk masing-masing unit cost yang menjadi tanggung jawabnya (material, direct, atau in-direct) pada unit motor yang telah mass production guna menghasilkan actual unit cost yang akurat.Jurusan

Pendidikan Minimal S1Maksimal Usia 27 TahunMinimum GPA 2.75Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Merancang dan mengembangkan flow process line, Basic Manufacturing Process (BMP) untuk memberikan alternatif solusi yang efektif dan efisien, melaksanakan program peningkatan efektifitas dan produktifitas dalam rangka mendukung tercapainya target produksi yang sesuai QCDSM.Jurusan
Teknik MesinTeknik IndustriTeknik ElektroTeknik SipilTeknik KimiaTeknik LingkunganKualifikasi
Pendidikan Minimal S1Maksimal Usia 27 TahunMinimum GPA 2.75Deskripsi Pekerjaan :
Menerima & melakukan verifikasi technical document untuk dikoordinasikan dengan pihak terkait.Membuat estimasi kebutuhan material, mesin, dies/jig, yang dibutuhkan untuk memastikan tersedianya informasi yang lengkap dan efektif dalam menyusun estimasi harga part.Membuat estimasi harga pembelian part lengkap dengan semua komponen harga pendukungnyaMelakukan audit supplier (aspek cost) saat penunjukanMemantau depresiasi dies/mould/jig / tools dari part yang ada di supplier dan menghitung kembali harga pembelian part dari Supplier pada saat depresiasi jatuh tempo.
Jurusan :
Teknik MesinTeknik IndustriTeknik Elektro
Pendidikan Minimal S1Maksimal Usia 27 TahunMinimum GPA 2.75Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Menentukan inspeksi unit dan melengkapi standart kualitas yang dibutuhkan sesuai dengan area kerjanyaMengembangkan sistem penjaminan kualitas unit selama proses kerja di inplantMenetapkan dan memutuskan sistem penjaminan kualitas operasional yang dibutuhkan serta memberikan panduan dan melakukan penetian terhadap permasalahan kualitas yang terjadi dan melakukan koordinasi dengan bagian-bagian lain yang terkait (Diagnostic,Audit & Inspection).Jurusan

Pendidikan Minimal S1Maksimal Usia 27 TahunMinimum GPA 2.75Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Melakukan kontrol terhadap ketersediaan dokumen technical seperti drawing dll yang didistribusikan oleh bagian terkaitMelakukan kontrol terhadap kesiapan sample dari bagian terkait.Melakukan analisa terhadap kemampuan produksi supplier.Melakukan koordinasi dengan bagian lain terkait persiapan ordering mulai dari event Pre-Production sampai dengan Mass Production.Menyusun List Purchase Part berdasarkan Basic Manufacturing Plan.

Pendidikan Minimal S1Maksimal Usia 27 TahunMinimum GPA 2.75Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Memonitor dan melakukan analisa potensi masalah agar dapat memastikan part dari supplier baik untuk kebutuhan produksi unit Mass Production maupun New Model project berjalan sesuai target dan prosedur yang telah ditetapkan.Koordinasi harian, baik perkembangan rencana produksi dan aktualnyaMengkordinasikan dengan pihak terkait di AHM dan supplier untuk menindaklanjuti potensi masalah akibat overshot atau overdue depresiasi asset serta sarana material handling dari supplier.Jurusan
Teknik MesinTeknik IndustriTeknik Elektro
Pendidikan Minimal S1Maksimal Usia 27 TahunMinimum GPA 2.75Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Melakukan semua perencanaan, analisa, dan membuat laporan teknik EQ di bidang Engine/Electric
yang mencakup:
1. Review drawing dan specification
2. Reverse engineering (VA/VE, benchmarking, dll)
3. Testing (Performance dan durability)Jurusan
Teknik MesinTeknik IndustriTeknik Elektro
Pendidikan Minimal S1Maksimal Usia 27 TahunMinimum GPA 2.75Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Melakukan pendataan, mengolah, dan menganalisa, serta membuat kesimpulan dari seluruh data produksi maupun non-produksi (PDCA review, Budget, Cost) di Department terkait guna menghasilkan sumber data yang valid sebagai dasar dalam melakukan perbaikan dan improvement secara kontinu.Jurusan

Pendidikan Minimal S1Maksimal Usia 27 TahunMinimum GPA 2.75 KIRIM LAMARAN DISINI paling lambat 31 Desember 2014--- Update : Label di »» area sales supervisor | astra honda motor | manufaktur | otomotif | s1

Product reviews and advice for best reference

Lowongan Staff Personalia PT. Ramagloria Sakti Tekstil Industri


PT. Ramagloria Sakti Tekstil Industr bergerak dalam bidang pemintalan benang, membutuhkan Staff Personalia yang kompeten di bidangnya.

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan :

Melakukan tugas-tugas administrasi yang berhubungan dengan pendataan dan kebutuhan karyawan terkait dengan kepersonaliaan untuk mendukung jalannya proses di Perusahaan.
- mempersiapkan PKWT dan memberikan penjelasan pada karyawan.
- mengorganisir dan menginventaris setiap data karyawan Hard copy maupun soft copy
- mengajukan aplikasi rekening karyawan baru

Persyaratan Pengalaman :

Pengalaman 1 – 2 tahun di bidang yang sama

Keahlian :

- Menguasai komputer minimal program Microsoft Excel.
- Mengerti dasar peraturan ketenagakerjaan.
- Menguasai sistem administrasi perkantoran
- Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik dan aktif

Kualifikasi :

Diisi dengan kualifikasi pekerjaan, contoh :
- Pria/Wanita,
- Usia 24 – 30
- Jujur dan teliti
- Ramah & Mampu Bekerja Secara Team

Silahkan Login untuk bisa melamar pekerjaan ini.. Jika anda belum memiliki account, registrasi terlebih dahulu sebagai pencari kerja disini

Electronics product reviews and advice for best reference

Lowongan Kerja RISC Indonesia

RISC IndonesiaRISC is an independent oil and gas consultancy firm. We have been working in partnership with companies for over 20 years, supporting their interests in the oil and gas industry and offering a broad and innovative perspective on oil and gas projects around the world.

Our staff are some of the most experienced and talented in the industry and fully understand the issues and challenges that our clients face. We combine strong commercial skills and expert technical knowledge to apply an integrated, multi-disciplinary project team approach to our assignments.

We offer a bespoke service that supports our clients across the entire oil and gas lifecycle, allowing them to make decisions with confidence.. We are seeking for best candidates to fill the position for our office in Jakarta.

RISC – Senior Consultant (2 roles available) – Jakarta Office

The roles are a mixture of Technical and Business Development in return we offer a competitive package.

Senior Consultant – Reservoir Engineering / Geoscience:
• Minimum of 10 years post graduate experience in the reservoir engineering / Geoscience field
• Four year degree in Petroleum Engineering / Geoscience or other relevant degree or postgraduate qualification from a Tertiary Institution
• Ability to fully integrate work flow with other disciplines (e.g. G&G, reservoir engineering, well engineering, facilities and economic analysis) to produce an economically rational development strategy
• Demonstrated ability to prepare project execution plans, manage the work scope and deliver expected results and outcomes in accordance with the plan
• Superior analytical and computing skills, including familiarity with MS Windows, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Access, @RISK (or similar)
• Strong report writing and presentation skills in both Bahasa and English

To Apply:
Please submit a resume to our recruitment mailbox at
You can request a full Position Description for each role by emailing a request to the same mailbox.

Closing Date:
The closing date for applications is 4 December 2014

--- Update :

Label di »» risc indonesia

Product reviews and advice for best reference

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Lowongan Kerja Sertco Quality

Sertco QualityPT Sertco Quality offers innovative solutions for technical services worldwide. Our team is supported with young and experience people who is ready for any mind of challenge. As a leading technical services organization headquartered at Jakarta, Indonesia, we work closely with Clients as well as Government for services in core projects or maintenance in Oil & Gas industries. We are currently looking for talented and experience candidate to support our business growth.

HR Staff
Job Responsibilities
Handling recruitmentHandling training & employee skill developmentHandling General AffairHandling freelance employeeHandling incoming or out-going fax, letter, HR documentHandling company legal documentHandling HR Administration filesand other HR staff jobExperience requirement
Preferably have max 1 years exp. as HRD, Administration StaffFresh graduate are welcomeSkill
Skill HRD, Secretarial Skill, Communication Skill, Filling, TypingComputer Literate with (Ms. OfficeAble to speak ini English both written and spokenPatience and able to communicate with peopleQualifications
Female, Indonesia CitizenSingleMin age 20 years old and max age 28 years oldD3/S1, physicology major or public relation/administration/secretary majorFirm, strict, discipline and able to work with teamPleasant personality and well representative (good looking)Willing to be place at the greater JakartaPhysically and mentally healthyHSE Staff
Job Responsibilities
Handling inspection equipmentHandling inspection PPEHandling Inspection toolsHandling incoming or out-going fax, letter, HSE documentHandling HSE filesAnd other HSE staff jobExperience requirements
Preferably have max . 1 year exp. as HSEFresh Graduate are welcomeSkills
Skill HSE, Comunication skill, filling, typingComputer litertae with (Ms. OfficeAble to speak in English both written and spokenHas knowledge HSE will be an advantageQualifications
Male, Indonesi Citizen (WNI)SingleMin age 18 years old and max age 28 years oldSMA/D3, any majorPleasant personality and well representative (Good looking)willing to be place at the greather JakartaPhysically and mentally healthyController
Job Responsibilities
Handling inspection documentHandling reprting documentHandling inspection & reporting filingAnd other doc. controller jobExperience requirements
Preferably have max . 1 year exp. as doc controllerFresh Graduate are welcomeSkills
Doc controller, communication skill, filling, typingComputer literate with (Ms. Office)Able to speak in english both written and spokenQualifications
Male, Indonesia Citizen (WNI)SingleMin age 18 yeras old and max age 28 years oldSMA/D3, any majorPleasant personality and well representative (Good looking)Willing to be placed at the greater JakartaPhysically and mentally healthyReporting
Job Responsibilities
Handling inspection documentHandling reporting documentHandling inspection & reporting filingAnd other doc. controller jobExperience requirements
Preferably have max . 1 year exp. as reportingFresh Graduate are welcomeSkills
Reporting skill, communication skill, filling, typingComputer literate with (Ms. Office)Able to operated Adobe and Auto CADAble to speak in english both written and spokenQualifications
Male, Indonesia Citizen (WNI)SingleMin age 18 yeras old and max age 28 years oldD3/S1, any majorPleasant personality and well representative (Good looking)Willing to be placed at the greater JakartaPhysically and mentally healthyInspector
Job Responsibilities
Handling inspection at siteHandling reporting documentAnd other inspector jobExperience requirements
Preferably have max . 1 year exp. as inspectorFresh Graduate are welcomeSkills
Reporting skill, communication skill, filling, typingComputer literate with (Ms. Office)Able to operated Adobe and Auto CADAble to speak in english both written and spokenQualifications
Male, Indonesia Citizen (WNI)SingleMin age 18 yeras old and max age 28 years oldS1, Mechanical Major and civil majorPleasant personality and well representative (Good looking)Willing to be placed at the greater JakartaPhysically and mentally healthyInitial Selection
Jakarta Selatan (October 22nd, 2014 - November 21st, 2014)
Time 08.30 -12.00 and 13.00 - 15.00 (working days)
Venue : SQ Building - Jl. Kebagusan Raya No. 44 Jakarta Selatan 12520, phone :021-78847788 or 78847799

