Saturday, August 30, 2014


The City Hall Club is a private, member only club offering the finest facilities in Medan. The club is established exclusively for professional business leaders and their families. It allows company directors and CEO’s the opportunity to meet, network, attend seminars and lecturers or just simply relax and enjoy the pristine surroundings. The club is also a perfect place for family gathering where families can enjoy the extensive offering in a relaxed environment.

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan :

1. Job Summary

• Communicate key messages, often using third party endorsements, define target audiences in order to establish and maintain goodwill and understanding between the club and its public.

2. Job Tasks (Duties)

• Liaising with and answering enquiries from media, members and other organisations
• Researching, writing, and distributing press releases to targeted media
• Collating and analysing media coverage on the club
• Preparing and supervising the production of publicity newsletters, handouts, promotional videos, photographs, films, multimedia programmes and the distributions of all those materials
• Creating events and promotions for the club
• Supporting events including press conferences, exhibitions, weddings, birthdays, meetings; etc
• Maintaining and updating information on the organisation’s social media
• Sourcing and managing speaking and sponsorship opportunities
• Fostering member relations through events
• Managing the PR aspect of a potential crisis situation

Persyaratan Pengalaman :

Having experience minimum 1 year in the same position, preferably experienced in Hospitality Industry.

Keahlian :

1. Able to speak Hokkien
2. Good communication skills and people oriented.
3. Good English skills both oral and written
4. Computer literate

Kualifikasi :

1. Female
2. Age between 23 – 28 years old
3. God performance
4. Ability to work under pressure and with minor supervision.

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Lowongan Kerja Brantas Energi (Persero)

Brantas EnergiPT Brantas Energi (Persero) merupakan anak perusahaan dari PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) yang bergerak di Investment dengan berbagai proyek dibidang PLTMH (Pembangkit Listrik Mini Hydro).

Dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan pegawai sesuai Rencana Kerja & Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) dan Rencana Jangka Panjang Perusahaan (RJPP), Kami dari Panitia Seleksi Penerimaan Pegawai PT Brantas Energi membuka kesempatan untuk putra-putri terbaik bangsa agar dapat berperan serta aktif dalam pembangunan Indonesia dengan bergabung bersama kami, untuk menduduki posisi berikut:

Staf Teknik Sipil
Pria, berusia Maksimal 27 thn (per tanggal 01 Juni 2014) dan Belum Menikah.Berijazah Strata Satu (S1) Teknik Sipil (minimal IPK: 2,75) dengan jurusan:-Teknik Sipil.Pendaftaran dibuka mulai tanggal 21 Agustus sampai dgn 20 September 2014 Pukul: 24.00 wib.Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja di Indonesia. Staf Teknik
Pria, berusia maksimal 27 thn (per tanggal 01 Juni 2014) dan belum menikah.Berijazah strata satu (S1) Teknik Sipil (minimal IPK: 2,75) dengan jurusan: Teknik Pengairan.Berijazah strata satu (S1) Teknik Listrik (minimal IPK: 2,75) dengan jurusan: Arus KuatPendaftaran dibuka mulai tanggal 21 Agustus sampai dgn 20 September 2014 Pukul: 24.00 wib.Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja di Indonesia.Segala proses penerimaan pegawai hanya melalui website resmi PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero), dan kami tidak melayani kiriman lamaran melalui sarana lain selain alamat website dibawah ini dengan cara mengisi formulir pendaftaran yang telah disediakan. --- Update : Label di »» brantas abipraya | brantas energi | bumn | pembangkit listrik | s1 | seluruh indonesia | technical staff

Product reviews and advice for best reference

Lowongan Design Grafis CV. Radifia Sejahtera


CV. Radifia Sejahtera membuka lowongan bagian :
1. Office Boy
2. Design Grafis

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan :

- Bertanggungjawab pada design promo perusahaan

Persyaratan Pengalaman :

1 tahun

Keahlian :

- Corel
- Photoshop
- Web Design
- Indesign

Kualifikasi :

1. Office Boy :
- Pria
- Muslim
- Niat Bekerja

2. Design Grafis :
- Bisa Corel, Photoshop, Webdesign, Indesign
- Niat Bekerja

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Electronics product reviews and advice for best reference

Lowongan Sales Executive / Marketing (Code : SE) CV. MULIA KENCANA

Terima Kasih untuk ikut menyebarluaskan info ini untuk rekan-rekan Anda yang mungkin memerlukan kesempatan ini.

CV. MULIA KENCANA salah satu supplier makanan Jepang di Jakarta yang selalu berinovasi mau terus memperkuat Super TEAMnya.

Segera melamar HANYA JIKA Anda merasa memenuhi syarat utama :

1. Sales Executive (Code : SE)

1. Pria / Wanita (Max 28 tahun)
2. Minimal pengalaman SALES bidang Makanan 1 Tahun
3. Berpenampilan Menarik dan Professional
4. Ada Motor Sendiri (Ada SIM C)
5. Memiliki kemampuan
6. komunikasi yang baik
7. Good in English
8. Menyukai tantangan ,motivasi tinggi dan mampu bekerja sama sebagai team
9. Mau bekerja keras, gigih, Jujur dan Tanggung Jawab
10. Memiliki kemampuan komputer minimal Ms Excel dan Ms Word
11. Biasa bekerja dibawah tekanan dan target

Di Mulia Kencana kami percaya suasana yang FUN akan membuat kami bekerja lebih optimal. Namun kami serius tentang KESUKSESAN.

Jika Anda tidak hanya ingin sekedar bekerja, namun juga belajar bersama. Kami tunggu resume anda, segera email
Resume+Foto+Gaji Terakhir
(Data Lengkap dan memenuhi syarat yang dipanggil)

email ke
mkakunting@yahoo co id
dan muliakencana8@yahoo co id
(ada titik diantara co id)

sebelum tanggal 15 September 2014.
Ingat untuk menuliskan Job Code + Nama di subject email Anda!

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan :

Mencapai target penjualan pribadi, membuat strategi penjualan yang baik, membuat laporan harian (Pelanggan), membantu keluhan pelanggan, serta menjaga hubungan baik dengan pelanggan.

Persyaratan Pengalaman :

1 Tahun di bidang Makanan (Restoran,Hotel,Catering)

Keahlian :

Kemampuan Negosiasi
Kemampuan Komunikasi yang efektif
Kemampuan Manajemen Waktu yang Baik
Kemampuan Self Motivate

Kualifikasi :

1. Sales Executive (Code : SE)

1. Pria / Wanita (Max 28 tahun)
2. Minimal pengalaman SALES bidang Makanan 1 Tahun
3. Berpenampilan Menarik dan Professional
4. Ada Motor Sendiri (Ada SIM C)
5. Memiliki kemampuan
6. komunikasi yang baik
7. Good in English
8. Menyukai tantangan ,motivasi tinggi dan mampu bekerja sama sebagai team
9. Mau bekerja keras, gigih, Jujur dan Tanggung Jawab
10. Memiliki kemampuan komputer minimal Ms Excel dan Ms Word
11. Biasa bekerja dibawah tekanan dan target

Di Mulia Kencana kami percaya suasana yang FUN akan membuat kami bekerja lebih optimal. Namun kami serius tentang KESUKSESAN.

Jika Anda tidak hanya ingin sekedar bekerja, namun juga belajar bersama. Kami tunggu resume anda, segera email
Resume+Foto+Gaji Terakhir
(Data Lengkap dan memenuhi syarat yang dipanggil)

email ke
mkakunting@yahoo co id
dan muliakencana8@yahoo co id
(ada titik diantara co id)

sebelum tanggal 15 September 2014.
Ingat untuk menuliskan Job Code + Nama di subject email Anda!

Silahkan Login untuk bisa melamar pekerjaan ini.. Jika anda belum memiliki account, registrasi terlebih dahulu sebagai pencari kerja disini

Electronics product reviews and advice for best reference

Lowongan Research & Development Staff – PT. Asiana Bio Grow


PT. Asiana Bio Grow adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang Industri Pupuk. Kami sedang berkembang pesat dan dalam proses perluasan jaringan bisnis. Saat ini kami membutuhkan para profesional muda untuk bergabung dan berkembang bersama kami.

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan :

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan:
- Melakukan riset tentang pertanian & pengolahan Pupuk
Persyaratan Pengalaman: Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun di bidang Pertanian & Pengolahan Pupuk

Persyaratan Pengalaman :

Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun di bidang Pertanian & Pengolahan Pupuk

Keahlian :

•Mengerti tentang pertanian & pengolahan pupuk organik

Kualifikasi :

Kualifikasi: Pria maksimal 23 tahun
• Lulusan SMK Pertanian
• Belum Menikah
• Pengalaman Kerja 1 tahun
• Fresh Graduate dipersilahkan melamar
• Teliti, bertanggung jawab, dan memiliki motivasi kerja dan analisa yang baik, komunikatif dan inovatif
• Bersedia dan suka kerja di lapangan
• Lebih disukai tinggal di sekitar Cikande

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Electronics product reviews and advice for best reference

Lowongan Kerja MDB Coal (Media Djaya Bersama)

Media Djaya BersamaPT. Media Djaya Bersama (MDB) is coal mining company under Reswara Sub Holding Integrated Coal Mining Company of Holding Member ABM Investama under Tiara MargaTrakindo Group. PT Media DjayaBersama (MDB) that fully owns 2 coal-mine concessions located in Aceh province under the name PT Bara Energi Lestari (BEL) that operates in the district of Seunagan and SukaMakmue
, Nagan Raya Regency and PT MifaBersaudara (MIFA) that operates in the Meulaboh District. The total concession areas 4,629 hectares with the total coal resources were estimated to be of 365 million tons.

