Saturday, August 31, 2013

Engineering & Manufacturing Jobs @ PT Pamindo Tiga T

PT. PAMINDO TIGA T, Perusahaan PMA Jepang yang bergerak dalam bidang lndustri Komponen Kendaraan Roda Dua dan Empat, Engineering dan Konstruksi membutuhkan tenaga kerja, sebagai berikut:

Kriteria :
- Pria, usia maks. 25 tahun
- D3/Sl Jurusan Teknik Mesin, lndustri, Elektro
- IPK minimal2,75
- Menguasai AUTOCAD (Untuk Teknik Mesin)
- SehatJasmani dan Rohani
- Dapat bekerja sama dalam Team
- Bersedia di tempatkan di Tangerang / Pulogadung / Karawang.

Kriteria :
- Pria, usia maks. 25 tahun
- D3/Sf Jurusan Kimia
- IPK minimal2,75
- Menguasai bidang Cat, Produk Konsumen / lndustri terkait
- SehatJasmani dan Rohani
- Dapat bekerja dalam Team
- Bersedia di tempatkan di Tangerang / Pulogadung / Karawang.

Kriteria :
- Wanita, single, usia maks. 24 tahun
- D3 segala jurusan
- IPK minimal2,75
- Diutamakan fresh graduate
- Berpenampilanmenarik
- Menguasai Program Microsoft Office.
- Bersqdia ditempatkan di Tangerang.

Kriteria :
- Wanita, single, usia maks. 25 tahun
- D3/S1 Komputer Akuntansi / Ekonomi/ Management
- IPK minimal2,75
- Menguasai Program Microsoft Office
- Berpenampilanmenarik
- Bersedia ditempatkan di Pulogadung.

Kriteria :
- Wanita, usia maks. 30 tahun
- D3/S1 Lingkungan / Ekonomi
- IPK minimal2,75
- Diutamakan berpengalaman tentang ISO Sekertariat bidang lndustri
- Menguasai Program Microsoft Office
- Bersedia ditempatkan di Pulogadung.

Kriteria :
- Pria, usia maks. 25 tahun
- D3lSl Administrasi Perkantoran / Ekonomi
- IPK minimal2,75
- SehatJasmani dan Rohani
- Menguasai Program Microsoft Office
- Rajin, Jujur dan Energik.

Lamaran lengkap dikirim melalui email ke alamat: Please Login or Register to apply this job online. ditujukan ke bagian Personalia.

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Lowongan Kerja Bank OCBC NISP

Bank OCBC NISPBank OCBC NISP since its establishment in 1941 has been consistently implementing the prudential banking principles and has succeeded to conduct a healthy banking practices and survive through many crises in Indonesia.
Along with its aim to be one of the National Bank in 2010 based on the API (Indonesian Banking Architecture), Bank OCBC NISP continues to develop high quality products and increases its relations with costumers by opening many new offices in various major cities and districts.

Realizing the need of employees to support the development of the business, we open opportunities for you join and develop a carrier in banking industry with us. We invite you who has the spirit, full of initiative, high self-confidence, good communication and interpersonal skill and a willingness to learn to join us and actively participate towards a ”BANK OCBC NISP” as one of the Successful National Bank!!

Internal Community Development Officer
Work Location JAKARTA
Strata Title (S1) - Communication ( PR ), Manajemen, Economic, Design GraphisHave the experience in community activities or manage the external event, writing skill (articles, news)Soft competencies as value add : Experience in Employee/ community engagement, Design graphis (adobe photoshop, correl draw, in Design, Macro media ), and writting skils for community eventsAuto Loan Officer
Work Location Jakarta
Lulusan S1 dengan minimum IPK 2.75 (skala 4.00)Pria / Wanita, usia maksimal 30 tahunMemiliki pengalaman kerja minimal 1 (satu) tahun dibidang Marketing, khusunya untuk produk kredit kepemilikan mobilPersuasif, memiliki Interpersonal dan kemampuan komunikasi yang baikMemiliki kemampuan dalam menganalisa target pasar dan berorientasi kepada targetMemiliki Customer Base yang luas dan terpercayaSupport Officer
Work Location JAKARTA
Lulusan D3 / S1Pria / Wanita, usia maksimal 25 tahunFresh Graduate atau memiliki pengalaman kerja maksimal 2 tahunMemiliki kemampuan dalam Microsoft Office (MS Excel)Memiliki kemampuan yang baik dalam hal Numerik / AngkaMultitasking dan Time Management yang baikInterpreter
Work Location Jakarta Raya
Pria/Wanita, Lulusan fakultas bahasa, khususnya Bahasa InggrisPendidikan minimal S1, dengan IPK minimal 2.75 (skala 4.00)Fresh graduate atau sudah memiliki pengalaman 1 tahun kerjaTerbiasa melakukan translate Inggris - Indonesia dan sebaliknya.Sudah biasa menulis formalDiutamakan yang mengerti istilah-istilah perbankanMemiliki kemampuan Interpersonal dan kemampuan komunikasi yang baikInternship (Magang)
Administrasi Support : Menginput hasil Evaluasi Akhir Program (EAP) pelatihan seluruh Indonesia, yang merupakan salah satu sarana pengukuran bagi kualitas Presenter, Materi dan Penyelenggara PelatihanOperation Support: Menghubungi peserta untuk mendapatkan konfirmasi keikutsertaan peserta pada pelatihan, menggali alasan ketidakhadiran, membuat rekap ketidakhadiran peserta, mereview undangan pelatihan yang ada saat ini, dan membuat usulan undangan yang menarik dan informatifWaktu Magang: 6 bulanRequirements
Lulusan SMU / SederajatUsia maksimal 27 tahunTeliti, tekun serta terbiasa bekerja secara berkalaBisa bekerja dalam teamMemiliki integritas dan motivasi untuk maju dan belajar hal-hal baruMampu bekerja dengan target waktu dan hasil yang ditentukanMampu mengoperasikan MS ExcelMempunyai kondisi kesehatan yang baikNilai performance terakhir minimal "BAIK"Service Assistant
Work Location JABOTABEK
Memberikan pelayanan kepada pelanggan melalui pelayanan di cabang dan pemberian informasi terkait produk & jasa perbankan dengan tujuan untuk melayani, membina dan memelihara hubungan jangka panjang dengan pelanggan

Pendidikan minimal D3 atau S1 semua jurusanUsia maksimal 25 tahunBerpenampilan menarik, tinggi badan minimal 157 cmFresh graduate atau pengalaman sebagai teller dengan masa kerja maksimal 1 tahunMemiliki kemauan komunikasi yang baik, berorientasi kepada pelayananFacility Services Officer
Work Location Jakarta Raya
Mampu memberikan solusi dalam pelaksanaan perbaikan proses di lingkungan kerja terkait budget maintenance, complain tenant, complain civil & interior gedung, dan maintenance ATM public area.