Please send by email to all the required document below :
Application letterCurriculum VitaeCopy ID cardCopy of latest academic certificateColour pas photo 4x6 size--- Update : Label di »» inspector | jakarta | sertco quality | technical service company

Product reviews and advice for best reference

Lowongan Kerja Synergy Engineering

Synergy EngineeringPT Synergy Engineering, an Engineering Consultant specializing in providing technical services to major Oil & Gas companies in the Asia Pasific region. Our clients include major Oil & Gas Operators, EPIC Contractors and independent fabricators.

Synergy Engineering has an established reputation with a strong and ever-growing team, providing good quality, fit-for purpose, engineering solutions. We believe in prioritizing technical competence and focus on delivering services to meet our Client's expectations, is currently seeking Indonesia s young professionals with high motivation and strong determination for the following positions:



Job Responsibility :
• Senior Project Engineer shall assist the Project Managers day to day works in managing all staff to ensure deliverables are produces on time and within budget
• The work shall include but not be limited to coordination of engineering technical activities, inter-discipline interfacing, preparation of scope of work, proposal evaluations, supervision of project procurement, cost estimation and coordination of all project activities involded in fabrication, installation and startup phases.

Job Qualification :
• Min. bachelor degree in Civil/Mechanical/Chemical Engineering
• Have min 12 years of facilities/project engineering/FEED project experience related including seven (7) years of offshore facilities, design and/or construction and/or fabrication experience, and at least 5 years of project management experience with at least 3 years brownfield engineering project.
• Must have excellent interpersonal, written, and oral communication skill and superior planning and organization skill. International experience is desirable




Job Responsibility :
• Design the oil and gas production facilities for offshore installation.
• Responsible for mechanical and process design including selecting and specifiying appropriate vessels, valves, and piping system for the facilities, the design must be designed in accordance with the codes and standard.
• Review the technical documents from Process Engineers to be reviewed and updated in order to meet customer requirements and company standard

Job Qualification :
• Min. bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering
• Must have at least 8 years total process design experience with at least 5 years applicable experience in the design and construction of offshore oil and gas production platforms, brownfield modification, and pipeline
• Must have a working knowledge of the codes and standards listed above and must have the principal engineer responsible for the design of more than one other project with similar process systems and must be experienced in the use of computer programs applicable to such designs.


Job Responsibility :
• Design the oil and gas production facilities for offshore installation.
• Responsible for mechanical and process design including selecting and specifiying appropriate vessels, valves, and piping system for the facilities, the design must be designed in accordance with the codes and standard.
• Provide process analysis using properly software or manual calculation to supporting project which is on going

Job Qualification :
• Min. bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering
• Must have at least 6 years total process design experience and applicable experience in the design and construction of offshore oil and gas production platforms, brownfield modification, and pipeline
• Able to operate engineering software for the discipline (HYSYS)



Job Responsibility :
• Performing structural/civil design, calculation, project, spesifications, reviewing and implementing government regulations and industry codes.
• Having knowledge on designing offshore structure or modification to existing structure which is consider all loadings, including but not limited to wind, wave and seismic loadings during its service

Job Qualification :
• Min. bachelor degree in Ocean Engineering or Civil Engineering
• At least 8 years of aplicable experience in the civil/structural engineering design including green field and brown field modification & construction of offshore & onshore oil and gas production facility


Job Responsibility :
• Performing structural/civil design, calculation, project, spesifications, reviewing and implementing government regulations and industry codes.
• Having knowledge on designing offshore structure or modification to existing structure which is consider all loadings, including but not limited to wind, wave and seismic loadings during its service

Job Qualification :
• Min. bachelor degree in Ocean Engineering or Civil Engineering
• Must have at least 6 years of applicable experience in the design and construction of offshore oil and gas facilities, and at least 5 years total Civil/Structural Engineering Experience
• Willing to be located in Balikpapan



Job Responsibility :
• Design the offshore oil & gas production facilities by developing piping layout design concepts, criteria & specification
• Performing layout calculations, mechanical handling and lifting strategy, reviewing and implementing government regulations and industry codes.
• Provide piping analysis using properly software or manual calculation to supporting project which is on going

Job Qualification :
• Min. bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering
• At least 8 years of aplicable experience in the piping engineering design including green field and brown field modification & construction of offshore oil and gas production facility
• Well verse with CAESAR II software.



Job Responsibility :
• Design the offshore oil & gas production facilities by developing electrical design criteria, specification, & datasheets
• Performing electrical calculations, reviewing and implementing government regulations and industry codes.
• Provide electrical analysis using properly software or manual calculation to supporting project which is on going



Job Responsibility :
• Design the offshore oil & gas production facilities by developing instrument and control design criteria, sizing, selecting & specifying instrumentation and control equipment appropriate for control of rotating equipment, vessels, and piping sytems for the facilities
• Performing instrument and control calculations, reviewing and implementing government regulations and industry codes.

Job Qualification :
• Min. bachelor degree Physics Engineering
• At least 8 years of aplicable experience in the instrument engineering design including green field and brown field modification & construction of offshore oil and gas production facility
• Well verse with Intools, Instrucalc software.


Job Responsibility :
• Design the offshore oil and gas production facilities by developing mechanical design concepts and drawings, performing mechanical calculations, reviewing and implementing mechanical design criteria, specifications, goverment regulations and industry codes.

Job Qualification :
• Min. bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineer
• Have at least 5 years applicable experience in the design of offshore oil and gas production platforms.
• Must have a working knowledge of the codes and standards listed above and must have the principal engineer responsible for the design of more than one other project with similar process systems and must be experienced in the use of computer programs applicable to such designs.



Job Qualification :
• Having Bachelor Degree in any field
• Minimal 8 years experiences in Oil and Gas Engineering with the related position
• Shall possess experience in handling AutoCAD/PDMS.
• Strong technical/engineering skills with a through knowledge of applicable Codes and Standards plus a working knowledge of other discipline activities.
• Operational experience is preferred in order to feed field experience back into the project.
• Willing to be located in Balikpapan


Job Qualification :
• Having Bachelor Degree in any field
• Minimal 8 years experiences in Oil and Gas Engineering with the related position
• Shall possess experience in handling AutoCAD/PDMS.
• Strong technical/engineering skills with a through knowledge of applicable Codes and Standards plus a working knowledge of other discipline activities.
• Operational experience is preferred in order to feed field experience back into the project.
• Willing to be located in Balikpapan


Job Qualification :
• Having Bachelor Degree in any field
• Minimal 8 years experiences in Oil and Gas Engineering with the related position
• Shall possess experience in handling AutoCAD/PDMS.
• Strong technical/engineering skills with a through knowledge of applicable Codes and Standards plus a working knowledge of other discipline activities.
• Operational experience is preferred in order to feed field experience back into the project.
• Willing to be located in Balikpapan


Job Qualification :
• Having Bachelor Degree in any field
• Minimal 8 years experiences in Oil and Gas Engineering with the related position
• Shall possess experience in handling AutoCAD/PDMS.
• Strong technical/engineering skills with a through knowledge of applicable Codes and Standards plus a working knowledge of other discipline activities.
• Operational experience is preferred in order to feed field experience back into the project.
• Willing to be located in Balikpapan



Job Responsibility :
To assume responsibility for assist Admin Manager for the companys compliance with goverment regulation, legal matters, policies and procedures within the company in relation to personnel matter. And responsibility for assist Admin Manager of Recruitment Process, Training and development and personnel administration.