To continually create meaningful & challenging job opportunities to many Indonesians which is aligned with our aggressive business growth, PT Mifa Bersaudara invites qualified and experienced professional people to join with us for the position of:

Infrastructure Facilities Services Supervisor (Meulaboh)

• Provide design and cost estimation
• Supervise all of work completed on site to ensure the fulfillment of required quality and productivity
• Assist and direct mechanical completion, commissioning and start-up activities of the work plan with all parties to facilitate these activities
• Operate & Maintenance Water Plant Treatment (WTP) & Water Intake
• Maintenance Building Facilities (Mess / Office)
• Implement policies and HSE programs to ensure that all activities in accordance with HSE under Accountability.

• Male, max 35 years old
• Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering with minimum 5 years of experience on civil construction & Maintenance
• Knowledge on national & international standards and the material testing methods
• Experience Water Plant Treatment & Water Intake
• Experience in design & cost estimation
• Placement on site in Meulaboh with roster system (6 weeks work, 2 weeks field break for Non Local Hiring)

Infrastructure Facilities Services Foreman (Meulaboh)

• Provide design and cost estimation
• Assist and direct mechanical completion, commissioning and start-up activities of the work plan with all parties to facilitate these activities
• Operate & Maintenance Water Plant Treatment & Water Intake
• Maintenance Facilities (Mess / Office)

• Male, Max 30 years old
• Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering with minimum 3 years of experience on civil construction & Maintenance
• Knowledge on national & international standards and the material testing methods
• Experience Water Plant Treatment & Water Intake
• Placement on site in Meulaboh with roster system (6 weeks work, 2 weeks field break for Non Local Hiring)

Loading Master Supervisor (Meulaboh)

• Create, propose, direct and evaluate weekly plan for barge loading unit.
• Supervise, control and evaluate the coal loading process to the barge.
• Control, implement and make a report for off the dock and barge in Jetty.
• Supervise and control in/out of barge, sea transportation, navigation process in port area
• Check and control barge eligibility.
• Monitor maintenance of navigational aid, support tools and other shipping equipment at Jetty / dock to meet standards of safety and shipping.
• Implement policies and HSE programs to ensure that all activities in accordance with HSE under Accountability.

• Male, Max. 35 years old
• Degree in Shipping with experience in Barging and Loading is a MUST with min experiences 3 – 5 years in the same positions and industries
• Have a K3 and shipping ANT 3 certificate
• Placement on site in Meulaboh with roster system (6 weeks work, 2 weeks field break for Non Local Hiring)

Budget & Cost Control Coordinator (Jakarta)

• Collection, processing and analysis for data all department
• Prepare & improve template financial modelling
• Review Budget Planning and Consolidated
• Review all mining cost
• Prepare costing and inventory calculation
• Finalized budget (prepare summary, presentation and analysis report)

• Maximum 30 years old
• Bachelor Degree in Finance / Accounting related field with a 3 year in the same field and the same industry and 2 years in coordinator /staff position.
• Familiar with budgeting and cost control
• Placement on Head Office - Jakarta

Please send your application together with a detailed resume including recent color photograph to:

Please note that only short-listed qualified candidates will be contacted for further process.

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Lowongan BA Beauty Advisor ( Cosmetic ) PT HASTA AYU NUSANTARA


BA ( Beauty Advisor ) Cosmetik

Penempatan :
- Puri Indah
- Central Park
- Daan Mogot
- Hero TAman Anggrek
- Citraland
- Kelapa Gading
- Senayan City
- Plaza Senayan
- Gajah Mada
- Kramat Jati Indah
- Karawaci
- Buaran
- Living world
- Pondok Indah

@ Watsons
- Pacifik Place
- Serpong
- Pluit Village

@ Carrefour
- Pluit Village
- Ciledug
- Puri Indah

@ Lottemart Cimone

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan :

Menjadi Konsultan dari Produk
Bertanggung Jawab atas pekerjaan nya
Bersedia Kerja target dan per shift
Berkerja dengan teamwork
Berkomitment dalam pekerjaan

Persyaratan Pengalaman :

Pengalaman Minimal SPG Event

Keahlian :

Bisa Berdandan
Jago Selling

Kualifikasi :

- Wanita
- Usia maks 26
- Jujur dan teliti
- No Behel
- Kulit Bersih tidak berjerawat
- Tinggi min 158 cm
- Berat Badan Proposional

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Electronics product reviews and advice for best reference

Lowongan Kerja Bank BTN (Persero)

Bank BTNPT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk. has a vision to be the leading banks in housing finance. Bank BTN missions is providing superior service in housing finance and related industries, consumer finance and small and medium businesses, increasing competitive advantage through innovative product development, and strategic network-based services and the latest technology.

Bank BTN also prepare and develop quality human capital, professional and high integrity, carry out banking management in accordance with the principles of prudence and good corporate governance to enhance Shareholder Value and care for the interests of society and the environment.

PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk. open the opportunity for those of you who have a passion to excel, friendly, honest, tenacious, thorough and innovative, attractive and good communication skills:


Warga negara indonesiaLaki-laki/perempuanBelum menikahUsia maksimal 24 tahun (belum berulang tahun ke 25 per 31 Desember 2014 )Tinggi badan laki-laki min 165 cm dan perempuan 160 cmBerat badan proporsionalBerpenampilan menarikBersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja Bank BTN di Jawa Tengah, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dan Jawa TimurKUALIFIKASI KHUSUS

a. Minimal Pendidikan D3
b. IPK min 2.75 skala 4.00
c. Semua jurusan

a. Minimal Pendidikan D1
b. IPK min 2.75 skala 4.00
c. Semua jurusan


a. Mengisi seluruh data yang disediakan pada web Bank BTN ( ,Karir,Registrasi online)
untuk kolom upload foto tidak perlu mengupload foto
b. Pendaftaran lamaran online dibuka dari dari tanggal 26 Agustus 2014 s/d 07 September 2014
c. Setiap tahapan seleksi berlaku sistem gugur dan keputusan panitia tidak dapat diganggu gugat
d. Seluruh tahapan seleksi akan diselenggarakan di Kota Surabaya
e. Pengumuman tahapan seleksi akan disampaikan melalui website Bank BTN --- Update :

Label di »» bank | bank btn | bumn | customer service officer | d1 | d3 | teller

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Lowongan Web administrator PT. Galindo media internusa

kami Galeri Musik perusahaan alat musik online yang sedang berkembang membuka lowongan untuk posisi web administrator

syarat: mengerti html,css dan cms,menguasai software pengolah grafis:photoshop,corel dll

min:smk multimedia atau sederajat.

kirimkan surat lamaran ke,atau via pos ke jalan sunter kirana ry blok nb II no9 jakarta utara.

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan :

-mengupdate content website
-design banner u web
-mengelola tampilan website
-membuat banner promosi

Persyaratan Pengalaman :

Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun di bidang web design

Keahlian :

- Mengerti bahasa html,css
- Menguasai photoshop ,corel

Kualifikasi :

- Pria/Wanita,
- Usia 20 – 35 tahun
- niat bekerja

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Electronics product reviews and advice for best reference

Lowongan Staff Customer Service Indovey Pumps, Jakarta Utara

Indovey Pumps, perusahaan Distributor untuk beberapa pompa air merek Internasional saat ini mencari tenaga kerja dalam bidang Customer Service / Staff Admin.

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan :

- Berkemampuan komunikasi & negosiasi dengan baik, berbahasa Indonesia maupun Bahasa Inggris
- Berkemampuan untuk memakai komputer untuk keperluan data entry
- Memiliki pengalaman dalam interaksi yang intensif dengan pelanggan
- Disiplin dan hardworker
- Memiliki pengetahuan teknis / ketertarikan dalam bidang Pompa Air akan lebih baik

Persyaratan Pengalaman :

Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun di bidang Customer Service

Keahlian :

- Berkemampuan komunikasi & negosiasi dengan baik, berbahasa Indonesia maupun Bahasa Inggris
- Berkemampuan untuk memakai komputer untuk keperluan data entry
- Memiliki pengalaman dalam interaksi yang intensif dengan pelanggan
- Disiplin dan hardworker
- Memiliki pengetahuan teknis / ketertarikan dalam bidang Pompa Air akan lebih baik

Kualifikasi :

- Pria
- Usia 20 – 30 tahun
- Jujur dan teliti
- Pendidikan minimal D1/D2/D3 ( fresh graduates are welcome )
- Komputer Literate: Ms Office

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Electronics product reviews and advice for best reference

Lowongan Kerja Rimau Group

Rimau GroupRIMAU GROUP is owner company for coal mining, shipping and trading company. Huge mineable asset drive us to growth our capacity & market expansion. Our long term aspiration to be the integrated & sinergic company is a power to growth in heart of Rimau Group. We wait you to answer our challenge & chance, with proven performance & capacity to grow with vacant below:

Coal Mining : PT. Senamas Energindo Mineral & PT. Rimau Energy Mining
Shipping : PT. Rimau Shipping & PT. Tri Sukses Wanatama
Trading : PT. Tunas Binatama Lestari


1. Min. 35 years old.
2. Min. diploma degree from mechanical/ industrial engineering, or related studies
3. Has experience in related experience at least 3 years.
4. Has strong planning & organizing skill
5. Has good analyzing & calculating skill
6. Understand about K3 principle
7. Excellent interpersonal skill (good communication to leader & follower & teamwork)
8. Oriented to work result & Strong confident.
9. Available three vacant position
10. Will be placed at Central Kalimantan

1. Create maintenance planning & scheduling with related department
2. Preparation & monitor need of part unit maintenance weekly, monthly, and yearly
3. Monitor achievement maintenance monthly
4. Analyzing lead time of job
5. Monitor & control progress of parts blocking needs
6. Analyzing & reporting PA, MTBF, MTTR tools
7. Applied all health, safety, and environmental principle in work
8. Lead & coach fellowership regarding job function


1. Min. 30 years old.
2. Has experience in related experience at least 5 years.
3. Understand use of all component of tools, especially A2B/ DT/ SARANA
4. Has strong planning & organizing skill
5. Has good analyzing & calculating skill
6. Understand about K3 principe.
7. Excellent interpersonal skill (good communication to leader & follower & teamwork)
8. Oriented to work result & Strong confident.
9. Will be placed at Central Kalimantan