Lulusan S1, jurusan Teknik (diutamakan teknik sipil)Pria/Wanita, usia maksimal 35 tahunMemiliki pengetahuan & pengalaman terkait masalah Teknik Sipil BangunanMemiliki jiwa pelayanan dan concern terhadap kualitasManagement Development Program (MDP) Risk
Work Location Jakarta Raya
MDP Risk will be focusing in Risk division, such as: Market Risk & Treasury Control, Credit Risk, Operational Risk Management & IT Risk Management and Asset Liability Risk Management

Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree or Master Degree in any field with minimum GPA 3.50 (scale 4.00) (Preferably Master Degree)Male / Female Max. 26 years oldFresh graduates or experience max. 2 yearsOther competencies: Good interpersonal & communication skills, Target and achievement oriented, Good analytical thinkingHaving good attitude and well-groomedActive in organization is a plusCentral Payment Support Officer
Work Location JAKARTA
Melakukan proses dan penyelesaian keluhan cabang / nasabah atas transaksi yang terjadi di Central Payment Operations (transaksi outgoing / incoming transfer valas dan rupiah, SWIFT, RTGS, SKN, Kliring, Pajak, CMS Payroll).Memberikan informasi kepada cabang/unit kerja lain sehubungan dengan transaksi Central Payment OperationsMenerima dan menindaklanjuti inquiry dari bank penerima / bank koresponden ke cabang atas transaksi transfer valas / rupiah yang bermasalahMelakukan investigasi atas transaksi outgoing / incoming transfer valas dan rupiah yang bermasalah melalui media SWIFT/RTGS/SKN dan media telekomunikasi lainnyaMenyediakan data dan laporan yang diperlukan yang berhubungan dengan operational Central Payment Operations.Melakukan rekonsiliasi data dan transaksi di Central Payment Operations.Requirements
Pria, pendidikan formal S1 (diutamakan, akuntansi, management, tehnik informatika) dengan minimum IPK 2.75Usia maksimal 30 tahunMemiliki pengalaman kerja minimal 1 tahunBisa bekerja dalam teamDinamis, persuasif, memiliki interpersonal dan komunikasi yang baikIntegrity dan memiliki 'service orientation' yang baikTeliti, tekun dan mampu bekerja dengan target waktu dan hasil yang ditentukanMemiliki analytical skill yang baikMampu mengoperasikan MS ExcelNilai Performance Appraisal terakhir minimal "BAIK"Quality Process Improvement
Work Location JAKARTA
Mengadakan diskusi dengan pemilik proses sebagai tahap awal untuk menggali maksud dan tujuan perbaikan proses dan menentukan prioritas pelaksanaan proyekMembentuk anggota tim proyek yang berasal dari unit kerja yang terkait dengan perbaikan prosesMembuat proposal (proyek & anggaran) perbaikan proses dan mengajukan persetujuannya ke Steering CommitteeMenjalankan proyek perbaikan proses bersama dengan anggota tim proyek dengan menggunakan metode Lean Six Sigma (DMAIC)Menyelesaikan proyek sesuai dengan tujuan yang akan dicapai, jadwal pelaksanaan, hasil perbaikan proses dan perhitungan keuntungan / penghematan yang akan diperolehMelakukan serah terima dokumentasi proyek perbaikan proses kepada pemilik prosesMemantau pelaksanaan jalannya proses yang telah diperbaiki sesuai dengan konsep Management Operating System (MOS) agar terjadi kesinambungan perbaikan prosesMemberikan pelatihan terkait Quality kepada anggota tim proyek atau kepada peserta Quality TrainingRequirements
Pendidikan Formal : S1 dari berbagai disiplin ilmuFresh graduate atau mempunyai pengalaman kerja min 1-2 tahun di bidang perbankan / industri jasa keuangan / khususnya dibidang perbaikan kualitas dan proses.Memiliki pengetahuan dasar tentang perbankan dan pemahaman atas operational dan business perbankanFasih berbahasa InggrisLebih diutamakan yang mempunyai sertifikasi Green BeltTrade Operations Officer
Work Location Gunung Sahari
Menyiapkan dan memproses transaksi ekspor dan impor sesuai dengan SOP dan kebijakan Bank, terutama dalam pemeriksaan dokumen, pembayaran dan penerbitan LCMelakukan korespodensi dengan koresponden Bank bila diperlukanMemelihara sistem pengarsipan yang baik dan sistematisMelaksanakan proses perbaikan dalam pekerjaan sehari-hariMemastikan kepatuhan pada peraturan pemerintah / Bank IndonesiaRequirements
Memiliki pendidikan min D3 atau S1 EkonomiMemiliki pengalaman kerja 1-2 tahun di bidang yang samaMampu berbahasa Inggris min LisanMengetahui UCP 600 dan ISBPUntuk wilayah penempatan di Gunung Sahari - JakartaIf you do not find any suitable position above, you are welcome to deposit your resume in our resume bank. Please let us know which function you would like to pursue with.

If you interested, please apply online through : OCBC NISP

--- Update :

lowongan kerja agustus 2013 di »» lowongan kerja bandung | lowongan kerja bank | lowongan kerja bank ocbc nisp | lowongan kerja customer service assistant | lowongan kerja d3 | lowongan kerja internship program | lowongan kerja interpreter | lowongan kerja jakarta | lowongan kerja management development program | lowongan kerja s1 | lowongan kerja sma | lowongan kerja smk  

Product reviews and advice for best reference

Lowongan Kerja Bukaka Teknik Utama

Bukaka Teknik UtamaPT. Bukaka Teknik Utama is a leading national company in the design-build engineering, construction, and manufacturing areas of energy, transport and telecommunications. Commencing in 1978, from a small scale operation with only twelve employees and a single product line, Bukaka has grown into a multi-million dollar company with thousand of employees.

Pioneer in the line of its genuine businesses, PT Bukaka Teknik Utama’s main activities cover the engineering and manufacturing of infra-structure related products and services.

The focus and strength of the company lie with its continuing and innovating experience in serving the rapid national development of the most important support sectors, namely energy transportation, and communication. The challenging enormous demand for the infra-structure, strives the company to keep its attention to the ongoing innovation competing world-wide. open opportunity for professionals to pursue careers , with the following positions:


a. Wanita. Usia 22-27 tahun
b. Lulusan D3 semua jurusan
c. Secretarial skills, handling meeting, telephone
d. Fasih berbahasa Inggris
e. Berkepribadian menarik, berperilaku baik, terbuka
f. Memiliki pengalaman resepsionis 1-2 tahun (di perusahaan multinasional merupakan nilai tambah)
g. Menguasai bahasa asing lain merupakan nilai tambah


a. Pria/ Wanita. Usia maksimal 28 tahun
b. Lulusan D3 Analis Kesehatan
c. Memiliki STR Analis
d. Disiplin
e. Teliti
f. Bertanggungjawab
g. Supel
h. Mahir menggunakan alat laboratorium merk HUMAN


a. Wanita, usia 21-24 tahun
b. Lulusan S1 Psikologi
c. Memiliki ketertarikan dengan bidang psikologi industri terutama seleksi dan penempatan
d. Menguasai alat-alat tes psikologi dan membuat laporan psikologi
e. Dapat belajar dan beradaptasi dengan cepat
f. Teliti, memiliki keteraturan
g. Komunikatif, berperilaku baik
h. Fresh graduate dipersilakan untuk melamar


a. Pria. Usia minimal 22 tahun
b. Lulusan S1 Teknik Kelautan, Teknik Perkapalan atau Teknik Sistem Perkapalan
c. IPK min 2.80 (skala 4)
d. Berbahasa Inggris dengan baik, lisan maupun tulisan
e. Bersedia ditempatkan di lokasi proyek
f. Memiliki jiwa leadership, analytical thinking, problem solving dan decision making yang baik
g. Memiliki pengalaman di industri rekayasa lepas pantai merupakan nilai tambah
h. Familiar dengan design Offshore Mooring System dan memahami standar kode yang dipakai
i. Menguasai software MAXSURF, MOSES, ORCAFLEX & Finite Element Calculation Software
j. Freshgraduate dipersilahkan untuk mendaftar


a. Pria. Usia 21 - 25 tahun
b. Minimal Lulusan D3 Teknik Mesin/ Teknik Manufaktur
c. IPK minimal 2.80 (skala 4)
d. Memiliki jiwa leadership, analytical thinking, problem solving dan decision making yang baik
e. Berpenampilan menarik, komunikatif, pekerja keras dan bertanggung jawab
f. Fresh graduate dipersilakan mendaftar
g. Memiliki pengalaman di bidang mechanical atau marketing merupakan nilai tambah


a. Pria. Usia 22 - 25 tahun
b. Lulusan D3 Teknik Manufaktur (lebih disukai dengan konsentrasi mechanical maintenance)
c. IPK minimal 2.80 (skala 4)
d. Dapat membaca gambar, basic kalkulasi tentang mekanika teknik
e. Paham tentang peralatan pendukung kerja, electrical dan hydraulic system
f. Komunikatif, berperilaku baik, pekerja keras
g. Teliti, fokus
h. Memiliki pengalaman sebagai staf maintenance merupakan nilai tambah


a. Pria/ Wanita, usia maksimal 25 tahun
b. Minimal lulusan D3 Keperawatan
c. Memiliki pengalaman sebagai perawat minimal 1 tahun
d. Fresh graduate dipersilakan mendaftar
e.Berpenampilan menarik, ramah
f. Bertanggung jawab, loyal, jujur
g. Disiplin
h. Bersedia untuk segera bekerja


a. Pria/ Wanita. Usia maksimal 26 tahun
b. Minimal Lulusan D3 Akuntansi
c. IPK min 2.80 (skala 4)
d. Memiliki analytical thinking, problem solving dan decision making yang baik
e. Mampu mengoperasikan Microsoft Office
f. Menguasai bahasa Inggris, baik lisan maupun tulisan
g. Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi interpersonal yang baik
h. Memiliki pengalaman di bidang accounting, minimal 1 tahun.
i. Mampu menyesuaikan diri dalam lingkungan kerja secara cepat.