Job Qualification :
• Bachelor Degree from Psychology/Management/Law Major with minimum 1 year experience in HR area.
• Max. 27 years old
• Must possess general understanding, knowledge and experience in HR field such as recruitment; training; compensation, organizational development and personnel data management.
• Strong knowledge and experience in industrial relation matter as well the application of Manpower Regulation is more preferable.
• A team worker and possess strong analytical mind


Job Responsibility :
• Checking the progress of client payment, and follow up any outstanding account receivables
• Making Daily Transactions include :
a) AP & AR Processing/Records
b) Journalized
• Maintain filling system of related documents

Job Qualification :
• Candidate must possess at Bachelor Accountancy from reputable University
• Fresh Graduate are encourage to apply
• Experience on accounting and tax would be an advantage
• Minimum training required : Zahir, Brevet A & B
• Must Possess Analytical skills
• Age between 22 - 27 years old


Job Responsibility :
• Filiing and maintain records

Job Qualification :
• Fresh Graduate/Entry level applicants are encourage to apply
• Have good personality, apperance, attitude, honest, responsible and willing to work flexible hours
• Excellent communication and interpersonal skill
• Preferable domicile in Tangerang and Balikpapan



Job Responsibility :
• First Level Support
• Trobleshoot Software, Hardware, Network
• Maintain system and documentation

Job Qualification :
• Min. bachelor degree in Informatics Engineering, Computer Science
• Have experience basic troubleshot hardware and sotware
• Have basic network knowledge
• Min. experience 1 year in the same position

2. IT Programmer

Job Responsibility:
• Analyze, design, develop and testing application based on user needs as company improvements.
• Drafting complete and easy to learn Technical Documentation and Version control.
• Conduct user training for new application or module had deployed.
• Providing application support and maintenance.

Job Qualification :
• Experience in developing web application(.Net) minimum 2 years
• Experience in MVC, C#, HTML5 , CSS and Javascript
• Experience in Oracle database connection
• Good foundation in Object Oriented Programming
• Experience in SOAP webservice or angular.JS will be advantaged

• Good verbal and written communication skills in the English language
• Good interpersonal skills, with the ability to forge productive working relationships with all personnel
• Personal motivation and self-learning ability
• Ability to cope in a positive and productive manner within a high-pressure environment, while handling a large amount of detail as expected in large Projects with aggressive schedules
• Able to work on own initiative and within a team

Please send your application (CV, Certificate & Transcript) to and put job title name on subject email.

Product reviews and advice for best reference

Lowongan Kerja Kelly Services

Kelly ServicesKelly Services Inc. is a Fortune 500 listed organization and one of a leading recruitment company that renders Temporary and Permanent recruitment services and Outsourcing services. We are NASDAQ listed with over 2600 offices in 38 countries worldwide with head office in Detroit Michigan. We also provide a middle management talent acquisition through Database and Advertised Selection Services with our Kelly Selection division and Executive Search services through our other division – BTI Consultants Indonesia that has been established in Indonesia since year 1989 and in Singapore since 1979.

Our Client is the world s largest and leading supplier of Advanced Equipment Simulators to the global mining Industry, headquartering in Australia and having established networks around the world s. Their challenge is to make every mining and earthmoving equipment operator in the world safer and their employer more profitable with their simulation technologies.

In cooperation with Kelly Selection, we welcome customer focused candidates with a strong consultative approach who are target driven. Supported by persuasive communication skills they will be ready to take on challenging opportunities working with multinational companies in a fast paced environment.

1. Product Engineer
Company: Our client, a trading & manufacturing multinational company.
Placement: (Head Office) Warung Buncit, Jakarta Selatan

Position Summary:

In his capacity as a Product Engineer, Responsible for establishment of tender document, tender drawing and calculation for BMU and Car Parking in accordance to the relevant Design Codes and Regional Technical Information (RTI).

Major responsibilities:

1. Preparing Tender Drawing and Tender Document
2. Ensure Design and Drafting criteria comply with the relevant Drafting and Design Codes and Regional Technical Information (RTI)
3. Ensure consistency and accurate design and drafting to enable minimum error. All dimension and limitations as shown in the Approval Drawing or in the Tender Document are fully meet
4. Ensure design does not exceed the budgeted cost
5. Perform any other related duties as assigned by the immediate supervisor & sales general manager

Education - Field of Study:
Bachelor degree – Engineering Civil Structural/ Engineering Mechanical
Years of experience:
Less than 2 years ( Fresh grades with qualified experiences are welcome )
Experience remarks/ skill:
Must have at least advance skill in AutoCad. Having skill in Sketch Up and Solid Works would be an advantage. Good in analyzing, deciding/ initiating action and planning/ organizing.
2. Sales Engineer
Company: Our client, a trading & manufacturing multinational company.
Placement: (Head Office) Warung Buncit, Jakarta Selatan

Position Summary:

To sell and promote Crane & Components products to all potential existing and new customer.

Major responsibilities:
To achieve annual order received budget for Crane & ComponentsTo maintain and build relationship as main point of contact with the existing and potential customers in order to secure future business.To do the outstation visit as planned to promote all products (C&C & IPD) and bring in new customers.To prepare daily Activity & Opportunity in the CRM and to make use the reporting statement to monitor own performance.Education - Field of Study:
Bachelor degree – Engineering-Civil Structural/ Engineering-Mechanicals/ Engineering-Industrial/ Engineering-Electrical

Years of experience:
3 years in the same field (handling or selling heavy equipment, i. e. cranes, buldozer, escavator, etc.)

3. Sales Engineer Clear Liquid
Company: Our client, a trading & manufacturing multinational company.
Placement: (Head Office) Warung Buncit, Jakarta Selatan

Position Summary:

To initiate, promote and develop sales opportunities for the Pump Div., with special emphasis on growing the business volume and achieving the sales and income targets set by the Company.

Major Responsibilities:
Searching and identify new inquiries coming from existing customers and new customersPreparing and provides Costing Sheet, Quotation, Technical and Commercial Documentation, and assure to release it to customer in timeCooperate with office admin to perform marketing task such as conduct seminar, presentation, workshop, preparing brochure, flyer, banner, souvenirs, etcMake visits plan by put into e-travel as well as visit declare by e-claim and bringing customer update information come after it to the superiorTo serve customer complain pleasantly and solve it with professional treatmentTo perform analyzing, customer site investigation, site survey, with involved Technical Department wherever neededTo attend and active involved into Company Sales Meeting, Division Sales Meeting, and Clear Liquid Dept. Sales Meeting by prepare with updating sales tools such as: CRM and BPCUpdating the CRM weekly, by put into it the new opportunity, new quotation and changing status. Submit and update self-work performance in e-PMS (Employee Performance Management System) whenever the system is ready for useTo find out Market Information & doing Competitor Intelligent to get our competitor performance about new technology, new trend include with all commercial and technical info which is customer neededTo make sure customer remittance come into company account in time, with Terms as conformed in Customer’s PO / contractTo follow up RFQ, quotation, and all of any customer’s demand and try to find problem solve out in direct visit or e-mail correspondence in order to ensure sales targetTo cooperate with Technical Department in Costing Sheet entry cost and all technical information which is needed and related to the proposalTo cooperate with Customer Service Department to manage the customer PO and the administration/commercial information aftercome, should be able to communicate to customer whenever it’s neededTo maintain good relationship with all Pump stake holder including Supplier and PrincipalWhenever required by client, should be able to conduct and attend Factory Assessment Test or Local Performance TestTo undertake any other tasks as and when assigned.Requirements:
2 positions availableCandidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Engineering (Industrial), Engineering (Mechanical) or equivalent.Required language(s): EnglishAt least 3 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.4. Sales Engineer Cable for Jakarta, Surabaya and Pekanbaru area
Company: Our client, a trading & manufacturing multinational company.
Placement: (Head Office) Warung Buncit, Jakarta Selatan, Surabaya and Pekanbaru

Major Responsibilities:
Achieve sales objectives in line with the Company’s business strategy & plans and customer pipelines of the assigned territory.Drive the growth of existing accounts and product mix of the assigned territory’s Platinum, Strategic, Gold and Silver customers.Expand the customer base year-on-year through new customer acquisition.Close contact and partnership with Customer service through daily information sharing on matters pertaining to customer inquiries, complaints, credit problems and orders received (though not exhaustive) with the goal to solve issues and improve service.Follow up on quotations and update the status in coordination with Customer Service.Monitor the assign territory’s outstanding debts, on a monthly basis, to minimize risk of potential bad debts.Contribute and cooperate with the Sales Manager, to plan, develop and enhance the brand awareness in the market, and increase the competitiveness and profitability of the business through Customer, Competitor and Market Intelligence, effective sales strategies and marketing mix.Identify and recommend opportunities in the acquisition of new market segments and/or niches to strengthen the Company’s market position.Requirements:
4 positions available (2 for Jakarta, 1 for Surabaya and 1 for Pekanbaru)Diploma or Degree in electrical or mechanical engineering or related field, preferably from a reputable institutionMinimum of 3 years experience as an industrial sales professional, preferably in electrical or automation componentsA team player with a ‘can do’ achieving mindset and an outgoing personality, and one who is motivated by challengesGood English communication skillExperiences in handle Jakarta, Surabaya or Pekanbaru area, ready to place in Jakarta, Surabaya and Pekanbaru5. Sales Executive Chemical & Fertilizer
Company: Our client, a trading & manufacturing multinational company.
Placement: (Head Office) Warung Buncit, Jakarta Selatan

Position Summary:

To initiate, promote and develop sales opportunities for Equipments and Irrigation products in Turf & Irrigation division, with special emphasis on growing the business volume and achieving the sales and income targets set by the Company in Chemical and Fertilizer Market Segment.