1. Prepare tools, shop manual, and parts
2. Do preventive maintenance
3. Do overhaul all component
4. Do troubleshooting


1. Preferable Male
2. Min. 27 years old
3. Min. bachelor degree mine engineering, or relevant studies
4. Min. 3 years experiences in coal processing plant.
5. Able to operate computer and program software
6. Hold the POP license will be advantage
7. Able to communicate effectively with all levels of personnel in an organization
8. Excellent interpersonal and project management skills (good leadership, teamwork, honest and integrity)
9. Creative thinker and hard worker.
10. Will be placed at Central Kalimantan

1. Create production report (daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly)
2. Create work planning and setting unit production
3. Review production target (crushing & loading), and fuel consume
4. Give recommendation to related department regarding field findings that related to production target
5. Create budgeting and operasional cost control
6. Monitor all activity at CPP (through loading), and give appropriate recommendation use environmentally


1. Min. bachelor degree mine engineering.
2. Min. 1 years experiences as geotechnical engineer in coal mining project.
3. Hold the POP license will be advantage
4. Good understand about stone knowledge, hidrogeology & mine planning
5. Able to communicate effectively with all levels of personnel in an organization
6. Excellent interpersonal and project management skills (good leadership, teamwork, honest and integrity)
7. Creative thinker and hard worker.
8. Will be placed at Central Kalimantan

1. Understand all geothectenical damage identified and reported
2. Ensure all monitoring system done accordance SOP and delivered on the time
3. Ensure all data monitoring system collected and analized on the time and communicated to related department
4. Investigate all geotechnical incident and problem, and able to create problem solving
5. Ensure all geology structure mapped, modeled, and collected in database
6. Plan and map area are related to geotechnical issues
7. Supervise and monitor installation hydrogeology and ensure all process done effectively


Requirement :
1. Male or Female (if you fulfill all criteria)
2. Min. 28 years old
3. Min. has experience 3 years in coal quality, and 5 years in coal mining
4. Preferably from chemical/ mining engineer
5. Able to create planning and simulation of blending
6. Adaptable to work shift system (Long shift )
7. Creative thinker and hard worker
8. Able to communicate effectively with all levels of personnel in an organization
9. Excellent interpersonal and project management skills (good leadership, teamwork, honest and integrity)
10. Will be placed at Central Kalimantan

Responsibility :
1. Create solution to repair coal quality.
2. Create planning and simulation coal blending regarding quality specification from marketing
3. Handle and control coal quality through vessel shipment
4. Coordinate to other related division regarding coal specification, stock pile, crushing, loading and problem finding from field
5. Coordinate to surveyor regarding shipment planning (from jetty to vessel)
6. Handle and clear complain from buyer


1. Male
2. Min. 28 years old
3. Min. has experience 3 years as surveyor coal mining
4. Preferably from Geodesy/ Mining engineer, from Senior High School are welcome, with senior experience
5. Understand about technical of mining survey
6. Understand about specification of survey tools & equipment
7. Able to operate program software, such as Surpace/ Minescape
8. Has good analytical thinking, goal oriented, and hard worker
9. Able to communicate effectively with all levels of personnel in an organization
10. Excellent interpersonal and project management skills (good leadership, teamwork, honest and integrity)
11. Will be placed at Central Kalimantan

1. Create planning survey regarding to activity of mine plan & activity
2. Ensure all survey activity done based on plan, timeline & procedure
3. Ensure joint calculation OB and coal volume appropriately done
4. Analize & solve problem regarding survey result
5. Coordinate to related department and client regarding survey planning & activity
6. Applied HSE at work

7. LEGAL CORPORATE / SUPERVISOR (Jakarta/ Central Kalimantan)

1. S1, from law education, perdata/pidana
2. Min 3 years experience, preferable from legal corporate
3. Preferable has experience from mining industries
4. Preferable 26 – 40 year old
5. Mastering criminal law, civil law, bankruptcy law, licensing
6. Familiar handle any legal corporate issue
7. Drafter specialist contract design, agreement design, etc
8. Have relation in some institution, especially Indonesian policy
9. Familiar use Microsoft word, Microsoft excel, Microsoft power point
10. Good attitude & interpersonal skill
11. Available three vacant position (Head Office, Jakarta & Site, Central Kalimantan)

1. Liaise legal protection and risk management advice to management especially in conflict management
2. Review ongoing cases and advise management accordingly
3. Review and create draft contract, agreement, and internal policies, and ensure that they are in compliance with all statutory or legal requirement

8. WELDER (Kalimantan Tengah)

1. Male
2. Min. 20 years old
3. Min 2 years old experience as welder
4. Preferably specialize in marine studies
5. Must posses at least SPM school or any field
6. Hard worker, good attitude, honest & integrity
7. Has good welding skill
8. Good interpersonal skill.
9. Will be placed at Banjarmasin

1. Repair and maintenance ship construction
2. Welding SMAW & GMAW
3. Understand about ship welding
4. Able to fitting, cutting plate, and marking material

9. OWNER SURVEYOR (Jakarta / Kalimantan Tengah)

1. Male
2. Min 22 – 30 years old
3. Bachelor degree from marine engineering/ naval engineering/ related studies
4. At least 1 years experience
5. Able to operate autocad
6. Good command in English
7. Understand about class BKI, RINA, and IACS member.
8. Understand SOLAS & ISM code
9. Hold marine superintendent/ marine supervisor sertificitation
10. Good attitude & passion for owner surveyor

1. Arrange repaire planning & regulation in shipping
2. Supervise in repairing shipping
3. Survey routine ship condition
4. Create budget plan in docking & repairing ship
5. Responsible for survey class
6. Able to create report

10. PURCHASING (Shipping)

1. Male
2. Min. 22 years old till 35 years old
3. Diploma or bachelor degree in business studies/ logistic & operation management / maritime transportation / nautical studies or equivalent (fresh graduated are welcome)
4. Has good understanding about shipping equipment
5. Has 1 – 2 years experience as purchasing staff (fresh graduate are welcome) for Fresh Entry position. and at least 3 years experience as purchasing staff for Senior Purchasing Staff.
6. Preferably from shipping or trading industry and good knowledge in industrial buying
7. Fluent in English, both oral and written
8. Good attitude & passion for purchasing
9. Good interpersonal and communication skills
10. Will be place at Head Office, Jakarta

1. Monitor and ensure competent quality execution of all regular purchasing duties and administrative works.
2. Maintain complete updated purchasing records/data and pricing in the system.
3. Schedule store visits and conduct competitor survey.
5. Assist in managing and following up overseas orders.
6. Handling and monitoring of claims to factories and vendors for defectives, shortage, missing parts.
7. Coordinate with suppliers to ensure on-time delivery.
8. Responsible for the preparation and process purchase orders and documents in accordance with company policies and procedures.
9. Source, select and negotiate for the best purchase package in terms of quality, price, terms, deliveries and services with suppliers.
10. Purchase and issue order in accordance to specification.
11. Plan and manage inventory levels of materials or products.

11. TECHNICAL MANAGER (for Shipping)

1. D3/ S1 in Mechanical Engineering / Marine Engineering and holding ANT III (minimum)
2. Well experience at least 2 years in naval and managerial level
3. Excellent communication skill in English (oral and written)
4. Well planning & organizing skill
5. Having compliance certificate, such BST, PSCRB, AFF, and MEFA
6. Having good knowledge of bulk unloading and loading activities.
7. Having good knowledge of marine and sea transportation rules and regulations.
8. Having good knowledge of Marine Contract Administration and Insurance Claim.
9. Computer literate (MS Word, MS Excel)
10. Have good attitude, honest & integrity.
11. Able to work collaboratively with others and use initiative in various situations
12. Will be placed at Banjarmasin

1. Responsible to repair and maintenance ship
2. Responsible to prepare and report ship docking and attend docking
3. Monitor, evaluate, solve around ship activity trouble
4. Monitor class sertifcation and flag


1. Min. S1 in marine or maritim studies
2. Has experience at least 5 years as GM and management level
3. Preferably from shipping company
4. Has experience in Shipping Operation System
5. Able to operate computer program (Ms. Office)
6. Has experience as captain/ Superintendent
7. Has knowledge of regional operators, contractors, operational, and crewing regulation
8. Has knowledge of operation/ tug and barge safety
9. Has good attitude, honest & integrity.
10. Able to work collaboratively with others and use initiative in various situations
11. Will be placed at Banjarmasin

1. Responsible to all over ship activity problem
2. Create annual report
3. Monitor regional operators, contractors, operational, and crewing regulation
4. Make recommendation of training & development to subordinate in order to enhance their performance & skill


1. Male
2. Min. 27 years old
3. Min. diploma or bachelor degree
4. Preferably from maritime transportation/ nautical studies or equivalent
5. Preferably from shipping industries and good knowledge in crewing port
6. Has min. 2 years experience as crewing staff
7. Understand labor law in shipping industries
8. Fluent in English, both oral and written
9. Good attitude & passion for crewing
10. Good interpersonal and communication skills
11. Will be place at Kalimantan

1. Recruit ship crew
2. Documents management of ship crew
3. Handling medical check-up of ship crew
4. On boarding ship crew
5. Create labor contract according to Perjanjian Kerja Laut (PKL)
6. Coordinate evaluation of condite of ship crew


1. Minimum 5 years experience in Safety exposure
2. Graduate from marine studies (ANT II/ III)
3. Preferable from shipping industry background
4. Preferably has experience from same position.
5. Formal training in Safety and Risk Management.
6. Hold AK3 certified from government.
7. Good knowledge about SMK3 procedure.
8. Good knowledge of Accident prevention, Fire prevention, Risk Assessment, PTO, HSE procedure, HIRA, HAZOB, Inspection, Emergency response, investigation accident, audit process.
9. Good Leadership and communication/presentation skill.
10. Will be place on Kalimantan.

1. Implement HSE Management Systems at operational shipping.
2. Performing HSE audits & inspections.
3. Incident investigation, analysis & reporting processes.
4. Providing management with regular feedback on HSE matters (meeting, presentation, report writing).