a. Pria, lulusan S1 Teknik Sipil
b. IPK minimal 2.80
c. Usia 26-30 tahun
d. Minimal 3 tahun pengalaman pada jenis pekerjaan yang sama
e. Energetic, mampu bekerja dalam tim dan menjadi motivator bagi anggota tim
f. Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan dan interpersonal skill
g. Bersedia ditempatkan di lokasi proyek


a. Pria. Usia 20-28 tahun.
b. Minimal lulusan SMK/SMA
c. Menguasai program AutoCAD dan Tekla
d. Memiliki pengalaman minimal 3 tahun di bidang detailer
e. Mampu memodelkan struktur dan mendetailkan menjadi gambar
f. Teliti, mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan.
g. Kooperatif, luwes dan komunikatif
h. Mampu menyesuaikan diri dalam lingkungan kerja secara cepat

Bila Anda memenuhi kualifikasi dari posisi tersebut di atas, silakan kirim aplikasi, CV dan scan sertifikat penunjang (dalam format PDF) melalui email ke dengan mencantumkan Kode Posisi sebagai Subject Email (maksimal 200kb). Berkas diterima sampai dengan tanggal 10 September 2013.

Kami sampaikan bahwa seluruh proses rekrutmen dilaksanakan di Bukaka Industrial Estate di Cileungsi, Bogor. Dengan mendaftarkan diri, artinya Anda bersedia untuk dipanggil ke Cileungsi.

Product reviews and advice for best reference

Lowongan Kerja Garuda Indonesia

Garuda IndonesiaPT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) is the national airline of Indonesia. It is named after the mythical bird Garuda. Garuda Indonesia is headquartered at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in Tangerang. In Indian Vedic tradition, Garuda is the carrier of the Hindu god Vishnu; a representation of Garuda appears in the coat of arms of Indonesia.
Garuda Indonesia is based in Jakarta at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, and also has a hub at Ngurah Rai International Airport, Bali. The airline flies to a number of destinations in South-East,East Asia, the Middle East and Australia. It also previously flew to several destinations in Europe and North America. From June 2007 to July 2009, Garuda, along with all Indonesian airlines, was banned from flying to the EU. However, this ban has been lifted since July 2009.

Garuda Indonesia is listed as a 4-star airline by Skytrax, and is also listed among Skytrax's Quality Approved Airlines. It is wholly owned by the Indonesian Government and employs 6,285 staff (at March 2007)

Check the food and beverage quantity and quality.Food and Beverages Preparation and Processing.Serving high quality and healthy dish with 5 stars restaurant standard (Fine Dining)Discuss Food Nutrition with passengers and responsible of developing menu.Communicate with the passengers about the dish and such as describe menus, discover passenger’s desire and give recommendation to the passengers and ask passenger’s satisfaction about the dishes that were served.Assist Serving Cockpit and Responsible of safety and security.Requirement :
Male / FemaleFluent in English with a good Communication and Interpersonal skillExperience at 5 Star Hotel or Restaurant as a Chef de Partie is desirable.Good appearance ( clear complexion ) and Good attitudeHave Stable / Pleasant PersonalitiesProportional Posture (min. 158 for female and 165 for male, with Ideal Weight )max. 40 Years Old.To Apply for this opportunity please submit your application and CV by signing into our linked e-recruitment website below OR send you CV to email : (subject: Chef On Board) before 13 August 2013.

For further information, please call our recruitment team (at working hours 08.00-16.30 WIB- UTC/GMT +7 hours, Jakarta Time):
- Ms. Reni : (+6221) 2560-1038

Garuda is seeking for highly motivated Pilots to operate our growing fleet of B737-300/400/500, B737-800NG, CRJ1000 NextGen, A330-200/300/ B747-400, and B777-300ER

General Requirements :
Rated of Non-rated with previous jet experienceFor Captain position :
- Min age : 27 and max 58
- Minimum experience flying hours : 5000 hoursFor First Officer position :
- Max age. 58
- Minimum experience flying hours : 500 hoursHolding valid ICA CPL/IR or ATPL licenseHolding valid First Class Medical CertificateFluent in written and verbal EnglishProficient ICAO English min. level 4Passed selection process conducted by Garuda IndonesiaOpportunity for permanent employmentTo Apply for this opportunity please submit your application and CV by signing into our linked e-recruitment website, Lowongan Garuda --- Update : lowongan kerja agustus 2013 di »» lowongan kerja airline | lowongan kerja banten | lowongan kerja bumn | lowongan kerja chef | lowongan kerja d3 | lowongan kerja pilot | lowongan kerja pt garuda indonesia | lowongan kerja s1 | lowongan kerja seluruh indonesia | lowongan kerja tangerang  

Product reviews and advice for best reference

Finance Staff Vacancy @ PT. ValueStream International

PT. ValueStream International (VSI – is a Information Technology company, VSI was formed to focus on managing the associated business transaction, one of which is a switching company and developer of software to support transaction

Lowongan Kerja Finance (Code: FIN)

- Diploma/Bachelor (D3/S1) degree in Finance / Accounting from reputable University
- Male/Female, max 30 years old
- Min. 1 year experience in : finance / accounting Sharia Banking as a finance/accounting position is an advantage
- Familiar with Indonesian Tax Regulation (PPN, PPH)
- Computer Literate : Microsoft Office, MYOB and Internet
- Having an excellent interpersonal skill and strong analytical skill
- High integrity and dedicated, teamwork oriented
- Inisiative, proactive & creative
- Good communication in English both oral & written
- Work Location : Bandung.

Please send comprehensive resume to Please Login or Register to apply this job online. , at the latest September 15, 2013.

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Handbags reviews and advice for best reference

Lowongan Kerja Metro TV

Metro TVPT. Media Televisi Indonesia was granted a broadcasting licence for Metro TV on October 25, 1999. It is a subsidiary of the Media Group, headed by Surya Paloh, the company's President Director, who was a wealth of experience in the local media industry and is the publisher of Indonesia's third largest national newspaper, Media Indonesia.