Major responsibilities:
To initiate, promote and develop sales opportunities for the assigned products, and to achieve the desired growth in business volume reflected in the sales and income budget.To prepare sales plans, forecast and secure ordersTo identify and establish new clients as well as new business opportunities to ensure successful market penetrationTo plan technical seminars or solutions/products demonstration to prospective clients in a professional and high quality mannerTo conduct regular visits to clients in order to maintain good rapport as well as to solicit feedback on the effectiveness of the products, services/support and other market informationTo establish healthy client relations and provide efficient and effective service/support so as to maintain their confidence in the reputation of the products and services offered by the CompanyTo prepare product costing and to work out quotations for clientsTo monitor customer’s order status and update regularlyTo ensure Customer’s order delivered correctly and timelTo attend to clients’ complaints and inquiries with professionalism and integrityTo submit periodic sales reports and activities plan with the most updated order closing date to the Superior. Also to report problems encountered on a regular basis. Ensure enquiries and projects are updated promptly and regularly in the CRM systemTo gather market information so as to keep the superior updated on competitors’ movements and the Company’s position in the marketTo be conscious and receptive to clients’ needs, market trend and new products launched by competitorTo attend all necessary projects site meetings when required in order to ensure smooth hand-overTo be responsible to ensuring all collections are within credit terms granted by the company.To establish good rapport with the service team and to liaise with them on the client’s needs To prepare quotations for submission to clients.To learn, update and consistently demonstrate the core competencies required for the jobTo undertake any other tasks as and when assigned.To be responsible to comply with the Group's and Company's Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) policies and safe work procedures.Requirements:
Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Agriculture/Aquaculture/Forestry, Chemistry, Engineering (Others), BioTechnology or equivalent.Required language(s): EnglishAt least 3 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.6. Sales Executive_Agriculture
Company: Our client, a trading & manufacturing multinational company.
Placement: (Head Office) Warung Buncit, Jakarta Selatan

Position Summary:

To initiate, promote and develop sales opportunities for Equipments and Irrigation products in Turf & Irrigation division, with special emphasis on growing the business volume and achieving the sales and income targets set by the Company in Agriculture Market Segment.

Major responsibilities:
To initiate, promote and develop sales opportunities for the assigned products, and to achieve the desired growth in business volume reflected in the sales and income budget.To prepare sales plans, forecast and secure ordersTo identify and establish new clients as well as new business opportunities to ensure successful market penetration.To plan technical seminars or solutions/products demonstration to prospective clients in a professional and high quality manner.To conduct regular visits to clients in order to maintain good rapport as well as to solicit feedback on the effectiveness of the products, services/support and other market information.To learn, update and consistently demonstrate the core competencies required for the jobTo undertake any other tasks as and when assigned.To be responsible to comply with the Group's and Company's Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) policies and safe work proceduresRequirements:
Candidate must possess at least Bachelor's Degree, Agriculture/Aquaculture/Forestry, Engineering (Mechanical), Engineering (Others), BioTechnology, Engineering (Mechatronic/Electromechanical) or equivalent.Required language(s): EnglishAt least 3 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.7. Project Engineer Pump
Company: Our client, a trading & manufacturing multinational company.
Placement: (Head Office) Warung Buncit, Jakarta Selatan

Direct coordination and planning of assembly, fabrication, and repair activities for clients.Monitoring & process preparation sales Work Order including drawing, and responsible for purchasing of good and service process.Working with technical manager to review project offer submissions, ensuring best and most economical technical solution is offered.Derive, document and manage processes involved in providing technical solutions to our clients. Ensuring this meets and complies with relevant engineering standards.Manage the submission of Manufacturing Data Record and other related documents to Customer after delivery of the goods.Assets maintenance management.Appointed as the Assistant Management Representative (MR) or Committee member of the Company’s EHSRequirements:
Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Engineering (Mechanical), Engineering (Chemical), Engineering (Civil), Engineering (Environmental/Health/Safety), Engineering (Others) or equivalent.Required skill(s): AutoCad.Required language(s): EnglishAt least 2 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.Applicants must be willing to work in Jakarta.Preferably Staff (non-management & non-supervisor)s specializing in Engineering - Mechanical/Automotive or equivalent.Full-Time position(s) available.Send Your CV to: , , with the subject of position applied.

EXAMPLE: Kelly_Position_Name --- Deadline: 28 November 2014

Product reviews and advice for best reference

Many Jobs in Jatis Group


Jatis Group incorporated in September 1997 is one of the leading IT solution and Application Infrastructure of companies with operation in Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines and Malaysia. Our core businesses are in providing Enterprise Application and Mobile Media Services under the brand name of Jatis Solutions, Jatis Mobile, Jatis Singapore, Jatis Malaysia, Jatis Imagineering Philippines and Pactera Jatis Indonesia.

PT. Jati Piranti Solusindo (Jatis Solutions)
Location: Sudirman, Jakarta Selatan

Jatis Solutions is head office of Jatis Group. Headquarter in Indonesia, Jatis Solutions, is a major information technology and software-consulting firm servicing its clients in the FSI, media and telecommunications, healthcare and FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) sectors. Jatis strives to become a leading technology organization out of Indonesia in providing innovative technology solutions to its clients in the Asia Pacific region.

Currently we are inviting young and dynamic professional who dare to take the challenge in e-solution area to join our successful team in the following positions:

- Java Programmer (JPS-Java)
- Reviewing current systems & maintaining the systems including bug fixing, develop application (develop secure and reliable application), testing before going live, training manuals preparation, etc
- Candidates will be placed at several department/industries: Support; Ecommerce & Payment Gateway; Financial Services Industry; Retail, Manufacturing & Distribution; Project Management Office (PMO)
- Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
- Middle level (Java lead) and Senior level are available also
- Min. Diploma in Computer Studies or related field
- Good OOP and good Logic
- Knowledge in Java Enterprise (JavaTM), JSP, Spring, Hibernate, myBatis, .NET, ASP, XML, HTML, SQL, Portal, Apache Tomcat, ILE RPG, Ms. Axapta, Mobile Development (Android, iOS, etc), Web Services, active MQ, mule ESB (optional)
- Has strong interest and passion of Information Technology especially software programming
- Experience in several IT projects is preferred
- Experience or knowledge in payment, loyalty & ecommerce; manufacturing, retail, distribution; travel & transportation; health care; financial services/banking industries/ wealth management will be an added advantage

Android Programmer – Contract Based (JPS-RDM Android)*
Candidate will be assigned in LCA SFA Product to handle mobile application android development.
- Fresh graduate are welcome
- Has experience in android project
- Min. Diploma
- Having skill in android content based application
- Project based 6 months and able to work at Jatis office full time
- Please attach your portfolio example when you apply.

Mobile Solution Architect (JPS-Mobile SA)
- Develops mobile solution strategies and roadmaps
- Define, design and develop mobile architecture framework to be in-line with Jatis’ Application internal framework.
- Assists development team
- Supports major mobile application platform such as: Android, IOS, Blackberry
- Minimum 2 years experience as Mobile Application Solution Architect
- S1 or higher in Computer Science is preferable
- Android, IOS, Blackberry
- Deep experience in project from small to large scale
- Deep experience the multiple platform to be supported.
- Experience in high volume transactional mobile application
- Able to build secure mobile application system.
- Experience with Mobile integration architecture for enterprise systems.

FSI Functional Consultant (JPS-FSI Functional)
- Create design for investment portal (business flow, activity, diagram)
- Do the research about trend and target market in wealth management or banking industry
- Degree in Computer Science or related field
- Knowledge and work experience in wealth management system min. 3 years
- Knowledge and work experience in banking industry min. 2 years
- Experience in IT Industry as Business Analyst or System Analyst min. 2 years
- Willing to learn, good communication skill, highly motivated
- Proficient in English (spoken and written language).

HCMS Functional Consultant (JPS-HR Functional)
- Create design for Human Resources Application / HCMS
- Degree in Computer Science, Human Resources or related field
- Knowledge and work experience in HCMS (Human Capital Management System) min. 3 years
- Experience in IT Industry as Business Analyst or System Analyst min. 2 years
- Willing to learn, good communication skill, highly motivated
- Proficient in English (spoken and written language).

Pre-Sales & Post-Sales Consultant for Microfinance Product (JPS-PreSales Microfinance)
- Manage Microfinance products
- Manage relationship with Finance client
- Lead Microfinance project implementation
- Develop roadmap of microfinance product
- Min. 3 years working experience of Microfinance / Finance Industry
- Degree from IT/Computer Science or Finance Institution
- Knowledge in IT Industry as general
- Knowledge in Microfinance / Finance Industry
- Having experience in leading small project team
- Strong communication skill and good personality.

Java Programmer for E-Commerce & Payment Gateway (JPS–EDEV)
- Develop secure, reliable payment application using Java programming
- Able to do application design
- Able to do internal load test and penetration test before application
- Maintain and do tuning (if possible) for existing payment application
- Degree from Information Technology field
- Experience in IT industry especially in payment gateway
- Skills: Java (stand alone application, web application, thread), MySQL, Oracle, active MQ, understand Tomcat, mule ESB (optional)
- Needed for middle and senior level
- Willing to be located in Jakarta.

Java Support Engineer (JPS-Java Support)
- Support of Software maintenance services for Jatis system
- Validate Issue Tickets created by Users
- Resolve incidents related to the application using known Resolutions /SLA
- Escalate Issue Tickets requiring immediate attention by second layer
- Track and manage all Issue Tickets in the Jatis Support System (JIRA)
- Correlate Issue Tickets to identify and address Critical and High Incidents
- On-Site visit support to customer site
- Ready to go overseas if required
- Maintenance/ support update meeting
- Identify and define new requirement of modification / change request to supervisor
- Degree in IT / Computer Science field
- Min. 1 year working experience as support engineer in Java programming
- Knowledge/experience in Java Web Services
- Knowledge/experience in Financial application system
- Skill: Java, EJB, ZKOSS, Web Services, crystal report, Ticketing Systems (eg. JIRA, Remedy), .Net (optional)
- Has integrity, honest, trusthworthy
- Able to work both independent and team.

E-Commerce Support Engineer (JPS-Ecommerce Support)
- Support of software maintenance services for Jatis Ecommerce system (Shopping Cart, Payment Gateway, Web Portal)
- Validate track and manage all Issue Tickets with ticketing system
- Resolve Incidents related to the Application using known Resolutions/SLA
- Escalate Issue Tickets requiring immediate attention by second layer
- Coordinate with customer and On-site visit support if needed
- Ready to go overseas if required
- Regular Report update
- Identify and define new requirement of modification / change request to supervisor
- Min. 1 year work experience
- Degree in Computer Science, IT, Information System, or related background
- Has experience in e-commerce application (Shopping Cart, Web Portal,Online Store)
- Online transaction (Payment Gateway, Virtual Account Transfer, Credit Card E-Payment)
- Java Open Source framework (Soft Slate, etc)
- Skills: Java, Active MQ, Mule, threading, Quartz, Database (SQL, Oracle, else), Web services, Ticketing Systems (eg. JIRA, Remedy)
- Able to work as team or independent, proactive, willing to learn, integrity, honest, trustworthy.