1. Male
2. Min. 25 years old
3. Having degree in electrician engineer or related studies will be advantage
4. Well experience as electrician at least 1 years
5. Has good skill in repair electronics and other related equipment
6. Fast learner and hard worker
7. Has good attitude and interpersonal skill
8. Familiar with Microsoft application will be advantage
9. Available two position for two line business (Shipping and Mining)
10. Responsible for repairing electronic and navigation tools in Shipping and Mining
11. Preferable domicile in Banjarmasin will be advantage
12. Will be placed on Kalimantan

1. Repair electronics
2. Repair and maintenance the related equipment
3. Evaluate and analyze repair and maintenance report in order to enhance efficiency and effectivity of equipment asset


Requirements :
1. Female maximum age 27 years only
2. Bachelor degree majoring in accounting or financial management from reputable university
3. Has experience as same position min 1 years
4. Has experience in trading/shipping/mining company will be advantage
5. Has good understanding about cash flow
6. Excellent skill in MS Office application and accounting application.
7. Able to work under pressure, detailed oriented, good analytical skill and good communication
8. Available to join immediately.

Responsibility :
1. Prepare payment planning and budget
2. Handling daily transaction as like Account Receivable, Account Payable, and Tax.
3. Handling Petty cash, bank, loan, lease and maintain banking facilities.
4. Data verification and prepare daily cash flow report, etc.
5. Reconcile Bank account
6. Create financial report


1. Bachelor degree from accounting, preferable from reputable university
2. Preferably having minimum 1 years experiences as same position and from shipping/trading industries
3. Familiar with accounting system application and computer literate (Ms.Office) is must.
4. Good management knowledge and have good conceptual & analytical thinking.
5. Excellent interpersonal and good management skills (good leadership, teamwork, honest and integrity)
6. Creative thinker and hard worker.
7. Available two position for two line business (Trading/ Mining)
8. Will be placed at Head Office, Jakarta

1. Control A/R, A/P, R/L and CF
2. Check, verify, and filling document to finance / accounting
3. Check monthly expenditure report
4. Control budget and expenditure
5. Check tax report


Requirements :
1. Female maximum age 30 years only
2. Bachelor degree majoring in accounting or financial management from reputable university
3. Having experience as same position min 2 years
4. Having experience in bank facilities (invoice financing, revolving loan, short and long term loan, Letter of credit etc)
5. Having experience in banking transaction (Check, Giro, RTGS, transfer, overbooked, internet banking, etc)
6. Having experience in trading and mining company will be advantage
7. Excellent skill in MS Office application and accounting application.
8. Able to work under pressure, detailed oriented, good analytical skill and good communication
9. Available two position (Trading; Head Office Jakarta, Mining; Site Central Kalimantan)
10. Available to join immediately.

Responsibility :
1. Supervise and monitor daily accounting report
2. Prepare budget and payment planning
3. Handling daily transaction as like Account Receivable, Account Payable, and Tax
4. Monitor and supervise petty cash, bank, loan, lease and maintain banking facilities.
5. Prepare daily cash flow report, budget and projection report etc.
6. Supervise to data verification and prepare daily cash flow report, etc.
7. Supervise to reconcile Bank account
8. Analyze and create financial report

(Central Kalimantan)

1. Male / Female, age max. 35 years
2. Minimum S1/S2 majoring in Law, Psychology, Management & Industrial Engineering from reputable university.
3. Experience as HR SPV. for at least 3 years in the company of mining.
4. Mastering the aspects of human resource management in general, Strategic HR, Man Power Planning, Selection & Recruitment, Placement, Personnel Adm, Training & People Development, Organization Design, Organization Development, Performance Management, Industrial Relations, Payroll, etc.
5. Mastering the Law & Employment Regulation applicable.
6. Excellent skill in Ms. Office and HR application.
7. Have excellent communication skills, quickly adapt and work underpressures.

Responsibilities :
1. Designing and coordinating human resource management activities at the mine site include Industrial Relations, HR Management & Administration, Recruitment & Selection, Organization Development, Training & People Development, Performance Management, etc.


Requirements :
1. Male / Female, Age 30-40 years
2. Minimum S1/S2 majoring in Psychology
3. Minimum 5 years working experience as an HR & GA with a minimum of 3 years experience in a supervisor / management level and preferably from Shipping Company.
4. Have experience in HR System, Labour Law and Industrial & Employee Relations.
5. Good understanding Competency Based Interview (CBI) and the Behavioral Event Interview (BEI) as well as tools of psychological tests.
6. Excellent skill in Ms. Office and HR application.
7. Able to work in a team, goal oriented, conscientious and honest.
8. Able to work underpressures and deadlines.
9. Fluent in English (oral and written).
10. Willing to travel to the branch / site operations when needed.

Responsibilities :
1. Responsible for managing all activities of employees of Recruitment, Placement / Hiring, Promotion, Transfer / Mutation and Termination.
2. Responsible for maintenance of office and the needs of employees in general.
3. Responsible to create, develop and execute strategic plans for all functions of the Human Resources Department that is tailored to company policy.


Requirements :
1. Female, age 23-27 years
2. Minimum education S1 majoring in Psychology, IP min 3.00
3. Minimum 2-3 years working experience as a Recruitment and precedence of the Shipping Company.
4. Have experience in the HR System.
5. Good understanding Competency Based Interview (CBI) and the Behavioral Event Interview (BEI) as well as tools of psychological tests.
6. Excellent skill in Ms. Office and HR application.
7. Able to work in a team, goal oriented, conscientious and honest.
8. Able to work under pressures and deadlines.
9. Fluent in English (oral and written).
10. Willing to travel to the branch / site operations when needed.

Responsibilities :
1. Responsible for the entire recruitment activities, ranging from Man Power Planning up to the job offer and placement.
2. Responsible for developing and implementing recruitment strategies and techniques in accordance with company policy.
3. Meeting the needs of employees in a timely and appropriate qualifications.
4. Conduct recruitment techniques using the tools in accordance with the position and qualifications required.
5. Preparing job offers according to budget and attractive to candidates.
6. Meeting the needs of employees in both the Head Office and Branch Office.


Requirement :
1. Male/Female, 28-35 years old
2. Bachelor Degree/Master Degree in Accounting/Finance/Banking, minimum GPA 3.00
3. Minimum 5 years experience in the related fields is required for this position
4. Experience in audit firm and or coal mining (preferable)
5. Understanding PSAK and accounting systems
6. Having experience with Invoice, Taxation, Journal Vouchers, Accounts Payable, and Costing
7. Strong knowledge in Taxation Regulation & Process
8. Good command in English, both oral and written
9. Excellent interpersonal and good management skills (good leadership, teamwork, honest and integrity)
10. Having good knowledge & experience in TBK company (value-added)
11. Will be placed at Head Office-Jakarta

Responsibility :
1. Assist Accounting Manager in day to day Accounting Manager
2. Responsibility in timely reporting
3. Prepare monthly, quartely, annual financial reports
4. Checks and controls of the data supporting financial transactions (A/R & A/P, budget & expenditure, etc)
5. Doing compilation/analysis of the budget
6. To verify tax invoice
7. Supervise Staff


1. Female
2. Good looking
3. Min. 20 years old, and max. 27 years old
4. Has experience at least 1 years as personal asisstant
5. Good command in English & mandarin, both oral and written
6. Has good attitude, honest, integrity, and has good interpersonal skill.
7. Fast learner and have good conceptual & analytical thinking, and hard worker.
8. Will be placed at Head Office, Jakarta

1. Handling administration document
2. Daily reporting
3. External and internal relation
4. Minutes of meeting

(Head Office-Jakarta)

1. Male, maximum age 35 years old
2. Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) majoring in accounting minimum IPK 3.00 from reputable University
3. Holding Tax certificated A/B and C from reputable University or IAI
4. Good knowledge about PSAK/IFRS, Accounting Principles, Cost Accounting and Tax
5. Preferable have experiences as same position in Shipping, Trading or forwarding university minimum 3 years
6. Excellent skill in Ms. Office and Finance Accounting application
7. Having experience to auditing Shipping & Trading Company will be advantage
8. Good Command in English both oral and written
9. Strong analytical thinking & detail oriented
10. Strong leadership, interpersonal skill & able to work Underpressure

1. Prepare rule standard operation procedure and management policies
2. Prepare form and standard documentation to each division and affiliated group
3. Implement and monitor standard operation procedure to each division and affiliated group
4. Maintain and prepare schedule audit program for all division
5. Prepare and present audit report to Director and Board of Director

(Head Office-Jakarta)

1. Male/Female, Maximum age 30 years old
2. Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) majoring in Accounting minimum IPK 3.00 from reputable University
3. Preferable have experiences as same position in Shipping, Trading or forwarding university minimum 2 years
4. Excellent skill in Ms. Office and Finance Accounting application
5. Having experience to auditing Shipping or Trading Company will be advantage
6. Good Command in English both oral and written
7. Willing to travel through our business line and group
8. Willing to work overtime and detail oriented
9. Able to work under pressure and work indepently

1. Prepare rule standard operation procedure and management policies
2. Prepare form and standard documentation to each division and affiliated group
3. Implement and monitor standard operation procedure to each division and affiliated group
4. Maintain and prepare schedule audit program for all division
5. Prepare and present audit report to Director and Board of Director


1. Maximal age 35 years old
2. Minimum S1 Degree majoring Finance / Accounting and GPA min 3.00
3. Written and speak in English language is MUST
4. Minimum 3 years experience in Finance and Accounting
5. Having experience in Shipping or Trading company will be advantage
6. Experience in preparing cash flow and budgeting included experience in preparing Journal Adjustment and Journal Voucher for advance payment and prepaid expense
7. Having good knowledge about PSAK/IFRS, Accounting Principles and Cost Accounting
8. Having good knowledge about taxation (PPh 15,21,23,25,29, VAT Out/In)
9. Strong knowledge on accounting principle and able to perform analysis and review on actuarial calculation.
10. Experience with bank reconciliation and prepare a report for cash flow per week or per month
11. Placement in Jakarta