From a start up work force of 280 employees the company now employs more than 900 people, mostly in the newsroom and production areas. Metro TV looking for professional, ambitious and highly motivated individuals to join our team in a successful company for the position as :

METRO TV looking for professional and highly motivated Fresh Graduates to join our team as a Trainee in several fields. You will get a complete training, combine in class and on the job training. This program is design to develop future leader of the company to deal with competitive business environment

TGL. 29 - 30 AGUSTUS 2013


03 - 04 SEPTEMBER 2013, PKL. 09.00 -16.00 WIB

JDP - Journalist Development Program
(Development Program for News Reporter & Presenter)

• Bachelor degree from any major with GPA min 3.00
• Max age 26 years old
• TOEFL Min. 525
• Have strong interest in Broadcast Industry
• Good Team Player, Achievement Orientation
• Energetic and Willing to Work in Flexible Long Hours
• Good interpersonal and Communication Skill
• Willing to follow a working bound (ikatan dinas)
• Camera Face, broadcast voice & Interested in Journalistic

MMDP - Metro TV Management Development Program
(Development Program for Sales & Marketing Department)

• Bachelor degree from any major with GPA min 3.00
• Max age 26 years old
• TOEFL Min. 475
• Have strong interest in Broadcast Industry/Broadcast/Sales
• Good Team Player, Achievement Orientation
• Energetic and Willing to Work in Flexible Long Hours
• Good interpersonal and Communication Skill
• Willing to follow a working bound (ikatan dinas)

TDP - Technical Development Program
(Development Program for Technical Department)

• Min D1 (Electrical, Telecommunication Engineering or Broadcasting) with GPA min 3.00
• TOEFL Min. 475
• Max. 26 years old
• Energetic and Willing to Work in Flexible Long Hours
• Good interpersonal and Communication Skill
• Willing to follow a working bound (ikatan dinas)

PDP- Production Development Program
(Development Program for News Production & Creative)

• Bachelor degree from Broadcasting with GPA min 3.00
• Max age 25 years old
• TOEFL Score Min. 475
• Have strong interest in: Scriptwriting/ Directing/ Production/Videography/Art Directing/ Sound Design/ Editing
• Good team player, Achievement orientation
• Energetic and willing to work in flexible long hours
• Good interpersonal and communication skill
• Willing to follow a working bound (Ikatan Dinas)

CamDP - Cameraman Development Program
(Development Program for News Camera Person)

• Min. D3 from any major with GPA min 3.00
• TOEFL Score Min. 475
• Interested in camera and journalistic
• Max age 26 years old
• Min. Height 170 cm
• Good eyesight / no wearing glasses
• Energetic and Willing to Work in Flexible Long Hours
• Willing to follow a working bound (ikatan dinas)

Should you meet above criteria send your CV, application letter and recent photograph to email: (Write the position code as the subject of your email) or fulfill your Resume: Website:

The Leading News Television in Indonesia looking for professional, experienced, and highly motivated individuals to fill the job of:

PRODUCER (PRO) - News Program

• Male/ Female
• Min. Bachelor Degree
• Min 5 years experience as Reporter and 3 years as a News Producer
• Creative, Innovative and Open minded
• Energetic and Willing to Work in Flexible Long Hours
• Good Team Player
• Fluent English (TOEFL Score min. 500)

CAMERAPERSON (CAM) - (Based: Palembang & Surabaya)

• Min. Diploma Degree (D3) with GPAmin. 2.80
• Max. age 27 years old
• Min. 2 years experience (preferably)
• Min. height 170 cm
• Have perfect eyesight (No Color -Blindness, No wearing glasses)
• Interested in videography and journalistic
• Live in Palembang and Surabaya


• Bachelor Degree from Reputable University
• Max 32 years old
• Min 3 years experience as Promo Producer
• Self Motivated and Good Team Player
• Willing to Work in Flexible Long Hours


• Male, max 26 years old
• Bachelor Degree Majoring Graphic Design/Product Design/ Visual Communication Design
• Min. 1 year experience
• Good knowledge in Graphic 2D 13D and Motion Graphic


• Max 27 years old
• Bachelor Degree from any relevant major
• Min 2 years as copywriter at TV Station or experience in creative writing


• Bachelor degree from any major (preferably information technology)
• Min 4 years experienced in related field
• Willing to work under pressure
• Excellent communication and interpersonal skill
• Excellent negotiation skill and analytical
• Fluent in written and spoken English


• Bachelor degree from reputable university with minimum GPA 2.75 (Majoring IT, Computer Science)
• Good knowledge in C++ based program
• Proficiency in VB.NET programming and Web programming (Cl, PHP, AJAX, CSS)
• Proficiency in databases like sql server, oracle and mysql
• Motivated in research and development new technologies
• Must be a team player and able to work under pressure

Should you meet above criteria send your CV, application letter and recent photograph to email: (Write the position code as the subject of your email) or fulfill your Resume: Website:

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Iklan Sponsor

Law Firm ” SONI WIJAYA & PARTNERS” bergerak dibidang Hukum
Membutuhkan staff Legal (diutamakan dari Hukum & Bisnis)

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan: Staff Legal (Hukum & Bisnis)
- dapat bekerja dalam tim

Keahlian: - Faham membuat kontrak kerja

Kualifikasi: - Wanita max. 28th
- IPK min 3.00 skala 4.00
- Bisa bahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan
- Diutamakan dari Hukum & Bisnis

Silahkan Login untuk bisa melamar pekerjaan ini.. Jika anda belum memiliki account, registrasi terlebih dahulu sebagai pencari kerja disini

Electronics product reviews and advice for best reference

Lowongan Kerja Pupuk Kaltim

Pupuk KaltimPupuk Kaltim bermula dari proyek pupuk lepas pantai di atas dua kapal milik Pertamina yang kemudian sesuai Keppres No. 43/1975 proyek tersebut dialihkan ke darat. Kemudian melalui Keppres No. 39/1976, Pertamina menyerahkan pengelolaannya kepada Departemen Perindustrian.

Dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan tenaga kerja dan untuk menyiapkan kader, PT. Pupuk Kaltim memberi kesempatan untuk mengikuti seleksi sebagai calon karyawan PT PUPUK KALTIM dengan syarat-syarat sebagai berikut :

PT. PUPUK KALTIM yang berlokasi di Bontang Kalimantan Timur merupakan anggota Pupuk Indonesia Holding Company (Persero) yaitu sebuah perusahaan produsen Pupuk Urea terbesar di Indonesia disamping produsen Ammoniak dan Pupuk NPK, membuka kesempatan kerja bagi yang memiliki kualifikasi sebagaimana tercantum dibawah ini.

I. Kualifikasi Pendidikan :

Tingkat Strata-1 :
Laki-Laki :
Jurusan :
a. T. Metalurgi & Material
b. T. Fisika/Elektronika
c. T. Mesin
d. Biologi/Mikrobiologi
e. Pertanian Jur. Agronomi / Budidaya Pertanian
f. Pertanian Jur. Ilmu Tanah

Laki2 / Perempuan:
Jurusan :
a. Akuntansi
b. Hukum
c. Manajemen Pemasaran
d. Ilmu Komunikasi
g. T. Industri
h. T. Kimia
i. T. Sipil

2. Tingkat Diploma-3
Laki-Laki :
a. Pelayaran Jur. Nautika *
b. Safety
c. T. Listrik Arus Kuat
d. T. Listrik/Elektronika Industri
e. T. Fisika / Elektronika Industri
f. T. Kimia
g. T. Mesin

Laki2 / Perempuan:
a. Akuntansi
b. Kearsipan / Arsiparis
c. Kesejahteraan Sosial
d. Komunikasi Jur. Kehumasan
e. Manajemen Industri/Perusahaan
f. Manajemen Informatika
g. Perpustakaan
h. Perpustakaan/Adm. Persh./Adm.Bisnis
i. T. Sipil
j. T. Informatika k. Keperawatan

* Khusus untuk D3 Pelayaran Jur. Nautika diutamakan yang bepengalaman berlayar 2 tahun dan usia maksimum 28 tahun.

II. Persyaratan Umum :
1. Warga Negara Indonesia.
2. Tanggal kelahiran sebagai berikut :
- Tingkat Strata-1 : Kelahiran mulai tgl. 22 Agustus 1987 dst.
- Tingkat Diploma 3 : Kelahiran mulai tgl. 22 Agustus 1989 dst.
3. Indeks Prestasi Komulatif (IPK) minimal 3.00 skala 4
4. TOEFL untuk SI minimal 450, D3 minimal 400.
5. Sehat Fisik dan Mental.
6. Tidak menikah dan bersedia tidak menikah selama masa pelatihan (training).
7. Belum pernah ikut seleksi (Tes) calon karyawan PT. Pupuk Kaltim periode bulan Oktober 2012 s/d Maret 2013.
8. Bersedia ditempatkan sesuai kebutuhan perusahaan.
9. Bebas dari narkoba/sejenisnya.