IT Project Manager (JPS-PM)

- Manage project delivery using PMI’s IPECC and Jatis’ Parallel Track Methodologies

- 3-5 years of experience, with 2-3 years of experience as a Project Manager
- Degree in Engineering, preferably from Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or Industrial Engineering
- Background in Technical and/or Functional/Business experiences is preferred
- Strong understanding in Project Management and SDLC
- Knowledge in PMI PMBOK® is an advantage

Account Executive (JPS-AM)
- Do presentation, business proposal, negotiation, customer/clients acquisition, customer/clients maintenance, closing sales
- Good looking, attractive, creative, innovative with outgoing personality
- Computer literate and good knowledge in Microsoft Office (esp. Excel)
- Passionate in sales, target oriented, proactive and independent
- Fluent in spoken and written English (Mandarin is an advantage)
- Previously employed in IT company (IT background is advantage)
- Flexible time and willing to travel

Location: Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara

PT. Pactera Jatis Indonesia is a joint venture between Jatis Indonesia and Pactera Technology International Limited (NASDAQ: PACT) China. We operate starting the beginning of 2014.
For more information about Pactera, please visit
For more information about Jatis Group, please visit

To support our operation in Indonesia, we need lots of young and dynamic professional to join and grow with us as:

Software Test Manager (PJI-Test Manager)
- Enhances engineers’ accomplishments and competence by planning delivery of solutions; answering technical and procedural questions for less experienced team members; teaching improved processes; mentoring team members
- Produce Test and Defect Plans that includes the following: Resource Plan, Communication Plan, Risk Management Plan, Project Schedule and Effort
- Manages revenue and costs for test activities
- Conducts Project Post-Mortem
- Monitors and Controls test activities, resources utilization and project requests
- Provides structures and guidance to Testing Team
- Executes company’s best practice, methodologies to ensure deliverables and results will be the highest quality possible
- Continuously updates job knowledge by studying state-of-the-art testing tools, automations and techniques
- Participates in annual and periodical 360 degree performance view
- Mandatory – at least 6 years of IT experience, especially in the field of Software Quality Assurance
- Proven experiences in managing a test team with minimum of 5 members
- Methodologies, including SDLC and Testing Design Patterns
- Min. Bachelor Degree in Computer Science / IT, Telecommunication Engineering, Electrical / Electronic Engineering or equivalent
- Strong command in English, verbal and literal
- Project Management Training, Version control
- Master in Ms Excel, Word, PowerPoint
- Higly preferred – Bug tracking system (JIRA, Bugzilla, Mantis)
- Preferred – Experience in QTP, Selenium, and other automation tools
- Optional – Unite tests (JUnit, TestNG)
- Quality minded, strong analytical skills, smart worker, able to work with people of all levels.

Software Tester Lead (PJI–Tester Lead)
- Enhances engineers’ accomplishments and competence by planning delivery of solutions; answering technical and procedural questions for less experienced team members; teaching improved processes; mentoring team members
- Produce Test Scenarios targeting all business requirements
- Analyze test activities such as test execution, capturing, results and raising & tracking defects
- Update and maintaining existing test artifacts
- Prepare and update Test Case and Requirements Matrix
- Coordinate and liaise with relevant parties for project related items
- Executes company’s best practice, methodologies to ensure deliverables and results will be the highest quality possible
- Continuously updates job knowledge by studying state-of-the-art testing tools, automations and techniques
- Participates in annual and periodical 360 degree performance view
- Mandatory – at least 3 years of IT experience, with 2+ years in Software Application Testing
- Methodologies, including SDLC and Testing Design Patterns
- Min. Bachelor Degree in Computer Science / IT, Telecommunication Engineering, Electrical / Electronic Engineering or equivalent
- Strong command in English, verbal and literal
- Project Management Training, Version control
- Master in Ms Excel, Word, PowerPoint
- Highly preferred – Bug tracking system (JIRA, Bugzilla, Mantis)
- Preferred – Experience in QTP, Selenium, and other automation tools
- Optional – Unite tests (JUnit, TestNG)
- Quality minded, strong analytical skills, smart worker, able to work with people of all levels.

Software Tester (PJI–Software Tester)
- Perform test activities such as test execution, capturing test results and raising & tracking defects; preparation of Test Data; Assist in documentation of daily activities report
- Develop test procedures based on tests designed according to requirements
- Fresh graduates are welcome to apply.
- Min. SMK (Vocational High School) in Computer Science / Information Technology or equivalent.
- Candidate with 1– 2 years of IT experience, especially in the field of Software Quality Assurance is preferred.
- Strong analytical skills, attention to detail, people oriented.
- Proficient in MS Excel, Word and PowerPoint.
- VB script skill is mandatory.

Senior Java Programmer (PJI-Java Senior)
- Create technical documentation based on business requirements using UML diagrams
- Coordinate and liase with Project Manager, clients, and relevant parties for project-related items
- Provides technical advices, information by collecting, analyzing, and summarizing development and service issues
- Answering technical and procedural questions for less experienced team members; teaching improved processes; mentoring team members
- Executes company’s best practice, methodologies to ensure deliverables and results will be the highest quality possible
- Continuously updates job knowledge by studying state-of-the-art development tools techniques
- Participates in annual and periodical 360 degree performance review
- Reporting to Development Manager
- 3+ years of IT experience, with 2+ years in Software Development
- Familiar with Software Development Life Cycle
- Min. Diploma in Computer Studies or related field
- Strong command of English, verbal and literal
- Strong programming skills, Java and .NET is preferred
- Familiar with application design using UML modeling
- Understands Design Patterns and Version Control
- Knowledge in Spring, Hibernate, myBatis, .NET, ASP, XML, HTML, Web Services is additional points
- Quality minded, strong analytical skills, smart worker, able to work with people of all levels.

Java Programmer (PJI-Java)
- Develops, enhances, debugs, bug-fixes software applications. May involve diverse development platforms, S/W. H/W, technologies and tools
- Participates in design, development, and implementation of complex applications, often using new technologies
- Reporting to Development Lead.
- Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply
- At least Diploma in Computer Studies or related field
- Good English, verbal and literal
- Have experience in developing software applications
- Understand the UML modeling, SQL, and database design
- Knowledge in Java Enterprise, JSP, Spring, Hibernate, myBatis, .NET, ASP, XML, HTML, Web Services is additional points
- Quality minded, smart worker, quick learner, works under minimal supervision, team player.

Java Technologist Development Program (JTDP)
- Single, max. 25 years old
- Has strong interest and passion of Information Technology especially software programming
- Graduate from a well-known institution / university majoring Computer Science, Information Technology field, Mathematics, Engineering and equivalent
- Fast learner, team player and result oriented
- Pleasant personality and good communication skill
- Willing to not married during one year program period
- Willing to attend our Technical Training program for one year

If you meet the above qualifications, please send us your application with comprehensive resume in English, education certificate, academic transcript and photo, putting the position code (mentioned in bracket) in the subject of your email to:

Please open our website for further information:
Only short-listed qualified candidates will be processed.

Lowongan Pekerjaan Tahun 2014 : Many Jobs in Jatis Group. TAGS: Jatis Group, java programmer, Software Test Manager, software tester

Handbags reviews and advice for best reference

Lowongan Drafter ME dan Administrasi Project PT. Betralin Arba Mulia

PT. Betralin Arba Mulia adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang jasa konstruksi Mekanikal dan Elektrikal membutuhkan:

1. DRAFTER, Pria
Pendidikan minimal: STM/SMA
Kemampuan : Mampu membaca gambar dan menggambar autocad instalasi elektrikal dan mekanikal.
Pengalaman: Minimal 1 tahun

Pendidikan minimal: STM/SMA
Kemampuan : Mampu mengoperasikan komputer MS Office (exel, word, dll )
Pengalaman: Minimal 1 tahun

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan :

Diisi dengan tanggung jawab pekerjaan.

- Menyelesaikan tugas gambar instalasi sampai selesai proyek.
- Mengikuti perkembangan situasi instalasi untuk shop drawing dan as built drawing
- dll

- melakukan administrasi proyek, memantau dan mengurus kebutuhan material proyek, membuat laporan administrasi. Dll

Persyaratan Pengalaman :

Contoh : Pengalaman minimal 1 tahuni

Keahlian :

Diisi dengan keahlian yang dibutuhkan, contoh :
Untuk Drafter:
- Menggambar elektrikal mekanikal, software autocad
- Menguasai Microsoft Office
- Dll

Untuk Administrasi:
Menguasai Microsoft Office

Kualifikasi :

Diisi dengan kualifikasi pekerjaan, contoh :
-Drafter : Pria
-Administrasi Project: Pria/Wanita,

Kualifikasi umum:
- Usia 22– 35 tahun
- Jujur dan teliti
- Dll

Silahkan Login untuk bisa melamar pekerjaan ini.. Jika anda belum memiliki account, registrasi terlebih dahulu sebagai pencari kerja disini

Electronics product reviews and advice for best reference

Lowongan Kerja United Tractors

United TractorUnited Tractors was established in 13 October 1972 as exclusive distributor of Komatsu heavy equipment in Indonesia. In 19 September 1989, the Company went public and listed its shares in Jakarta and Surabaya Stock Exchange as PT United Tractors Tbk (UNTR), with PT Astra International Tbk as the majority shareholder. Aside of being the largest distributor of heavy equipment in the country, the Company also plays an active role in the field of mining contracting and has recently ventured into coal mining business. The three major business units are known as Construction Machinery, Mining Contracting and Mining.