1. Ensure financial reports are submitted according to the schedule
2. Put in place a tracking system to ensure the financial and management accounts fulfilled the requirement of the accounting standards, regulatory bodies and other requirements including tax and compliance and statutory audits and ensure execution of the tracking system.
3. Ensure the credibility of the reports for financial performance assessment on the financial measures.
4. Assist the Operational management in the preparation of the budget and forecast.
5. Perform the analytical review of the financial performance against the budget and forecast and monitor the variances and provide inputs and recommendations for improvements.
6. Monitor and manage the working capital management, i.e. the cash, receivables and payables status on a regular basis.
7. Manage interface with customers on areas relating to invoicing, payment, collection of Withholding/ VAT (Output) tax payment slips and identify opportunity for improvement in the invoicing/ collection process


1. Female
2. Good looking
3. Min. 20 years old, and max. 27 years old
4. Has experience at least 2 years as secretary of director
5. Good command in English & mandarin, both oral and written
6. Has good attitude, honest, integrity, and has good interpersonal skill.
7. Fast learner and have good conceptual & analytical thinking, and hard worker.
8. Will be placed at Head Office, Jakarta

1. Handling administration document
2. Daily reporting
3. External and internal relation
4. Minutes of meeting


Gambaran Pekerjaan :
1. TURJAWALI (Pengaturan, Penjagaan, Pegawalan dan Patroli)
2. PAM MARKAS (Pengamanan Markas)
3. Pengamanan asset-aset perusahaan yang bergerak maupun tidak bergerak

Kualifikasi :
1. Pria, Usia 25-35 tahun
2. Tinggi minimal 165 cm
3. Pendidikan minimum SMA/SMK sederajat
4. Tidak bertindik dan bertato
5. Tidak berkacamata / tidak rabun
6. Diutamakan bagi yang memiliki sertifikat dari POLRI dan berpengalaman min 1 tahun
7. Memiliki surat keterangan sehat dari dokter
8. Disiplin tinggi, loyalitas, tegas, sopan
9. Bersedia mengikuti proses seleksi & pelatihan
10. Diutamakan yang berdomisili di Kalimantan
11. Bersedia ditempatkan di Site (Barito Timur,KALTENG)

If you meet our requirement above please send us your Application Letter and your Latest CV (Please input your Current Salary and your Expected Salary) and Photo with the Code Position you are applying for in the subject line to email :

Only short listed candidates will be processed. Not Later than 2 week after published.

Product reviews and advice for best reference

Lowongan Marketing PT. Ethania Sentosa Lestari


PT Ethania Sentosa Lestari (ESL) adalah Perusahaan main dealer / distributor resmi alat bantu belajar dalam bentuk software multimedia.

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan :

Diisi dengan tanggung jawab pekerjaan. Contoh :
- Menawarkan produk edu game ke konsumen
- Melakukan perjanjian bertemu dengan client

Persyaratan Pengalaman :

Contoh : Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun di bidang akutansi

Keahlian :

BIsa menggunakan komputer

Kualifikasi :

- Wanita,
- Pendidikan SMA/SMK Sederajat
- Usia 17 – 27 tahun
- Memiliki kendaraan sendiri
- Berpenampilan Menarik
- Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik

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Electronics product reviews and advice for best reference

Lowongan Sales Executive OT Group

OT Group yang bergerak di Produksi, dan Distribusi saat ini membuka lowongan pekerjaan sebagai Sales Executive untuk ditempatkan di wilayah Jakarta

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan :

- Memperhatikan stock yang masih ada di customer
- Menerima pesanan customer
- Memberikan informasi mengenai promo yang ada

Persyaratan Pengalaman :

pengalaman tidak diutamakan

Keahlian :

Dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik

Kualifikasi :

- Pria
- Menyukai kerja lapangan
- Usia maksimal 19 tahun
- Nilai rata-rata : 6,5
- Jujur dan disiplin

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Electronics product reviews and advice for best reference

Lowongan Kerja Sartonet Filtrasi Indonesia

PT. Sartonet Filtrasi Indonesia is an authorised distributor for biotechnology products from Sartorius Stedim Biotech ( Germany) . Established since 1994, we offer wide range of biotechnology products which are mainly used in pharmaceutical, food & beverage, hospital and laboratorium.

PT. Sartonet Filtrasi Indonesia is looking for :

Marketing Executive (Biolab/Bioprocess) - Jakarta Area
Requirements :

• Male/Female
• Age max. 35 years old
• Min D3 preferably in chemistry, biology, pharmacy, chemical engineering
• Proactive, hard working & able to work under pressure
• Preferably own vehicle/motorcycle


• To market filtration products mainly in pharmaceutical, F&B and general industries

Please send your resume to :

Closing date : 29 September 2014 --- Update :

Label di »» d3 | distributor company | jakarta | marketing executive | sartonet filtrasi indonesia

Product reviews and advice for best reference

Lowongan BUMN Brantas Abipraya (Persero)

Brantas AbiprayaBUMN, PT Brantas Abipraya has grown and developed to become a sound and stable Construction Company. Since of the outset, our well-trained professionals working in big irrigation projects, have been invaluable asset whose skill and expertise are continuously developed passing from the older to the younger professionals working in the company.

Now the company is known as reliable general contractor handling not only irrigation projects, but also has executed several big projects located throughout the country, i.e. big dams, tunnels, road and bridges, airfields, electric plants and many others.

HSE Staff (Project Base) - Closing date : 2 September 2014
Job Description:
Responsible for Health, Safety, and Environment functions in Project area,Assist Site Manager and/or Project Manager for Health, Safety, and Environment activities,Any other administration tasks, etc.Requirements:
Male/Female, with maximum thirty five (35) years old as per August 2014,Min. undergraduate degree (S1) in health, safety, and environment background or equivalent is a must,Having one (1) year of experience as HSE Staff in construction industry,Advanced knowledge of QMS ISO 9001, 14001 & OHSAS 18001 as well as HSE corporate plan and implementation, Experience in HSE audits, and inspections, Able to work under pressure and tight schedule, independently and proactively, Good command of English both written and spoken, Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, Have an EPIC culture values: Entrepreneurship, Professionalism, Innovative and Competitive. Availability to work around Indonesia area.Tahapan Seleksi
1. Administrasi
2. User Interview

Perawat Perusahaan - Closing date : 19 September 2014
Job Description: ·
Bertugas sebagai Asisten Dokter di Klinik Perusahaan, Melayani semua Pasien (Pegawai) yang memerlukan pengobatan tahap awal, Membuat laporan tertulis tentang kondisi pasien,Melakukan administrasi harian yang berkaitan dengan jaminan pelayanan kesehatan pegawai. Requirement:
Wanita, usia maksimal 29 tahun. Pendidikan minimal D3 Akademi Perawat atau S1 Jurusan Keperawatan. Memiliki STR (Surat Tanda Registrasi) / SIP atau sejenisnya. Pengalaman bekerja sebagai Perawat di Rumah Sakit atau Klinik Pemerintah/Swasta minimal 1 tahun. Memiliki jiwa melayani seluruh pasien. Komunikatif, memiliki integritas/kejujuran yang tinggi, teliti, cekatan, sopan, dan tanggung jawab dalam bekerja. Penempatan Kantor Pusat PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) Jakarta. Staf Keuangan - Closing date : 11 September 2014
Pria, usia maksimal 35 tahun.Min. S1 Jurusan Akuntansi dan Manajemen Keuangan dari Universitas Ternama (IPK Min. 3.00), diutamakan dari Universitas Negeri diseluruh Indonesia.Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun sebagai Staf Keuangan di berbagai Kontraktor Sipil Ternama di Indonesia.Memiliki Integritas/Kejujuran yang tinggi dan suka menerima tantangan baru.Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh Wilayah Indonesia. Pegawai MT (Management Trainee)
Kualifikasi :
Pria/Wanita, berusia maksimal 26 thn (per tanggal 31 Agustus 2014) dan belum menikah.Berijazah strata satu (S1) Teknik (minimal IPK: 2,75) dengan jurusan:
Teknik SipilTeknik PengairanTeknik ArsitekturTeknik Elektro (Arus Kuat) Berijazah strata satu (S1) Ekonomi (minimal IPK: 3,00) dengan jurusan:
Manajemen KeuanganPendaftaran sampai dengan 22 September 2014 Pukul: 24.00 wib.Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja di Indonesia.Staf Teknik Sipil - Closing date : 11 September 2014
Pria, usia maksimal 35 tahun.Min. S1 Teknik Sipil dari Universitas Ternama (IPK Min. 3.00), diutamakan dari Universitas Negeri diseluruh Indonesia.Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun sebagai Civil Engineer di berbagai Kontraktor Sipil Ternama di Indonesia.Memiliki Integritas/Kejujuran yang tinggi dan suka menerima tantangan baru.Project Manager - Closing date : 19 Agustus 2015
Pria, pendidikan min. S1 dan diutamakan S2 (Magister) Teknik Sipil,Usia maksimal 50 tahun.Berpengalaman min. 5 tahun di perusahaan kontraktor sipil sebagai Project Manager dalam proyek skala sedang dan besar, Diutamakan berpengalaman dalam proyek bangunan gedung tinggi (high rise building) diseluruh Indonesia.Memahami Proses Bisnis, Sistem kerja dan Metode Kerja bidang konstruksi,Memahami Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO 9001, 14001, dan OHSAS 18001,Memahami Sistem Manajemen Kesehatan, dan Keselamatan Kerja (SMK3), danBersedia ditempatkan di seluruh Wilayah dan Pelosok Tanah Air.Aktif berbahasa Inggris baik secara lisan maupun tulisan. Segala proses penerimaan pegawai hanya melalui website resmi PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero), dan kami tidak melayani kiriman lamaran melalui sarana lain selain alamat website dibawah ini dengan cara mengisi formulir pendaftaran yang telah disediakan. --- Update : Label di »» brantas abipraya | bumn | construction company | finance staff | management trainee | s1 | seluruh indonesia | technical staff

Product reviews and advice for best reference

Lowongan 3D Artist & Desainer Grafis Linea Prima Cipta Advertising

Linea Prima Cipta Advertising – Jakarta, membuka lowongan kerja untuk posisi sebagai berikut :

1. Desainer Grafis
2. 3D Animator

Bagi anda yang berminat, silahkan kirim surat lamaran kerja, CV, foto terbaru dan portfolio ke :

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan :

1. Desainer Grafis
- Memiliki kemampuan konseptualisasi dan menguasai keterampilan komunikasi visual.
- Menguasai Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, dan software grafis umum lainnya.