III. Kelengkapan Berkas :
1. Berkas Lamaran Kerja
2. Curriculum Vitae (CV) / Daftar Riwayat Hidup
3. Copy Ijazah terakhir yang telah dilegalisir / Surat Keterangan Lulus (SKL).
4. Copy transkrip akademik yang telah dilegalisir.
5. Copy sertifikat TOEFL.
6. Copy KTP yang masih berlaku.
7. Copy Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian yang masih berlaku (dpt menyusul).
8. Copy Kartu Pencari Kerja AK/I (kartu kuning) yang masih berlaku (dpt menyusul).
9. Pas foto berwarna ukuran 3x4 sebanyak 2 lembar.
10. Surat keterangan dari dokter. (menggunakan formuliryg disediakan).
11. Riwayat Kesehatan diisi oleh pelamar, (menggunakan formulir yg disediakan).
12. Surat pernyataan bebas dari narkoba/sejenisnya.
13. Form aplikasi diisi oleh pelamar, (menggunakan formulir yg disediakan)..

Catatan :

- Form aplikasi pelamar, form Surat Keterangan dokter, dan form Riwayat Kesehatan dapat di download (diunduh) di :
- Alamat tempat tinggal harus jelas dan disertai nomor telephon / HP yang dapat dihubungi.

IV. Berkas Lamaran Ditujukan Kepada :

Surat lamaran ditujukan kepada :

Manager Kesra. & Hubind.
PT. Pupuk Kalimantan Timur
Jl. James Simanjuntak No. 1 Bontang Kaltim

Penyampaian Berkas Lamaran :

1. Berkas lamaran dapat disampaikan melalui :
+ Surabaya : SAC ITS : Komplek Kampus ITS Sukolilo Surabaya
+ Yogyakarta :ECC UGM (Graha Karir : Jl. Krasak (Krasak Barat) No.20 Kota Baru, Yogyakarta
+ Bontang :
- Gedung Olah Raga (GOR) PKT ; JI. Alamanda no. 1 PC.VI. Pupuk Kaltim.
- Kantor Perw. Balikpapan JI. Pupuk Raya no. 54 Balikpapan
- Kantor Perw. Samarinda JI. Kadrie Oening no. 45 Kel. Air Hitam, Samarinda
2. Penerimaan berkas lamaran paling lambat tanggal 29 Agustus 2013 pada jam kerja.

V. Pengumuman Hasil Seleksi Administratif :

Pengumuman hasil seleksi administratif pada tanggal 5 Sep. 2013 di :

1. Website PT. Pupuk Kaltim :

VI. Ketentuan Lain :

1. Dalam proses seleksi ini pelamar tidak dipungut biaya apapun.
2. Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan administratif yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti seleksi.
3. Surat lamaran yang masuk menjadi milik PT. Pupuk Kaltim dan tidak bisa diminta kembali.
4. Pelamar dihimbau untuk mengabaikan pihak-pihak yang menjanjikan dapat membantu kelulusan dalam proses seleksi ini.
5. Panitia tidak menyediakan fasilitas transportasi dan/atau akomodasi.
6. Pelaksanaan seleksi di kota Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Bontang


Sl: T. Informatika / T. Komputer /T. Elektro Telkom

PT Pupuk Kaltim membutuhkan tenaga kerja dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :

Tingkat Sarjana (Sl) Jurusan Teknlk Informatika / Sistem Informasi / IImu Komputer
/  Teknik Elektro jur. Telekomunikasi.

I. Persyaratan Umum :

1. Warga Negara Indonesia yang mempunyal KTP wilayah Kaltim yang masih berlaku.
2. Tanggal kelahiran mulai tgl. 22 Agustus 1987 dst.
3. Indeks Prestasi Komulatif (IPK) minimal 3.00 skala 4
4. TOEFLminimal 450.
5. Sehat Fisik dan Mental.
6. Tidak menikah dan bersedla tidak menikah selama masa pelatihan (training).
7. Selum pernah ikut seleksl (Tes) calon karyawan PT. Pupuk Kaltim perlode bulan
Februari 2013 s/d Maret 2013.
8. Sersedia ditempatkan sesuai kebutuhan perusahaan.
9. Bebas dari narkoba/sejenlsnya.

II. Kelengkaoan Berkas :
1. Berkas lamaran Kerja
2. Curriculum Vitae (CV) / Daftar Riwayat Hldup
3. Copy Ijazah terakhir yang lelah dilegalisir / Surat Keterangan Lulus (SKL).
4. Copy transkrip akademik yang telah dilegalisir.
5. Copy sertifikal TOEFL
6. Copy KTP yang masih berlaku.
7. Copy Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolislan yang masih berlaku.
8. Copy Kartu Pencari Kerja AK/I (kartu kuning) yang masih berlaku.
9. Pas foto berwarna ukuran 3 x 4 sebanyak 2 lembar.
10. Sural keterangan dart dokter, (menggunakan formulir yg disediakan).
11. Riwayat Kesehatan diisi oleh pelamar. (menggunakan formulir yg dlsediakan).
12. Sural pernyataan bebas dari narkoba/sejenisnya.
13. Form aplikasi diisi oleh pelamar. (menggunakan formulir yg disediakan) ..

- Form aplikasi pelamar, form Surat Keterangan dokter, dan form Riwayat Kesehatan dapat di download (diunduh) di :
- Alamal tempat tinggal harus Jelas dan disertai nomor telephon/  HP yang dapat dihubungi.

III. Berkas lamaran Ditujukan Kepada :

Surat lamaran ditujukan kepada :

Manager Kesra. & Hubind.
PT. Pupuk Kalimantan Timur
JI. James Simanjuntak No.1 Bontang Kaltim

Penyampaian Berkas Lamaran ;

1. Berkas lamaran dapat dlsampalkan melalui ;

- Gedung Olah Raga (GOR) PKT ; JI. Alamanda no. 1 PC.VI. Pupuk Kaltim.
- Kantor Perw. Balikpapan JI. Pupuk Raya no. 54 Balikpapan
- Kantor Perw. Samarinda JI. Kadrie Oening no. 45 Kel. Air Hitam, Samarinda

2. Penerimaan berkas lamaran paling tarnbat langgal 2 Sept. 2013 pada jam kerja.

IV. Pengumuman Hasil Seleksi Administratif;

Pengumuman hasll seleksi administratif pada tanggaI 5 Sep. 2013 dl :

1. Website PT. Pupuk Kaltim :
2. Kantor Disosnaker Kota Bontang, JI. Awang Long No.1 Bontang
3. Kantor Perw. PKT Samarinda, JI. Kadrle Oenlng no. 45 Kel. Air Hitam, Samarinda
4. Kantor Perw. Ballkpapan, JI. Pupuk Raya no. 54 Balikpapan

V. Ketentuan Lain;

1. Dalam proses seleksi ini pelamar tidak dipungut biaya apapun.
2. Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti seleksi.
3. Surat lamaran yang masuk menjadi milik PT. Pupuk Kaltim dan tldak bisa diminta kembali.
4. Pelamar dihimbau untuk mengabaikan pihak-pihak yang menjanjikan dapat membantu kelulusan dalam proses seleksi ini.
5. Panitla tidak menyediakan fasllitas transportasi dan/atau akomodasi.
6. Pelaksanaan seleksi di kota Bontang, Surabaya, Yogyakarta

Detail info bisa didownload disini

Product reviews and advice for best reference

Lowongan Pramugari Garuda Indonesia

Garuda IndonesiaPT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) is the national airline of Indonesia. It is named after the mythical bird Garuda. It is headquartered at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in Tangerang. In Indian Vedic tradition, Garuda is the carrier of the Hindu god Vishnu; a representation of Garuda appears in the coat of arms of Indonesia.
The airline is based in Jakarta at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, and also has a hub at Ngurah Rai International Airport, Bali. The airline flies to a number of destinations in South-East,East Asia, the Middle East and Australia. It also previously flew to several destinations in Europe and North America. From June 2007 to July 2009, Garuda, along with all Indonesian airlines, was banned from flying to the EU. However, this ban has been lifted since July 2009.