Business Consultant

As a sales, Business Consultant promote, canvas, and also manage and monitor all direct sales to customer.
In other hand, Business Consultant has responsibility to provide the best solution in all sales activities according to the customer needs and market development.


- Max. 26 years old
- Bachelor Degree (S1) All Major [Engineering and Economic are recommended] from reputable university
- Min. GPA 3.00
- Fluency in English (oral & written)
- Dynamic presentation & communication skill
- Tough, strong leadership and team player
- Must be willing to assigned throughout Indonesia

Subject : WEB_BC

Parts Sales Support
The best candidates will be :

- Do excellent service for existing accounts, obtains orders, and establishes new accounts by planning and organizing daily work schedule to call on existing or potential new sales and business opportunity.
- Do excellent service for existing accounts, obtains orders, and establishes new accounts potential in parts sales and support.
- Ensure parts product support guarantee and maintain effectiveness and long relationship with customer

Should you interested, please apply here not later than November 30th, 2014

PT. United Tractors, Tbk tidak bekerjasama dengan biro perjalanan apapun dan tidak melakukan pungutan biaya apapun dalam proses seleksi/ rekrutmen. --- Update :

Label di »» business consultant | d3 | pertambangan | s1 | seluruh indonesia | united tractors

Product reviews and advice for best reference

Lowongan Kerja Tiki - JNE

JNETiki Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir or JNE Was established in 1990 and initiated its presence through serving the people in the field of customs, especially import over time-sensitive shipment by incorporating “rush handling’ warehouse.

JNE’s Service reliability, which is consistent and accountable for more than two decade has created high credibility as well as trust among the business partners, which keep increasing. Increment of foreign investement in the 90s, domestic economic growth, development of information technology as well as innovative product diversification, has purshed JNE to keep growing and prove its performance in the business environment as well as Indonesian Communities.

In line with the development of business world and changes in the modern community lifestyle, request for time-sensitive shipment handling has been no longer limited to small packages and documents. Rather, it also includes cargo handling, transportation, logistics and distribution. Realizing the said challenges and opportunities, JNE keep on developing its network from big cities down to all remote areas of Indonesia. At present, supported by thousands of trained Human Resources, JNE has successfully established more than 1,500 points or service spread all over the country.

Reinforcement of Human Resources and utilization of technology, information and communication becomes the main factor in developing JNE. X-Ray mechine, GPS, CCTV, On-line system up to satellite Communication Device has been the important supporting device in creating the absolute shipment speed and security. Achievement and commitment of JNE is proven through winning of different kinds of awards as ISO 9001:2008 Certification upon the quality management system

We are currently looking for candidates who have core competency: Achievement Orientation, Integrated and Customer Service Orientation for this following position :

STAFF HUMAN CAPITAL - Closing date : 14 November 2014

Responsibilities :

The process of recruitment, placement, employee assessment and data collection
Employees with accurate data collectionConducting Coaching EmployeesNothing responsible and EmployeesThe process of payment of salaries, allowances, calculation of the employee's annual salary adjustments
Employee Salary Payment on timePayment of employee benefits in a timely mannerMonthly Report for all employees in a timely manner (Recap Branch)Administration and Filling Documentation
Confidentiality CompanyMaintain neatness, accuracy and historical employee dataRequirements :
Education minimum D3 preferably S1 PsychologyMaximum age 34 years oldMinimum 2 years experience in their fieldHealthy Physical & SpiritualHave a good spirit of teamworkHas the nature of CommunicativeAble to work under pressureAble to operate Ms. Office (Word, Excel, PPT)Procedure :
Written application and CV to the mail sent to :
and CC to :

STAFF SALES CORPORATE - Closing date : 11 November 2014

Responsibilities :
JNE to prospective customers Promoting CorporateFinding prospective customer to be a corporate customerPrepare sales kits (company profile, price list, etc)Make an appointment with the pic in the company's authorizedFollow up backSigned a cooperation agreement in the form CCRFProviding the best service to customersMonthly reports related to the WorkCreating a progress report of work didepartemennyaCoordinated with the head office or other branches in accordance with the functions dutiesResponsible for the maintenance of infrastructure at unit WorkRequirements :
Men / WomenAge maximum 29 yearsEducation minimum D3 any fieldMinimum 2 years experience in their fieldsHealthy physical and spiritualHaving a good team work spiritHaving the ability to analyze the market, selling, market segmentation and promotionHaving a networking / insightHas the nature of communicativeAble to work under pressureProcedure :
Written application and CV to the mail sent to :
and CC to :

Product reviews and advice for best reference

Lowongan Kerja Manambang Muara Enim

Manambang Muara EnimPT Manambang Muara Enim, an integrated business solution in COAL MINING industry, covering coal mining, coal concession development, coal trading and shipping. We focus on Integrated Mining Management & Operation Services, highly use of advanced technologies by adopting one stop solution as its business strategy.
In order to achieve our dreams, we are seeking high qualified candidates to join our dynamic working environment. If you are a motivated high achiever person, you are welcomed to apply for the following positions :

Operation & Engineering Superintendent (OESPT)

Qulifications :
• Male, 33 - 37 years old.
• Bachelor degree in Mining Engineering, Geology or related discipline. GPA 2.80 / 4.00
• Minimum 5 year experiences in the same position at coal mining.
• Comprehensive knowledge of mining management principles and practices (good mining practices).
• Hold a POP Mining Indonesia Competency Certificate. Hold a POM and POU Certificate would be highly valued.
• Comprehensive knowledge in mining software such as Autocad, Minescape, Xpac, Minex, etc.
• Good knowledge in mining principles, mine design concepts, mining method, mine evaluation and equipment performance analysis.
• Good knowledge in coal geology
• Good knowledge in integrated drainage system, mine infrastructure and stockpile management
• Good knowledge in mining regulations and reporting
• Good in leadership and communication, with interpersonal and organizational skills.
• Strong commitment to SHE.
• Willing to be located at Muara Enim, South Sumatera.

Responsibilites :
• Monitoring all coal production operation to meet target considering effective, effeciency as a highly safety commitment.
• Coordinating and supervision to mining people and mining service contractors.
• To ensure coal getting and overburden removal will provide safe working conditions and achieved the maximum recovery of coal with minimum dilution
• To ensure all the drainage system and its environment impacts are controllable
• To ensure smooth activities in pit, waste dump and stockpile
• To ensure all of unit set-up and manpower set-up in mining operation are good performances conditions
• Manage and implemented short term and long term mine plan.
• Will report all the mine operation to the Senior Site Manager regarding the mining performance and its evaluation.
• Will preparing all the data for engineering cost control
• Daily, weekly and monthly planning, evaluation and reporting mining activities
• Will assist for preparation of official reporting to government

Safety Supervisor/Senior Foreman (SHESF)

Qulifications :
• Male, 30 - 35 years old.
• Bachelor degree in Mining Engineering or related discipline. GPA 2.75 / 4.00
• Minimum 5 years experience in the same position from mining company.
• Excellent understanding about Safety Analysis,
• Hold a POP Mining Indonesia competency certificate. Hold a POM certificate will be a plus.
• Hold a K3 Umum Indonesia Competency Certificate.
• Fluent in English both spoken & written.
• Excellent experience and general knowledge on basic safety, plant safety design (in coal mining field).
• Good knowledge to monitoring all the equipments activities and its basic procedure usage
• Good leadership with interpersonal and organizational skills.
• Good knowledge in all the safety reports needed in mining field
• Willing to be located at Jakarta and travelling to our job site.
• Candidates should be from South Sumatera (Muara Enim and Lahat districts are preferred)

Responsibilities :
• Create all the SHE programs in job site.
• Will managed all the safety activities
• Make sure all of safety programs clearly to implemented.

Coal Quality Control Foreman (QCSF)

Qulifications :
• Male, maximum of 30 years old.
• Bachelor degree in Mining Engineering, Geology or related discipline with GPA 3.00 / 4.00, and with 3 years minimum experience in coal quality control
• S1 or D3 degree in mining or geology study, with 5 years minimum experience in coal quality control and 3 years minimum experience in coal mining
• Good knowledge in coal geology
• Good knowledge in coal sampling technique and procedure (pit and stockpile samples and disturbed or undisturbed samples)
• Good knowledge in coal quality control and quality assurance management.
• Good knowledge in stockpile management and mine geology engineering
• Comprehensive knowledge in mining software such as Autocad, Minescape, Xpac, Minex, etc.
• Good leadership with interpersonal and organizational skills
• Candidates should be from South Sumatera (Muara Enim and Lahat are preferred)

Responsibilities :
• Prepare coal samples to analyze.
• Managed routine coal sampling and guidance services for front line people
• Managed and supervise all the procedure needed to prevent parting and other impurities materials in pit based on SOP
• Managed and supervise all the procedure needed in stockpile activities based on stockpile SOP
• Will assist mine geologist and all mine operation in pit
• Will assist mine mapping and exploration activities if needed Monitor production activity to have good quality coal.

Procurement Administration (PROC)

Qulifications :
• Female, maximum of 30 years old.
• Bachelor degree in Engineering / Accounting.
• Minimum 2 years experience in the same position from mining company.
• Good knowledge about material (electrical, furniture, civil, etc…)
• Good knowledge about material prices.
• Excellent skill to dealing with vendors
• Fluent in English both spoken & written.
• Good interpersonal and organizational skills.
• Will be located in Jakarta, willing to travelling to our job site as needed

Responsibilities :
• Receiving and processing any purchase requisition accordance with the procedure
• Create & monitoring selling contract
• Coordinate with expediter & logistic for delivery material
• Monitoring purchasing & procurement process until it’s closing.