2. 3D Animator
- Menguasai 3D modeling dan keterampilan animasi serta video editing.
- Menguasai 3ds Max/Cinema 4D, V-Ray, After Effect, Adobe Premiere, dan software
multimedia lainnya.

Persyaratan Pengalaman :

Contoh : Pengalaman minimal 6 bulan

Keahlian :

1. Desainer Grafis
- Memiliki kemampuan konseptualisasi dan menguasai keterampilan komunikasi visual.
- Menguasai Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, dan software grafis umum lainnya.

2. 3D Animator
- Menguasai 3D modeling dan keterampilan animasi serta video editing.
- Menguasai 3ds Max/Cinema 4D, V-Ray, After Effect, Adobe Premiere, dan software
multimedia lainnya.

Kualifikasi :

- Pria/Wanita,
- Usia 25 – 35 tahun
- Jujur dan teliti
- Dll

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Electronics product reviews and advice for best reference

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Lowongan SPG – Shabilla Boutique – Kelapa Gading


Shabilla Boutique, sebuah produsen pakaian Muslimah yang sedang berkembang pesat membutuhkan seorang SPG untuk ditempatkan di salah satu counter kami di Mall Kelapa Gading dan Summarecon Mall Bekasi dengan kriteria sebagai berikut :

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan :

1. Melakukan Promosi dan Penjualan
2. Memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik kepada Customer
3. Membina hubungan baik dengan para Customer
4. Memenuhi target penjualan
5. Melakukan tugas2 aftersales
6. Tugas2 administrasi/report yang berkaitan dengan penjualan
7. Bertanggung jawab terhadap counter yang dijaga
8. Menjaga kebersihan dan kerapihan barang-barang

Persyaratan Pengalaman :

Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun menjadi SPG

Keahlian :

1. Kemampuan Komunikasi yang baik
2. Menguasai bahasa Inggris min pasif
3. Service Oriented
4. Target Oriented

Kualifikasi :

- Wanita 20 – 28 tahun
- Pendidikan SMU ke atas
- Menyukai bidang Penjualan
- Memiliki pengalaman dalam hal berjualan / PR / Customer Service
- Ramah, Jujur, Ulet & Bertanggungjawab
- Memiliki kepribadian dan penampilan yang menarik
- Bersedia bekerja di waktu weekend, Hari libur. Off di hari biasa dan diluar kota jika sewaktu-waktu dibutuhkan (seperti bazaar, pameran, dll)
- Bertempat tinggal tidak jauh dari Lokasi

Silahkan Login untuk bisa melamar pekerjaan ini.. Jika anda belum memiliki account, registrasi terlebih dahulu sebagai pencari kerja disini

Electronics product reviews and advice for best reference

Lowongan Project Officer PT Indo Sakti Sejati

PT Indo Sakti Sejati (IndoSakti Communications), telah berdiri sejak November 2001, merupakan sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam dunia bisnis sebagai below the line agency.

PT Indo Sakti Sejati merupakan perusahaan yang ahli dalam bidang pengadaan Event, Seminar, Exhibition, Sales Force.

Beberapa rekan bisnis dari PT. Indo Sakti Sejati : ABC heinz, huawei, cimb niaga, sosro, bayer, xl, sc johnson, pz cussons, OT (Orang Tua), Castrol, Taisho, kalbe, Transfarma, Mayora, Garuda food, Nutricia, Frisian flag. dan berbagai perusahaan nasional maupun multinasional lainnya.

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan :

- Preferably having a good network
- Can comply with company regulations

Persyaratan Pengalaman :

experience min. 1 year Project Officer

Keahlian :

- Good interpersonal skill, communication skill and negotiation skill
- Having computer skill (Ms. Word, Power Point, Visio, PDF, Internet)

Kualifikasi :

- Bachelor Degree, experience min. 2 year
- Male or Female, max. 30 years old
- Having computer skill (Ms. Word, Power Point, Visio, PDF, Internet)
- Good interpersonal skill, communication skill and negotiation skill
- Preferably having a good network
- Must have strongest self confidence

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Lowongan STAFF KASIR RS Premier Jatinegara


Dalam upaya meningkatkan pelayanan kepada pelanggan, RS Premier Jatinegara membuka kesempatan kepada Anda untuk bergabung bersama kami.

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan :

- Melakukan pembayaran dari pasien
- Melakukan proses input dan verifikasi tagihan
- Menginformasikan biaya perkiraan pengobatan kepada keluarga pasien
- Menginformasikan tindakan pengobatan pasien kepada keluarga pasien
- Membuat laporan data-data keuangan secara akurat
- Menangani keluhan pelanggan sesuai dengan ruang lingkup pekerjaan

Persyaratan Pengalaman :

Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun

Keahlian :

Diisi dengan keahlian yang dibutuhkan, contoh :
- Menguasai Sistem ERP
- Menguasai Microsoft Office
- Dll

Kualifikasi :

Diisi dengan kualifikasi pekerjaan, contoh :
- Pria/Wanita,
- Pendidikan D3 segala jurusan
- Mempunyai jiwa melayani
- Mempunyai sikap dan perilaku yang baik, sabar dan ramah
- Mampu berkomunikasi dalam Bhs. Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan
- Mampu mengoperasikan komputer dengan baik

Silahkan Login untuk bisa melamar pekerjaan ini.. Jika anda belum memiliki account, registrasi terlebih dahulu sebagai pencari kerja disini

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Lowongan Kerja Rutledge Indonesia

Rutledge IndonesiaRutledge has proven to be the trusted name in World H2S safety with an unblemished record since its establishment in 1981. Rutledge is honoured to have successfully fulfilled the requirements of its Petroleum and Drilling Contractor customers, both on & offshore. Our Safety Equipment Package and Service Team have experience on Jack-up rigs, Semi Submersibles, Drilling Ships, Swamp Barges and Land Rigs.
Our personnel are qualified professionals with many years experience and under mask exposure. The comprehensive services offered to our clients make Rutledge the most convenient one-stop H2S safety service company worldwide.

Rutledge has been historically involved in the Oil & Gas industry and has since expanded to provide safety services to petrochemical plants and in their construction. Our team of HSE professionals can assess, write, implement, monitor and manage Health, Safety and Environment Management Systems. Rutledge is dedicated to be a high quality Safety services company, with total commitment to H2S and HSE.

Rutledge is accredited with quality management certificate ISO 9001:2008 and safety management certificate OHSAS 18001:2007. We have a comprehensive procedural and reporting system, thus meeting the stringent demands of our Clients worldwide.


- Engineering back ground from Electro or Chemical engineering or other relevant
- Fresh graduate are welcome
- Certified NDT
- Having knowledge for NDT EDDY CURRENT TEST and other similar NDT tube inspection methods.
- HAVE min 1 Years experiences in Oil and Gas, Petrochemical, Power Plant, and Refineries for NDT Jobs Especially Tubing, Tubular Inspection.
- Have experiences in Turn key project and or EPC Project Management
- Good Connection and Network Power Plant , Petrochemical and Oil and Gas Refineries
- Understand Steam boiler, Turbine, Tubing, Tubular, Tanks operations
- Understand details on Shut Down , Turn around , and Maintenance Production Facilities in Petrochemicals, Refineries , and Power Plant
- University Degree preferred but not essential
- Ability to work independently and as a team member
- Fluent in English, MS Office, MS Project and computer literate

Qualified candidates who have the related experience; are invited to send their detailed CVs including photograph, current & expected salary IMMEDIATELY, directly to

The Human Resources Department

The salary for this position is negotiable
We regret only short-listed candidates shall be notified.

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Lowongan Kerja SatNetCom

SatnetcomSatNetCom is a 10 year-old provider of technology solutions and has become one of Indonesia’s leading information technology and communications companies, and the largest in the mining sector. It provides a wide range of services and products to mines, mining contractors; oil companies and oil contractors; and general businesses of all types.

SatNetCom delivers the technology solutions that can provide highly sought after savings and productivity increases for many types of business operations. The company’s main office and Network Operations Centre (NOC) are in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, and it has network and support facilities in Jakarta and Sangatta. The NOC monitors and controls its customer’s microwave, fibre optic and satellite networks and handles all of the network and data traffic. The NOC operates with a fully serviced support Help Desk 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

SatNetCom is the exclusive Indonesia distributor for a number of Fleet Management mining systems and the SmartCap Operator Fatigue management system. SatNetCom also services the mining industry with specialty Pit-to-Port long haul traffic management systems and has developed its own equipment performance monitoring solutions supporting some of the biggest names in Mining equipment.

Project Engineer

• Diploma 3 Degree from Information Technology/Engineering, Electronical with Min GPA. 2.8.
• Basic knowledge of computer systems and networking, both practical and theory (TCP/IP Protocol)
• Basic knowledge of basic wireless networking, both practical and theory
• Basic knowledge of a broad range of relevant multi-user computer systems, applications, and equipment (computers. LANs. Routers. Servers. Wireless, radio, antenna, etc..)
• Ability to implement simple network systems and applications.
• Working knowledge of both Unix and Windows.
• 1 year relevant working experience, fresh graduated are welcome to apply.
• Work based in Balikpapan with extensive travel to mine site required.