Garuda Indonesia is listed as a 4-star airline by Skytrax, and is also listed among Skytrax's Quality Approved Airlines. It is wholly owned by the Indonesian Government and employs 6,285 staff (at March 2007)

Fligh Attendant (Pramugari)


* Min. High School (SLTA) Graduates/SMK, preferred D3 above
* Female, Single, Indonesian citizen
* Age Min 18 years and max 27 years old
* Height min. 158cm, and max 172cm with proportional body weight and postures
* Not using eyeglasses, contact lenses are allowed
* Excellent command in English (spoken & written)

Register yourself online at e-Recruitment Garuda Indonesia : Lowongan Pramugari Garuda
Human Capital Management
PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero)
Ground Floor-Garuda City
Bandara Soekarno-Hatta Cengkareng

Kontak :
* (021-2560) 1042 / 1038 (Team Recruitment)
* 085718711837 (Ibu. Risa)
* 085692750594 (Bpk. Giring)
During Work day (Monday-Friday) and office hour (07.30-16.30) --- Update :

lowongan kerja agustus 2013 di »» lowongan kerja airline | lowongan kerja balikpapan | lowongan kerja bandung | lowongan kerja banjarmasin | lowongan kerja bumn | lowongan kerja denpasar | lowongan kerja flight attendant | lowongan kerja jakarta | lowongan kerja medan | lowongan kerja padang | lowongan kerja pramugari | lowongan kerja pt garuda indonesia | lowongan kerja sma | lowongan kerja smk | lowongan kerja surabaya  

Product reviews and advice for best reference

Lowongan Kerja PLN (Persero)

PT PLN PerseroPLN (Perusahaan Listrik Negara, English: 'State Electricity Company') is an Indonesian government-owned corporation (BUMN) which has a monopoly on electricity distribution in Indonesia. The PLN is Indonesia's second-largest state company by assets The top level management, headed by the president director, reports to a government-appointed board.

The reliability and quality of electricity supply has steadily improved in Indonesia in recent decades. Supply is more reliable in Java because the grid is relatively well-developed compared to the situation in the Outer Islands (such as Sumatra, Sulawesi and Kalimantan) where most areas are serviced by localised systems often powered by small diesel plants. However power outages are still common, even in Java . There was, for example, a particularly severe power outage in 2005 which reportedly affected around 100 million people across Java and Bali for over five hours.

Dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan pegawai, PT PLN (Persero) Distribusi Jawa Barat dan Banten, membutuhkan tenaga kerja tingkat SMK dengan posisi jabatan sebagai berikut :


Jabatan tersebut dikategorikan sebagai tenaga pelaksana dengan usia pensiun 46 tahun dan jaminan sosial dikelola oleh Lembaga Asuransi yang ditunjuk oleh Perusahaan. Penempatan di wilayah Jawa Barat dan Banten. Adapun kriteria yang dipersyaratkan adalah sebagai berikut:


1. Jenis kelamin laki-laki, belum menikah dan sanggup tidak menikah selama mengikuti diklat prajabatan;
2. Pendidikan SMA IPA atau SMK Teknik Listrik ;
3. Nilai SKHUN rata-rata minimal 6,5 (enam koma lima);
4. Nilai raport Kelas 12 Semester terakhir
Nilai Matematika : Minimal 6,5 (enam koma lima)Nilai Fisika : Minimal 6,5 (enam koma lima)3. Berasal dari Sekolah dengan Akreditasi A dan B (dibuktikan melalui copy surat akreditasi sekolah)
4. Kelahiran maksimal tahun 1993 atau sesudahnya;
5. Tinggi badan minimal 165 cm;
6. Berat badan proporsional terhadap tinggi badan (BMI maksimal 28);
7. Sehat jasmani dan rohani serta tidak memakai kacamata dan tidak buta warna;
8. Tidak bertatto atau tidak bertindik/bekas tindik di telinga atau anggota tubuh lainnya;
9. Tidak memiliki ikatan dinas dengan Instansi atau Perusahaan lain;
10. Tidak terlibat dalam penyalahgunaan Narkoba dan Zat Adiktif lainnya;
11. Lulus seluruh tahapan seleksi, yang meliputi : Tes Administrasi, Tes Akademis, Tes Psikologi, Tes Fisik, Tes Wawancara, Tes Kesehatan, dan Diklat Prajabatan.

1. Penduduk Jawa Barat dan Banten, dibuktikan dengan KTP atau Kartu Keluarga;
2. Berbadan sehat, tidak buta warna, tidak rabun malam, tidak berkacamata, dan tidak merokok.


Berkas lamaran dikirimkan ke alamat :


Calon Pelamar agar melengkapi dokumen sebagai berikut :

1. Surat lamaran yang ditujukan kepada :
Panitia Rekrutmen PT PLN (Persero) Distribusi Jawa Barat & Banten2. Daftar Riwayat hidup (Curriculum Vitae, dilengkapi dengan no telepon/ HP yang dapat dihubungi);
3. Fotokopi ijazah yang dilegalisir;
4. Fotokopi Surat Keterangan Hasil Ujian Nasional (SKHUN) yang dilegalisir;
5. Fotokopi raport kelas 12 semester 2 (atau kelas 13 semester 2 khusus untuk SMK dengan lama pendidikan 4 tahun) yang dilegalisir;
6. Fotokopi surat legalisir sekolah;
7. Fotokopi Akte Kelahiran/ surat kenal lahir;
8. Fotokopi KTP (bagi yang masih berusia dibawah 17 tahun dapat melampirkan Surat Keterangan dari Kelurahan);
9. Fotokopi Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK) yang masih berlaku;
10. Pas foto berwarna terbaru ukuran 4x6 sebanyak 3 lembar;
11. Surat Pernyataan di atas materai Rp. 6000; - yang menyatakan bahwa :
? Tidak terlibat dalam penyalahgunaan narkoba dan zat adiktif lainnya dan tidak terlibat tindakan Kriminal
? Tidak merokok
? Belum menikah dan sanggup tidak menikah selama mengikuti diklat prajabatan
? Tidak memiliki ikatan dinas dengan Instansi atau Perusahaan lain.
12.Surat Keterangan sehat dan tidak buta warna dari Dokter;
13.Berkas lamaran yang tidak lengkap atau tidak sesuai dengan persyaratan yang ditetapkan tidak akan diproses lebih lanjut.
14.Seluruh berkas lamaran agar dimasukkan ke dalam map (warna map disesuaikan dengan bidang pekerjaan yang dilamar, LIHAT TABEL DIATAS)
15.Setiap pelamar wajib mencantumkan kode bidang pekerjaan yang dilamar.


1.Berkas lamaran paling lambat diterima pada tanggal 30 Agustus 2013 (cap pos).
2.Penyampaian berkas lamaran lebih dari tanggal tersebut tidak akan diproses.
3.Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti seleksi selanjutnya.
4.Tempat dan Jadwal seleksi akan diberitahukan kemudian melalui website dan pada tanggal 5 September 2013.
5.Tidak dilakukan korespondensi dengan pelamar serta keputusan Panitia Rekrutmen bersifat final dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
6.Tidak dipungut biaya apapun selama mengikuti seleksi yang diselenggarakan oleh PT PLN (Persero).
7.Seluruh data yang dilampirkan dalam lamaran adalah data sebenarnya, jika ditemukan kecurangan maka dinyatakan gugur.
8.Hati-hati terhadap penipuan yang dilakukan dengan mengatasnamakan Pegawai/ Pejabat/ Panitia Rekrutmen PT PLN (Persero).

Product reviews and advice for best reference

Lowongan Kerja Amerta Indah Otsuka

Amerta Indah OtsukaPT. Amerta Indah Otsuka (, is group of Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Our leading products are POCARI SWEAT (the market leader in Isotonic drink) and SOYJOY (the first fruit soy bar in Indonesia which fully made from soy powder and real fruits).