Coal Logistic & Trucking Management (CLTM)

• Male 25-40 years old
• Bachelor Degree in any major
• Minimum 2 years experience in coal logistic in stockpile.
• Good communication, negotiation skill, and reporting system.
• Work in detail, time manageable and target oriented.
• Candidates should be from South Sumatera (Muara Enim and Lahat are preferred)

• Control, manage and supervise coal logistic arrival from site stockpile to trucking stockpile.
• Control, manage and supervise coal moving from stockpile to loading train
• Control and monitor overall coal transport process to ensure handling process are meet the safety requirements and as per standard procedures.
• Administer all documents and report all in and out coal from stockpile
• Monitor and control stockpile space to receive coal from site
• Coordination with Distamben to create SKAB, etc
• Establish and maintain relationship and communication with local community and local government in order to keep peace and harmonious relationship.

“Qualified candidates with strong expertise background are welcomed to apply”
Please indicate the code you are applying and send your complete CV to :

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PT Ezyprint Indonesia bergerak di bidang Percetakan membutuhkan beberapa tenaga untuk menempati posisi sebagai Staff Customer Service

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan :

- bertanggung jawab menangani panggilan incoming dan outgoing
- membuat penawaran ke pelanggan
- membantu proses layanan kepada pelanggan
- Memantau proses layanan kepada pelanggan
- korespondensi dengan pelanggan

Persyaratan Pengalaman :

Pengalaman minimal 2 thn di bidang Customer Service atau Telemarketing

Keahlian :

- Microsoft Words, Excel, Power point
- Kemampuan berkomunikasi dan interpesonal yang baik
- Berbahasa Inggris adalah nilai tambah
- Mempunyai orientasi pelayanan kepada pelanggan dan terbiasa berinteraksi dengan pelanggan

Kualifikasi :

_ Wanita
- Usia maksimal 30 thn
- Pekerja keras
- Dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan
- Mudah beradpatasi dan bekerja sama dengan tim
- Kemampuan problem solving yang baik
- Kemampuan belajar dengan cepat

Silahkan Login untuk bisa melamar pekerjaan ini.. Jika anda belum memiliki account, registrasi terlebih dahulu sebagai pencari kerja disini

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Lowongan Kerja Asuransi Astra Buana

Asuransi Astra BuanaASTRA INSURANCE (PT Asuransi Astra Buana) is the Indonesian market leader for General Insurance industry, subsidiary of PT Astra International Tbk. We are committed to giving the best solutions, tailor-made to perfectly match our clients' insurance needs. Covering award-winning retail brands such as Garda Oto and Commercial Insurance products, our branches can be found in major cities all over Indonesia.

We believe that people play the star role in our business. At Astra Insurance, we've created a dynamic and stimulating workplace where creative individuals can achieve their goals, both professionally and personally. If you are a smart, active, passionate, and driven professional, we invite you to realize your potential and grow together with us to bring "peace of mind to millions"

Information Technology Staff
We challenge such individuals to join our team to be an IT Professional in Software Development, Project Management, Business Analyst, Software Quality Control and IT Architect.

Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor Degree from Computer Science, Information System or equivalentMinimum GPA 3.0 of 4.0Dynamic and exhibits strong leadership potential in organizational activitiesPassionate in creating improvements in a dynamic and fast-paced working environmentPassionate and self-motivated with strong interpersonal and analytical skillsExecellent command in EnglishPlacement in our Head OfficeYou can apply by sending your comprehensive resume (max 200 kb) to: (subject : IT_DEV)

Submit your CV not later than Monday, 17 November 2014 --- Update :

Label di »» asuransi | Asuransi Astra Buana | jakarta | management trainee | s1

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Lowongan Kerja Rekind WorleyParsons

Rekind WorleyParsonsRekind WorleyParsons, a Joint Operation between two big companies in Engineering, Procurement & Construction (WorleyParsons and PT Rekayasa Industri) which runs a multimillion dollar contract with Chevron Pacific Indonesia.

WorleyParsons and its 50/50 joint venture partner PT Rekayasa Industri have been awarded a significant Improve contract by PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia. The contract is for the supply of overall program management, engineering and construction management services for Chevron’s oilfield assets spread through the middle of Sumatra. The contract will provide estimated revenue of USD180 million to the joint venture partners over its

Rekind WorleyParsons is looking for candidates with relevant skills and experiences in EPC industry :

Work Location: Jakarta

• Lead and supervise Contractors activities in development of deliverables in process engineering discipline during Contract period.
• Serve as SME (subject matter expert) in process engineering discipline during Contract period, including utilizing Contractors corporate internal and/or external professional networking as necessary
• Implement QA/QC plan including internal squad check process for process discipline deliverables, prior to submission to Company
• Interface with relevant professional organizations to get information on “state of the art” technologies/knowledge on process engineering discipline during performance of Engineering Services
• Report to and assist Superintendent Engineering for execution of Off-site and On-site Engineering Services during the Contract period.

• Minimum education is to possess an engineering degree (S1) or equivalent.
• The candidate shall have minimum 15 years working experience in process engineering discipline works for oil & gas or petrochemical handling projects and/or facilities, with 10 years of which at senior dan lead position. Furthermore, several years of which shall cover following aspects:
o Minimum experience as Lead Process Engineer for EPC or ECM or EB contracts for oil & gas or petrochemical industries in the last 5 years.
o Minimum 5 years working experience outside of his/her home country, in supervising a group of process engineering discipline personnel from various levels (e.g. senior design engineers, design engineers, 3D designers, designers, drafters, etc.) with diverse nationalities.
o Alternative for Article (b) above for Group III National only, minimum 8 years working experience with multi-national companies in Indonesia or minimum 8 years working experience in Indonesia on projects for multi-national companies with regular interface with the clients, in supervising a group of process engineering discipline personnel from various levels (e.g. senior design engineers, design engineers, designers, drafters, etc.) with diverse nationalities.
• The candidate shall have thorough knowledge on the process engineering discipline and broad knowledge on various aspects, such as: process engineering software (refer to Attachment A5), internationally recognized engineering codes & standards, etc.
• The candidate shall have extensive experience in facilitating and/or supporting HAZOPS and VIPs sessions, such as: Value Engineering, etc.
• The candidate shall have strong supervisory capability and high skills for facilitation & coordination, mentoring & coaching and networking.

Work Location: Jakarta

Roles and Responsibilities
• Prepare and complete process engineering design, coordinate Contractors activities in development of process engineering deliverables.
• Provide technical consultation for Facility construction and commissioning, if its required to support Companys related projects
• Work closely with Companys user(s) during review sessions of deliverables
• Provide mentoring on related process engineering aspects to Contractors Process Engineers to enhance their competency to provide risk management (safety and reliability) services to the various RekindWorleyParsons Safety & Risk Management clients.
• To be responsible to the performance of projects assigned to both in terms of technical capability and also commercial performance of the project.
• To promote RekindWorleyParsons Safety & Risk Management to clients to achieve follow-on work with existing clients and new work with prospective clients.

Qualification of Personnel
• Minimum education is to possess an engineering degree (S1) or equivalent.
• The candidate shall have minimum 8 years working experience in process engineering works for oil & gas or petrochemical handling projects and/or facilities, with minimum 3 years of which at senior engineer position.
• Address and co-ordinate safety in Design requirements.
• Perform Inherent Safety Review.
• Knowledge of HAZOP workshops, Fire & Explosion Analysis, Fire Protection related studies and Formal Safety assessments.
• Identify Safety Critical Element & Performance Standards.
• Identify Design Requirements for Safety Systems.
• Perform Risk Assessment Studies including QRA, FERA, ESSA, F&G, Dropped Object,
• Perform Loss Prevention Studies includes Hazardous Area Classification, EERA.
• Perform fire water system design including fire water demand calculations and steady-state fire water network hydraulic modelling
• Have a sound understanding of Active and Passive Fire Protection Design
• Estimation of work scopes & CTR.
• The candidate shall have thorough knowledge on process engineering and be proficient with related baseline software (refer to Attachment A5) and codes/standards.
• The candidate shall have high mentoring & coaching skills.

Work Location: Jakarta

• Prepare and complete discipline engineering design, coordinate Contractors activities in development of related discipline engineering deliverables
• Provide technical consultation for Facility construction and commissioning, if its required by Company to support Companys related projects.
• Work closely with Companys user(s) during review sessions of deliverables.
• Provide mentoring on related engineering discipline aspects to Contractors Design Engineers to enhance their competency.

• Minimum education is to possess an engineering degree (S1) or equivalent.
• The candidate shall have minimum 8 years working experience in related engineering discipline works for oil & gas or petrochemical handling projects and/or facilities, with minimum 3 years of which at senior engineer position.
• The candidate shall have thorough knowledge on related engineering discipline and be proficient with related baseline software (refer to Attachment A5) and codes/standards.
• For piping discipline, the candidate shall have sufficient experience in implementing 3D modeling for piping design and familiar with 3D baseline software (PDMS and Naviswork Review).
The candidate shall have high mentoring & coaching skills.

Work Location: Jakarta

• Prepare and complete discipline engineering design, coordinate Contractors activities in development of related discipline engineering deliverables
• Provide technical consultation for Facility construction and commissioning, if its required by Company to support Companys related projects.
• Work closely with Companys user(s) during review sessions of deliverables.
• Provide mentoring on related engineering discipline aspects to Contractors Design Engineers to enhance their competency.

• Minimum education is to possess an engineering degree (S1) or equivalent.
• The candidate shall have minimum 8 years working experience in related engineering discipline works for oil & gas or petrochemical handling projects and/or facilities, with minimum 3 years of which at senior engineer position.
• The candidate shall have thorough knowledge on related engineering discipline and be proficient with related baseline software (refer to Attachment A5) and codes/standards.
• For mechanical discipline, the candidate shall have suficient experience in providing technical specification & datasheet for procurement process, both for static or rotating equipment, and familiar with all associated codes & standards, such as: API610, API676, ASME-VIII Division 1/2, API650, etc.
• The candidate shall have high mentoring & coaching skills.