Software Engineer

• Minimum 2 years experience in (programming and systems analyst)
• Experience: Visual Basic. C# languages. GIS (Tracking Server)
• Familiarity with Linux OS. TCP/IP Protocol. WLAN. LANs, routers, switches, and server/client both practical and theory.
• Having knowledge in OOP
. MySQL, MsSQL database. PL/SQL (Oracle)
• Have experience as Python programmer would be advantage.
• Strong personality, self motivation, creative, able to work independent or in a team.
• Work based in Bandung and Balikpapan


• Min Diploma Degree from Electronical Engineering or equivalent.
• Min 1 year working experience in a maintenance environment.
• Preferably have mining or heavy industry experience
• Having good knowledge in Electrical and Electronic system design.
• Working knowledge of TCP-IP. Networking, Computer and network hardware and software.
• Able to operate measurement device such as Oscilloscope. Spectrum analyzer, etc.
• Have experience in high voltage device.
• Fluent in English both written and oral would be an advantage.
• Work place in Balikpapan (Kalimantan Timur)

Auditor and Cost Controller

• Bachelor Degree mavoring from Accounting or Finance
• At least 3 years experience the related field
• Knowledge and Skills :
a. Accounting: Excellent knowledge of accounting processes associated with keeping and maintaining the accounting records of the company. This includes the Balance Sheet.
• 1 year relevant working experience, freshgraduated are welcome to apply.
• Work based in Balikpapan with extensive travel to mine site required.

Software Engineer

• Minimum 2 years experience in (programming and systems analyst)
• Experience: Visual Basic. C# languages. GIS (Tracking Server)
• Familiarity with Linux OS. TCP/IP Protocol. WLAN. LANs, routers, switches, and server/client both practical and theory.
• Having knowledge in OOP
. MySQL, MsSQL database. PL/SQL (Oracle)
• Have experience as Python programmer would be advantage.
• Strong personality, self motivation, creative, able to work independent or in a team.
• Work based in Bandung and Balikpapan

IT Trainer & Recruiter

• Bachelor degree majoring from Information Technology/Engineering with Min GPA. 2.8.
• Maximum 27 years old.
• Min have 1 year experience in related field. Freshgraduate are welcome to apply.
• Dependable, flexible, people oriented and multitasking.
• Initiative to cany out the task and able to work under pressure.
• Have high motivation to achieved recruitment target.
• Have good computer and IT skill.
• High passion to learn and train others
• Workplace in Balikpapan.

Electronic Engineer

• Mill Diploma Degree from Electronical Engineering or equivalent.
• Min 1 year working experience in a maintenance environment.
• Preferably have mining or heavy industry experience
• Having good knowledge in Electrical and Electronic system design.
• Working knowledge of TCP-IP. Networking, Computer and network hardware and software.
• Able to operate measurement device such as Oscilloscope. Spectrum analyzer, etc.
• Have experience in high voltage device.
• Fluent in English both written and oral would be an advantage.
• Work place in Balikpapan (Kalimantan Timur)

Auditor and Cost Controller

1. Bachelor Degree mavoring from Accounting or Finance
2. At least 3 years experience the related field
3. Knowledge and Skills :
a. Accounting: Excellent knowledge of accounting processes associated with keeping and maintaining the accounting records of the company. This includes the Balance Sheet. General Ledger, Profit and Loss. Accounts Receivable, and Account Payable
b. Accounting Practices: Excellent knowledge of Indonesian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (IGAAP) and Indonesian accounting principle in particular. Familiar popular accounting and ERP systems
c. Purchasing: Excellent knowledge of purchasing procedures and controls.
d. Procedure Analysis and Development: Excellent ability to analyze, develop, and document work processes (SOPs) that resolve problems and/or make the work more efficient.
4. Workplace would be in Balikpapan and travel required.

If you meet the requirement please send your CV and latest photograph to with job position as a email subject before August, 30th 2014 Only shortlisted candidates will be notice

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Lowongan Kerja Royal Thai Embassy

Kedubes ThailandRoyal Thai Embassy is seeking for an “Economic Analyst” who will be in charge of assisting the official of the Embassy as follows:

1) providing analysis on economic issues in Indonesian and global context and their implication to Thailand-Indonesia bilateral relations
2) monitoring and digesting economic news from various sources and providing comments on those news
3) working as a general co-ordinator for the general affairs of the Royal Thai Embassy.

Position : Economic Analyst

Location : Royal Thai Embasy
Jl. Mega Kuningan Kav. E.3.3 (Jl. DR Ide Anak Agung Gde Agung)
No. 3 (Lot 8.8) Jakarta12950

Qualifications :
Bachelor degree in Economics or Business Having analytical thinking Hard working and have creativityNewly graduated is more than welcomeSystematic thinking and keen on prioritizing issues Good communication in EnglishSubmit your resume and photos to and --- Update : Label di »» economic analyst | jakarta | kedubes | s1

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Lowongan Operator Export Import PT. Cheil Jedang Indonesia Pasuruan

PT. Cheil Jedang Indonesia Pasuruan membutuhkan OPERATOR EXPORT-IMPORT
Laki-laki, usia max 22 tahun, terampil mengoperasikan computer, IPK minimal 3.0, D1 Administrasi bisnis

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan :

Diisi dengan tanggung jawab pekerjaan. Contoh :
- Melakukan perjanjian bertemu dengan client
- Mengatur data-data client
- dll

Persyaratan Pengalaman :


Keahlian :

Diisi dengan keahlian yang dibutuhkan, contoh :
- Menguasai dan terampil mengoperasikan komputer

Kualifikasi :

- Pria
- Usia Maks. 22 tahun
- Jujur, teliti, rajin, pekerja keras

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Lowongan Kerja Medic Trust Indonesia

Medic TrustMedic Trust is Indonesia’s most trusted personalized online health management platform for storing, managing, and monitoring a personal health record. Designed to empower you to manage your own health, MedicTrust enables you to get organized, track and assess your health, make the most of doctor visits, and maintain a sustainable and healthy lifestyle.

We are a startup that is making a direct impact on the health technology industry in Indonesia. Medic Trust is Indonesia's product designed to empower people to start living a healthy lifestyle. Our main core business is providing users to store and share their medical records anytime and anywhere

Medical Data Input Assistance :
Execute data input for users’ medical recordsAssist in maintaining the proper flow of operational processREQUIREMENTS
Min D3 in Health Analysis, Nutrient or any other related fieldsOther background that has min 1 year experience working in laboratoryAttention to detailsGood profiency using computerEntrepreneurial and gets things-done type of attitude with high level of qualityA Team PlayerSocial Media Admin :
Works with Sales & Marketing Team to manage blog and content postingsBe responsible in managing social media accounts ( FB, Twitter. Instagram)Assist in creating interactive and attractive content postingPerform weekly and monthly report on the performance of the social mediaREQUIREMENTS
Active in Social Media and used to interaction with Social Media World Good command of Bahasa Indonesia and English Creative, responsible and discipline Self motivated Ability to work in a teamFresh Graduates in any fields are more than welcome to applyWeb Developer :
Work with an engineer to create a world-class productBe responsible in maintaing current state of productAssist and design the future features/productsREQUIREMENTS
Knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavascriptKnowledge of backend/server-side programmingKnowledge of MVC and Web FrameworksWilling to learnSelf motivatedAbility to work in a teamFresh Graduates majoring in computer engineering/computer science or any related fields are more than welcome to applyExperience in startup environments (optional)Experience in Ruby on Rails (optional)Experience with Git versioning system (optional)Knowledge of Unix/linux based systems (optional)HOW TO APPLY

If you are interested to join and grow your career, submit your resume and/or CV to --- Update :

Label di »» medic trust indonesia | social media administrator | web developer

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Lowongan Kerja Halliburton

HalliburtonHalliburton is one of the world s largest providers of products and services to the oil and gas industries. Halliburton adds value to its customers by providing products and service through the entire lifecycle of oil and gas reservoirs starting with exploration and development, moving through production, operations, and maintenance. Halliburton employs more than 100,000 people in over 80 countries.

To support our operations in Indonesia, we are seeking highly qualified candidates for the Following position:





Please login and apply in :


Contact CDC FTUI for further information :
Phone Number : 021 - 788 49080


Closing Date: 15 NOVEMBER 2014 --- Update :

Label di »» drilling supervisor | duri | halliburton | Industri minyak dan gas | riau | s1

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Lowongan Kerja Staff Akunting Apotek Griya Farma Bandung


1. Usia maksimal 28 tahun
2. Pendidikan minimal Sarjana Muda
3. Memiliki pengalaman di bidang akunting minimal 1 tahun
4. Jujur, ulet dan bertanggung jawab
5. Mampu bekerja sama dengan team

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan :

Diisi dengan tanggung jawab pekerjaan. Contoh :
- Melakukan perjanjian bertemu dengan client
- Mengatur data-data client
- dll

Persyaratan Pengalaman :

Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun di bidang akutansi

Keahlian :

Diisi dengan keahlian yang dibutuhkan, contoh :
- Menguasai Sistem ERP
- Menguasai Microsoft Office
- Dll

Kualifikasi :

Diisi dengan kualifikasi pekerjaan, contoh :
- Pria/Wanita,
- Usia 25 – 35 tahun
- Jujur dan teliti
- Dll

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Lowongan Kerja Tiki - JNE

JNETiki Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir or JNE Was established in 1990 and initiated its presence through serving the people in the field of customs, especially import over time-sensitive shipment by incorporating “rush handling’ warehouse.

JNE’s Service reliability, which is consistent and accountable for more than two decade has created high credibility as well as trust among the business partners, which keep increasing. Increment of foreign investement in the 90s, domestic economic growth, development of information technology as well as innovative product diversification, has purshed JNE to keep growing and prove its performance in the business environment as well as Indonesian Communities.

In line with the development of business world and changes in the modern community lifestyle, request for time-sensitive shipment handling has been no longer limited to small packages and documents. Rather, it also includes cargo handling, transportation, logistics and distribution. Realizing the said challenges and opportunities, JNE keep on developing its network from big cities down to all remote areas of Indonesia. At present, supported by thousands of trained Human Resources, JNE has successfully established more than 1,500 points or service spread all over the country.