To support our massive expansions, we need to invite some professionals to grow together. If you are the people who have integrity, passion, teamwork spirit, curiosity, courage, be able to make improvement & innovation, and want to win the change, we invite you to join our team as:

Production Operator (OPR)
Location : Sukabumi Factory (Sukabumi/West Java)
Requirement :

• Maximum 26 years old
• Graduate Diploma from Electrical/Mechanical Engineering
• Willing to work on shifts
• Fresh graduate are welcome to apply

Engineering (Eng)
Location : Sukabumi Factory (Sukabumi/West Java)
Requirement :

• Maximum 26 years old
• Bachelor degree from Electrical Engineering / Mechanical Engineering
• Willing to work on shifts
• Fresh graduate are welcome to apply

R&D Staff (RD)
Location : Sukabumi Factory (Sukabumi/West Java)
Requirement :

• Maximum 26 years old
• Graduate Diploma or Bachelor degree from Electrical Engineering
• Required skill(s): PLC, Wiring Diagram
• Fresh graduate are welcome to apply

QC Staff (QS)
Location : Sukabumi Factory (Sukabumi/West Java)
Requirement :

• Maximum 26 years old
• Graduate Diploma or Bachelor degree from Biology/Microbiology, Chemistry
• Fresh graduate are welcome to apply

If your qualification match with our requirements, please send your complete CV with recent photograph  not later than September 4th, 2013 to :

Jl. Raya Siliwangi Km. 28 Cicurug, Sukabumi
or email at : (max 350 kb)
Please write down the position on the subject of email --- Update :

lowongan kerja agustus 2013 di »» lowongan kerja amerta indah otsuka | lowongan kerja d3 | lowongan kerja engineering staff | lowongan kerja fmcg industry | lowongan kerja jawa barat | lowongan kerja manufaktur | lowongan kerja production operator | lowongan kerja research and development staff | lowongan kerja s1 | lowongan kerja sukabumi  

Product reviews and advice for best reference

Account Executive – Media Bintang Indonesia Group

Account Executive - Media Bintang Indonesia Group :: ""; (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = "//"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));

Situs Penyedia informasi Lowongan Kerja dan Karir 2013

HomeCreate Resume OnlineKategori LokerCari Lowongan KerjaPasang LowonganTips LokerLogin Home » Sales » Account Executive » Account Executive – Media Bintang Indonesia Group Account Executive – Media Bintang Indonesia Group
Iklan Lowongan Kerja Oleh :
Kategori Loker : Account Executive
Lokasi: Jakarta Selatan
Level Pekerjaan: Staff (non-management & non-supervisor)
Syarat Pendidikan: Diploma/D1/D2/D3
Gaji: Negosiasi
Tipe Pekerjaan: Kontrak
Tanggal tayang : August 31, 2013
Iklan Sponsor

Media Bintang Indonesia Group, penerbit, tabloid Bintang Indonesia, tabloid Home, tabloid Aura, Majalah Wonder Teen, dan Majalah Home Living, membuka kesempatan bagi Anda profesional muda yang dinamis, energik, serta memiliki motivasi yang tinggi untuk bergabung menjadi bagian dari tim kreatif kami, untuk menempati posisi sebagai:

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan: Negotiation with client, media Planer

Persyaratan Pengalaman: Have Min 1 years successful experience in Sales & Marketing Media

Keahlian: Have a good Personality, extrovert, strong internship skill, negotiating skill, and good presentation
- Good Character and able to work under deadlines and pressure
- Computer Literate

Kualifikasi: Male / Female maximal 30 years old
• Min Bacelor degree from any major
• Have Min 1 years successful experience in Sales & Marketing Media
• Have a good Personality, extrovert, strong internship skill, negotiating skill, and good presentation
• Excellent communication and interpersonal skill
• Energetic, creative, focus on target oriented
• Good Character and able to work under deadlines and pressure
• Computer Literate

Silahkan Login untuk bisa melamar pekerjaan ini.. Jika anda belum memiliki account, registrasi terlebih dahulu sebagai pencari kerja disini

Loker Account Executive TerbaruLowongan Account Executive Diklat Cika YogyakartaLowongan Kerja KKI – Account Officer (AO)Lowongan Account Executive PT Ide Komunitas IndonesiaSenior Account Executive for IT Company. JakartaACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Adora Super Club BaliAccount Executive Officer – PT. Harvest International Futures SurabayaLowongan Account Executive / Marketing – Match AdvertisingLowongan Sales/Account Executive – PT. SATO NagatomiACCOUNT EXECUTIVE – ADORA SUPER CLUBLowongan Kerja Account executive & Public Relation DI Jakarta Pusat Pasang Iklan Lowongan

Bagi perusahaan atau penginformasi lowongan kerja, anda dapat memasang iklan Lowongan Kerja tersebut melalui form berikut.

Buat Resume Online

Buat resume online dan dapatkan info lowongan kerja rekomendasi dari Loker yang sesuai dengan keahlian anda.

Kategori Lowongan Kerja Law Enforcement & SecurityManagement ConsultingMarketingOther jobsPabrik dan ManufakturPendidikan Dan PelatihanPertambangan Dan EnergiProgrammerProperty & Real EstateRestaurant & HotelRetailSalesSecretarySosialTeknikTelecommunicationsTransportation & Logistics AdministrasiAdvertising & Public RelationsAkuntansi dan KeuanganArts & Entertainment & PublishingAsuransiAutomotiveBanking & MortgageCollectorCustomer ServiceDesignerEventHospitality & TravelHuman ResourcesInformation TechnologyInternet & New MediaKesehatan dan KedokteranKonstruksi dan Bangunan Tips Lowongan Kerja Kuliah VS Kerja Kuliah VS Kerja

Kuliah atau kerja yang duluan menjadi pertanyaan yang sering kali terlontar dari tamatan SMA dan sederajat, Mau kuliah dulu atau kerja dulu, keduanya tidak... 

Tips Melamar Kerja via Email Tips Melamar Kerja via Email

Banyak orang mungkin masih merasa lebih ‘sreg’ mengirimkan aplikasi lamaran pekerjaan melalui pos ketimbang email. Namun, di era yang sangat... 

Berapa Gaji yang “Harus” Saya Minta? Berapa Gaji yang “Harus” Saya Minta?

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9 Hal tentang Karir Masa Depan 9 Hal tentang Karir Masa Depan

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Top Ten Interview Tips Top Ten Interview Tips

Tips Interview1. Konfirmasikan waktu dan tempat interview sehari sebelumnya. Setelah konfirmasi diperoleh, anda dapat mengatur waktu untuk besok, misalnya... 

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Electronics product reviews and advice for best reference

Lowongan Administrator – DOTUGO

Iklan Sponsor

DOTUGO adalah sebuah Creative Design Agency yang berlokasi di Jakarta,sedang membuka lowongan kerja untuk posisi Administrator.

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan: •Berpengalaman mengurus surat pajak
•Berpengalaman membuat invoice perusahaan
•Terampil mengatur pembukuan

Persyaratan Pengalaman: Pengalaman 1 tahun di bidang yang sama

Keahlian: •Terampil mengoperasikan Microsoft Office

Kualifikasi: Required :
- Wanita, Max 28 tahun
- Pendidikan Minimal D3/S1
- Jujur, disiplin dan cekatan

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Lowongan Kerja Bank Jateng

Bank JatengBank Jateng is one of the largest regional development bank companies in Indonesia operated in Central Java. The Company incorporated in 1963 and its shares owned together by the Government of Central Java with all the Government of City / County in Central Java. The Company focused in general banking activities and its products consist of Tabungan Bima, Tabungan Simpeda, Deposito on Call, DPLK Setia, Hajj Saving, Tabungan Qurban.
Bank Jateng also provides lending products, including bank acceptance and various loan facilities. Bank Jateng corporate head office located in Semarang and currently operated 35 Branch Offices, 93 sub Branch Offices, 98 Cash Offices, 52 Payment Point offices, and operated 65 ATM networks in all Central Java region. The Bank also supported with sharia business unit and operated 2 sharia branch offices, 2 Cash Offices, 35 Chanelling offices, and 2 payment point offices.