Work Location: Jakarta

Roles and Responsibilities
• Prepare and complete development of related discipline engineering deliverables.
• Provide technical consultation for Facility construction and commissioning, if its required by Company to support Companys related projects.
• Work closely with Companys user(s) during review sessions of deliverables.

Qualification of Personnel
• Minimum education is to possess an engineering degree (S1) or equivalent.
• The candidate shall have minimum 3 years working experience in related engineering discipline works for oil & gas or petrochemical handling projects and/or facilities.
• The candidate shall have adequate knowledge on respective engineering discipline and capable to utilize with related baseline software (refer to Attachment A5) and codes/standards.

6. DESIGN ENGINEER PIPING (Layout and Material)
Work Location: Jakarta

Roles and Responsibilities
• Prepare and complete development of related discipline engineering deliverables.
• Provide technical consultation for Facility construction and commissioning, if its required by Company to support Companys related projects.
• Work closely with Companys user(s) during review sessions of deliverables.

Qualification of Personnel
• Minimum education is to possess an engineering degree (S1) or equivalent.
• The candidate shall have minimum 3 years working experience in related engineering discipline works for oil & gas or petrochemical handling projects and/or facilities.
• The candidate shall have adequate knowledge on respective engineering discipline and capable to utilize with related baseline software (refer to Attachment A5) and codes/standards.

Work Location: Jakarta

Roles and Responsibilities
• Prepare and complete development of related discipline engineering deliverables.
• Provide technical consultation for Facility construction and commissioning, if its required by Company to support Companys related projects.
• Work closely with Companys user(s) during review sessions of deliverables.

Qualification of Personnel
• Minimum education is to possess an engineering degree (S1) or equivalent.
• The candidate shall have minimum 3 years working experience in related engineering discipline works for oil & gas or petrochemical handling projects and/or facilities.
• The candidate shall have adequate knowledge on respective engineering discipline and capable to utilize with related baseline software and codes/standards.

Work Location: Jakarta

Roles and Responsibilities
• Development of design drawings by using CADD in accordance with their function and objective as directed by Contractors Designer.

Qualification of Personnel
• Minimum education is to possess an engineering diploma degree (D3) or equivalent, with 2 years working experience or senior high school graduate (SMU) with 4 years working experience, both in design drafting by using CADD.
• Minimum 1 year of which (with D3 degree) or 2 years of which (for SMU graduate), working for oil & gas or petrochemical handling projects and/or facilities.
• The candidate shall be skilled to use CADD baseline software: Intergraph Microstation version 8i.

Work Location: Jakarta

Roles and Responsibilities
• Development of design drawings by using CADD in accordance with their function and objective as directed by Contractors Designer.

Qualification of Personnel
• Minimum education is to possess an engineering diploma degree (D3) or equivalent, with 2 years working experience or senior high school graduate (SMU) with 4 years working experience, both in design drafting by using CADD.
• Minimum 1 year of which (with D3 degree) or 2 years of which (for SMU graduate), working for oil & gas or petrochemical handling projects and/or facilities.
• The candidate shall be skilled to use CADD baseline software: Intergraph Microstation version 8i.

All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for further process. If you find that your skill meet the requirement please send your resume in PDF to & with the title of applied position as email subject. Please dont attach other document besides your own resume.

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Marketing / Sales Executive

1. Kunjungan ke customer existing dan pelihara hubungan / komunikasi intensif yang berjadwal.
2. Memperkenalkan produk wallpaper melalui katalog ke toko toko baru.

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan :

- Memelihara relasi dengan toko yg sudah terjalin
- Mengoptimalkan pembelian customer yg terdaftar
- Mencari tambahan customer toko

Persyaratan Pengalaman :

Lebih disukai yg berpengalaman marketing min 1 th.

Keahlian :

- Mengutamakan Safety driving 2 roda
- Mudah bergaul / menyesuaikan pembicaraan dengan customer.
- Mengetahui seluk beluk daerah jalan seputaran jabodetabek
- Tidak mudah menyerah, positif thinking, Ulet

Kualifikasi :

Pria / Wanita
maksimal 28 Tahun
Memiliki SIM C
Memiliki Motor sendiri
Mengutamakan kejujuran
Supel , Rapih dan Menarik

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Lowongan Kerja Pertamina (Persero)

PertaminaPertamina (was Perusahaan Pertambangan Minyak dan Gas Bumi Negara, lit. 'State Oil and Natural Gas Mining Company') is an Indonesian state-owned oil and natural gas corporation based in Jakarta. Pertamina was created in August 1968 by the merger of Pertamin (established 1961) and Permina (established 1957). The firm is currently (2013) the second-largest crude oil producer in Indonesia behind the US-based Chevron Pacific Indonesia. In 2013 for the first time, Pertamina ranked no. 122 in the Fortune Global 500 list of companies with revenues totalling to $70.9 billion[4] , Pertamina is also the sole Indonesian company to be featured in the list.

Asisten HSE Manager ( K3LL/01 )

Job Description
1. Melaksanakan sosialisasi keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja kepada seluruh personil di lingkungan proyek.
2. Melaksanakan pembuatan, pemasangan dan pemeliharaan rambu-rambu keselamatan kerja, serta petunjuk lalu lintas dan poster – poster kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja di lokasi proyek.
3. Menyusun laporan dan melakukan observasi keselamatan kerja termasuk pemberian ijin kerja
4. Merencanakan, melaksanakan , melaporkan , pemantauan dan menanggulangi terhadap kualitas lingkungan dan kualitas limbah dari aspek fisika, kimia dan biologi serta sosekbud sesuai dokumen RKL/RPL terkait serta evaluasi terhadap syarat baku mutu sesuai peraturan / ketentuan.
5. Merencakan dan mengawasi reboisasi pada lahan–lahan kritis terutama pada area pemboran pada lokasi proyek.
6. Melaporkan setiap kejadian gangguan terhadap alam / lingkungan .
7. Melakukan kegiatan sosialisasi yang dapat menumbuhkan sikap peduli lingkungan
8. Bertanggung jawab melakukan review dan approval studi HAZOP atas fasilitas produksi dan atau PLTP yang dibangun.
9. Bertanggung jawab terhadap hasil HAZOP (Hazard and Operatibility Study) PLTP dan steam gathering system.
10. Menentukan dan memberikan alat keselamatan kerja kepada yang berhak menerimanya.
11. Monitoring peralatan di lingkungan proyek untuk diadakan pengecekan ulang sehubungan ijin penggunaan alat mempunyai batas kalibrasi.
12. Menghentikan kegiatan operasi perusahaan yang menyalahi atau bertentangan dengan kaidah-kaidah Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja serta kelaikan operasi peralatan.
13. Menyiapkan/mengesahkan prosedur-prosedur sebagai acuan kegiatan kontrol kualitas a.l. :
- Prosedur inspeksi bengkel/shop
- Prosedur inspeksi lapangan
- Prosedur keselamatan

Job Requirement
Pendidikan :
- Minimal S1 Teknik/ Lingkungan / K3

Kemampuan dan Kompetensi:
- Menguasai dan memahami Safe Work Practice serta Environmental Management System & OHSAS
- Familiar melakukan Risk Assessment
- Mampu berbahasa Inggris (lisan dan tertulis), TOEFL Score Min. 500

- Pengalaman kerja minimal 10 tahun di bidang Healthy & Safety Proyek Panas Bumi / Migas / Energi lainnya.

Lokasi Penempatan :
- Proyek Lumut Balai, Kabupaten Muara Enim, Provinsi Sumatera Selatan
- Proyek Karaha, Kabupaten Tasikmalaya, Provinsi Jawa Barat
Status Kepegawaian : Contract Employee (Pekerja Waktu Tertentu)

Safety Engineer ( K3LL/02 )

Job Description
1. Mengawasi pelaksanaan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja, pencegahan dan penanggulangan kebakaran sesuai prosedur Health & Safety dan ketentuan / peraturan pemerintah
2. Mengawasi ijin kerja yang berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan proyek
3. Mengawasi Safety Talks, Safety Campaign, Safety Work practice, jasa konsultasi Healty & Safety bagi semua pekerja proyek
4. Melakukan pengawasan kebutuhan fasilitas sarana Keselamatan Kerja dan menyiapkan “safety hour” report.
5. Mengklarifikasi dokumen Safety Procedure, Safety Engneering dan Prosedur Keadaan Darurat sesuai Standard & Code termasuk rekomendasi asuransi dan pemasangan sarana Healty & Safety
6. Melaksanakan strategi dari kegiatan kontruksi dalam bidang Healt & Safety proyek untuk mencapai target yang telah ditetapkan didalam Key Performance Index (KPI)

Job Requirement
Pendidikan :
- Minimal S1 Teknik/ Lingkungan / K3

Kemampuan dan Kompetensi:
- Menguasai dan memahami Safe Work Practice serta Environmental Management System & OHSAS
- Familiar melakukan Risk Assessment
- Mampu berbahasa Inggris (lisan dan tertulis), TOEFL Score Min. 500

- Pengalaman kerja minimal 10 tahun di bidang Healthy & Safety Proyek Panas Bumi / Migas / Energi lainnya.

Lokasi Penempatan :
- Proyek Lahendong, Kabupaten Minahasa, Provinsi SuLawesi Utara
- Proyek Kamojang, Kabupaten Garut, Provinsi Jawa Barat
Status Kepegawaian : Contract Employee (Pekerja Waktu Tertentu)

Detail lowongan (job desc, requirement, dll) dapat dilihat di

PT PERTAMINA GE sama sekali tidak memungut biaya apapun dalam proses rekrutmen ini. Apabila ada oknum yang mengatasnamakan Pertamina dan menjanjikan sesuatu dengan imbalan tertentu, harap melaporkan kepada Contact Pertamina di telepon 500-000 atau email:

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