Reinforcement of Human Resources and utilization of technology, information and communication becomes the main factor in developing JNE. X-Ray mechine, GPS, CCTV, On-line system up to satellite Communication Device has been the important supporting device in creating the absolute shipment speed and security. Achievement and commitment of JNE is proven through winning of different kinds of awards as ISO 9001:2008 Certification upon the quality management system

We are currently looking for candidates who have core competency: Achievement Orientation, Integrated and Customer Service Orientation for this following position :

Supervisor Marketing - Jakarta
Responsibilities :
Leading each task/projet related events and promotions and ensure the work can be carried out in accordance business strategy and desired goals enumerated by CompanyOptimization budge to online promotion activities ATL and BLT charm to make activities, the expected sales targets and good value (ROI) to the promo event heldTo coordinate with relevant parties charms shop online promo eventRequirements :
Education Min Bachelor DegreeMax age 28 years oldMin 1 year experiences in the same field, especially in a company engaged in the fiels of e-commerceExperienced in the field of marketing; marketing online shop (is an plus)Can demonstrate successful experience in event management and project managementThe desire to travel agencies and the ability to work independentlyThe ability to communicate orally and writing with bothCan Manage event calendars, project timeline and budget of an eventHaving knowledge and experiences in Digital MarketingProcedure :
Written application and CV to the mail sent to :
and CC to : --- Update : Label di »» international logistics company | jne | kurir | sma

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Lowongan Kerja Transmedia

TransmediaTRANSMEDIA sebuah grup media terkemuka di Indonesia yang diawali dengan keberadaan TRANSTV yang mengudara di tahun 2001 dan TRANS7 yang bergabung sejak tahun 2006, bersinergi sebagai televisi swasta nasional yang memproduksi inhouse program berkelas, inovatif yang senantiasa menjadi trendsetter di Indonesia.

Disusul bergabungnya DETIKCOM pada tahun 2010, portal berita terdepan nasional yang sekarang telah menjadi media online nomor satu dengan keberadaan produk-produk digital unggulan seperti e-magazine majalah Detik, Male & Fem, TV streaming myTRANS dan DetikTV

Kini TRANSMEDIA semakin lengkap dengan hadirnya TRANSVISION pada tahun 2013 sebagai televisi berlangganan dengan ratusan channel Internasional dan lokal inhouse terbaik.

Memantapkan TRANSMEDIA di kancah internasional, CNN Indonesia hadir menyajikan berita nasional dan global yang independen serta berkredibelitas tinggi, dengan format berbahasa Indonesia menjadikan CNN Indonesia sebagai Media Informasi Indonesia terpercaya dan Jendela dunia mengenal Indonesia.


30-31 AUGUST 2014
Start from 08.00 am
Gedung Kuliah Bersama Ruang B-1 & B-2
Jl. Prof. A Sofian Universitas Sumatera Utara

6-7 SEPTEMBER 2014
Start from 08.00 am
Auditorium MM FE UGM
Jl.Teknika Utara, Yogyakarta

6-7 SEPTEMBER 2014
Start from 08.00 am
Airlangga Convention Centre
Kampus C Universitas Airlangga Mulyorejo Surabaya

13 -14 SEPTEMBER 2014 Start from 08.00 am
Jl. PH.H Mustofa No.31 Bandung

27 - 28 SEPTEMBER 2014
Start from 08.00 am
Jl. Kap. Piere Tendean Kav. 12-14 A
Jakarta Selatan

For further informations, please visit and register at --- Update :

Label di »» transmedia

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Lowongan Kerja Ria Indo Agri

Ria Indo AgriPT RIA (Ria Indo Agri) adalah perusahaan formulator/ produsen agrochemical Indonesia yang mengedepankan professionalis, inovatif, dan dinamis, serta berkomitmen tinggi untuk memahami dan mengerti kebutuhan tani Indonesia, sehingga PT RIA (Ria Indo Agri) dapat menciptakan dan menyediakan produk-produk agrobisnis/ agrochemical (pestisida)/ bahan kima pertanian yang bermutu tinggi dan terjangkau.

PT RIA (Ria Indo Agri) adalah perusahaan berkembang yang memproduksi serta mendistribusikan bahan kimia/ pestisida pertanian yang bertujuan agar kebutuhan masyarakat tani dan perkebunan di Indonesia dapat terpenuhi. Seiring permintaan dan tuntutan yang semakin signifikan terhadap ketersediaan hasil pangan yang bermutu tinggi, Maka PT RIA (Ria Indo Agri) semakin bertekad, bertanggung jawab, dan terus mengembangkan produk-produk inovatif berkualitas untuk memenuhi dan mencukupi sarana pertanian dan perkebunan indonesia, khususnya dalam menyediakan pestisida/ agrochemical bermutu tinggi yang dibutuhkan oleh para petani guna mendapatkan hasil pangan yang berkualitas baik.

Pada saat ini membutuhkan Karyawan dengan kualifikasi sbb :

Posisi: Marketing Staff

1. Lulusan S1 Fakultas Pertanian atau Marketing.
2. Memiliki pengalaman bekerja di departemen Marketing Industri Pestisida seiama 1 tahun, terbuka untuk fresh graduated.
3. Siap untuk melakukan pekerjaan perjalanan dinas travelling dan berkantor di Cibubur.
4. Dapat bekerja secara individual dan kerjasama team dengan karakter semangat mau belajar terbuka akan pendapat dan diskusi.
5. Memiliki analisa dan kemampuan kontroling yang kuat.
6. Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik, komunikasi persuasif dan teknik presentasi.

Posisi: Technical Staff

1. Lulusan S1 Fakultas Pertanian Jurusan llmu Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman
2. Memiliki pengalaman bekerja di departemen Technical Industri Pestisida seiama 1 tahun, memahami teknik percobaaan produk, memahami produk-produk pestisida yang beredar.
3. Siap untuk melakukan pekerjaan perjalanan dinas travelling dan berkantor di Cibubur.
4. Dapat bekerja secara individual dan kerjasama team dengan karakter semangat mau belajar terbuka akan pendapat dan diskusi.
5. Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik, komunikasi persuasif dan tehnik presentasi.

Apabila tertarik bisa dikirim via surat atau email ke

Office PT. RIA Indo Agri
Cibubur Point Blok A/2
Jl. Raya Alternatif Cibubur Jakarta - 16954
Tel: +6221-8430-3912 /14 Fax: +6221-844-6640
Email: / --- Update :

Label di »» marketing staff | perkebunan | ria indo agri | s1 | technical staff

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Lowongan Kerja Indonesia Comnets Plus (Icon +)

Indonesia Comnets PlusFounded on October 3, 2000, PT Indonesia Comnets Plus (ICON +) focuses on providing networking, services, and telecommunications content, specifically to support the technology and information systems PT PLN (Persero) and the public. Therefore, the Company held a variety of superior services such as Clear Channel, Multi Protocol Label Switching (MPLS), broadband internet access, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), and banking applications.

PT. Indonesia Comnets Plus, a prospective Telecommunication Company with a vision to be Leading provider of network-centric ICT solutions in Indonesia by utilizing unique strategic assets, and a subsidiary of PT PLN (Persero), is looking for qualified candidates who are willing to answer the challenges of building a high performance team that will lead towards business excellence.

GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: The applicants must have good analytical thinking and problem solving skill, willing to work hard, highly motivated, and ready to be placed in all Indonesia Regions.


JUNIOR TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEER (JET): Fresh Graduates are welcome. Preferred to have experience in telecommunication network, such as FO, IP, TDM, LAN/WAN, Switching, Telephony, and other networking technologies

JUNIOR IT ENGINEER (JIT): Fresh Graduates are welcome. Preferred to have experience in IT infrastructure, development, design, operation, and maintenance. The applicants must also Familiar with software & hardware, understand with the concepts of programing and networking technologies.

PT Indonesia Comnets Plus (ICON+) is a subsidiary company of PT PLN (Persero), which has provided Business to Business telecommunication network and services with fiberoptic based towards PLN and its subsidiaries, also operator and enterprise companies in Indonesia. As ICON+ has rights to utilize the strategic assets of PLN, ICON+ has succeed to compete in ICT industry with the main products, such as: Clear Channel, IPVPN, Matronet, Internet, Data Center, and Cloud Computing. In order to expand the business moreover sustain its competitive advantage, ICON+ need the talents (Male/Female, Max.28 years old, bachelor in telecommunication engineering with the minimum GPA of 3.00), which are able to realize those purposes. If you are interested, visit moreover please kindly send your CV, bachelor certificate, and transcript to ICON+ is looking forward to meet you.

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Lowongan STAFF MARKETING RS Premier Jatinegara


Dalam upaya meningkatkan pelayanan kepada pelanggan, RS Premier Jatinegara membuka kesempatan kepada Anda untuk bergabung bersama kami

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan :

- Membina hubungan baik dengan dokter-dokter dan klien perusahaan
- Membina hubungan baik dengan media (cetak dan elektronik) untuk mendapatkan akses penyebarluaskan publikasi maupun klarifikasi keluhan kpd masyarakat luas
- Membina hubungan baik dengan calon pasien maupun pasien reguler
- Memberikan masukan mengenai layanan dan fasilitas Rumah Sakit
- Memberikan informasi mengenai dokter/klinik/rumah sakit yang berpotensi untuk kerjasama

Persyaratan Pengalaman :

Pengalaman minimal 3 tahun di bidang Marketing

Keahlian :

- Mempunyai kemampuan negosiasi
- Mempunyai jiwa melayani
- Mempunyai sikap dan perilaku yang baik, sabar dan ramah
- Mampu berkomunikasi dalam Bhs. Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan
- Mampu mengoperasikan komputer dengan baik

Kualifikasi :

- Pria/Wanita,
- Pend. S1 segala jurusan

Silahkan Login untuk bisa melamar pekerjaan ini.. Jika anda belum memiliki account, registrasi terlebih dahulu sebagai pencari kerja disini

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