Bank Jateng membuka peluang bagi Sumber Daya yang dinamis dan energik untuk mengikuti seleksi calon pegawai tetap untuk posisi
Analis KreditPemasarGeneral BankingGeneral Banking SyariahAnalis Pembiayaan SyariahPERSYARATAN
Warga Negara IndonesiaSehat rohani dan jasmani sesuai Surat Keterangan Sehat dari dokterBelum pernah menikahBerpenampilan menarik, tinggi badan minimal 160 cm untuk Laki-Laki dan minimal 155 cm untuk PerempuanBerkelakuan baikPendidikan minimal Sarjana Strata Satu (S1) dari semua jurusan, diutamakan jurusan Ekonomi, Hukum, FISIP, Komputer, Teknik, MIPA, Pertanian, dan Perikanan dari Perguruan Tinggi Negeri atau Swasta yang terakreditasi minimal BIndeks Prestasi Komulatif minimal 3.00 (Skala 4)Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh unit kerja Bank JatengBatas usia (per tanggal 1 September 2013) maksimal 30 tahun untuk Sa dan maksimal 35 tahun untuk S2Khusus untuk yang akan ditempatkan pada posisi Analis Kredit, Pemasar, dan Analis Pembiayaan Syariah diutamakan yang sudah berpengalaman bekerja dihidangnyaTidak memiliki hubungan keluarga (saudara kandung/ipar/orang tua/menantu) dengan pegawai dan direksi Bank JatengTidak sedang berstatus sebagai tenaga kontrak Bank Jateng dengan masa kerja kurang dari 1 tahun per tanggal 1 September 2013Surat Lamaran ditulis tangan dengan menyebut posisi yang diminati dan dikirim ke PO BOX 1252 SM paling lambat 3 September 2013 dengan melampirkan :
Fotokopi Kartu Identitas Diri (KTP)Daftar Riwayat HidupFotokopi Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK) yang telah DILEGALISIRFotokopi Ijazah dan Transkrip Nilai yang telah DILEGALISIRSurat Keterangan Sehat dari dokterPas Foto berwarna ukuran 4x6 sebanyak 2 lembar--- Update : lowongan kerja agustus 2013 di »» lowongan kerja bank | lowongan kerja bank jateng | lowongan kerja credit analyst | lowongan kerja financial analyst | lowongan kerja general banking staff | lowongan kerja marketing staff | lowongan kerja s1  

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Iklan Sponsor

Dibutuhkan SEGERA
Manajer Marketing & Staf iklan
Yang mempu bekerja mandiri & mempunyai jaringan luar di kalangan agency

Lebih di prioritaskan yang bekerja di bidang ini (media lainnya)
Pendidikan : lebih diutamakan yang S1

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan: Bertanggung jawab atas target iklan yang ditentukan perusahaan
bertanggung jawab pada pimpinan cabang di kantor jakarta
bertanggung jawab membentuk tim marketing iklan (jika manager)

Persyaratan Pengalaman: Minimal pengalaman 2 tahun (manajer) dan 1 tahun (staf AE)

Keahlian: Mempunyai jaringan luar di kalangan agency
mempunyai klien

Kualifikasi: - Pria/Wanita,
- Usia 25 – 35 tahun
- Jujur dan teliti
- Domisili Jakarta
- mandiri

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Electronics product reviews and advice for best reference

Lowongan Kerja Decorous Mitra Selaras

DecorousPT Decorous Mitra Selaras (Decorous) has grown to be the expertise of furniture interior and interior consulting in the region. Over 10 years experience in the field, we have done thousands installation and served various clients. With our commitment on quality and professionalism, also empowered by our specialization on furniture, design, and interior consulting, we ready to over you an innovative solution for answering your needs.

Product Consultant - Sales - Jambi
Position Requirements

• Male/Female
• Min. Bachelor Degree in any major
• Candidate who is graduate from Architecture, Interior Design, Design Product, Marketing, Public Relation, or other related discipline would be an advantage
• Fresh graduate are welcome to apply
• Friendly, Dynamic, and love challenges
• Motivated to enhance his/ her networking skills and coverage
• Proficient in English both oral and written
• Having experience in the same industry would be an advantage

Position Responsibilities

• Performing consultative selling to customers and expanding networking in order to establish business relationships with prospective clients
• Act aggressively and persuasively in giving informative and aesthetic advice of the products to convince customers to buy your concepts and products.

Put code : PC-DMS as your subject

Estimator & Site Engineer - Jakarta
Position Requirements

• Male/Female
• Graduated from architecture or interior design
• Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
• Having basic computer skills: microsoft office, Auto CAD 2D & 3D, 3D Max/Scetch Up, Corel, Adobe Photoshop

Position Responsibilities

• Plans, designs, and prepares specifications for the construction and installation of the furniture based on client’s order
• Determines material and equipment costs by referring to catalogues and through personal contacts with vendors and suppliers
• Prepares reports covering all estimated costs; submits for director's approval
• Visit the site to get the whole perspective of location and details if needed

Put code : SITE-DMS as your subject

We would like to invite you to apply for the above position by sending your CV and the position as subject to: not later than 23 September 2013

Product reviews and advice for best reference

Lowongan Kerja Unilever

UnileverPT Unilever Indonesia. Unilever's principal activities are manufacturing and distributing consumer goods including soaps, detergents, margarine, sauces, snacks, dairy based foods, ice cream, tea based beverages, cosmetic products and fruit juice.

Unilever brands include Pepsodent, Pond's, Lifebouy, Sunsilk, Clear, Vaseline, Rinso, Surf, Blue Band, Royco, Dove, Lux, Sunlight, Taro, Bango, Molto, Rexona, Lipton tea, Paddle Pop and Wall's. Unilever's factories are located in Cikarang and Surabaya.

Supply Chain Information Assistant (Job Number: 13000J20)
Unposting Date : Sep-15-2013, 11:59:59 AM
Schedule : Full-time
Primary Location : Indonesia-Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta
Shift : Day Job
Job : Supply Chain
Travel : No

Job Descriptions:
The incumbent tasked is to support the current IM Supply chain Assistant Manager in production and management of Supply Chain information and must be able to ensure that the publishers in SC meet the deadlines from the agreed Service Level Agreement.

The must have for applicants:

- Bachelor Degree (S1) from reputable university, preferably from Industrial Engineering discipline with min 3.00GPA
- have experience and knowledge in Supply Chain area
- familiar with report preparation process
- have advance skill to operate Ms Office, especially Ms Excel and Ms Power Point, MS access is a plus
- Familiar and have skill to operate SAP
- Able to communicate in local and English language (Oral and Written)
If You're experienced professionals and ready for a new challenge. At Unilever, you have the chance to make a genuine impact on the business.

You can apply online at: Lowongan Unilever. Select Location -> Indonesia

At Unilever we recognize our responsibility to protect the information you provide to us. Unilever is a multinational consumer goods company which offers a range of products that include; foods, beverages, cleaning agents and personal care products. As privacy and personal data protection laws vary from one country to another we ask that you read the privacy statement issued by the country in which you are applying as well as the country in which you reside, to ascertain the data protection laws that apply to information or data maintained by that local site.

Product reviews and advice for best reference

Lowongan Kerja PT Jaya Real Property Tbk

Jaya Real PropertyPT Jaya Real Property Tbk (JRPT) is engaged in development of satellite cities, which comprise of acquisition and development of land, construction of infrastructure and buildings such as house, offices, sport and recreation center and other business activities of a real estate company. The company's was established on May 25, 1979. JRPT is engaged in developing an integrated satellite city that provides homeowners with fully lifestyle and infrastructure facilities. Bintaro Jaya, JRPT's principal

Jaya Real Property, Tbk located in Bintaro Jaya area is reputable Real Estate & Property Company in Indonesia. It’s one of companies under Pembangunan Jaya group. Along with company business development, we need young professionals for these following positions:

Along with the company business development in residential, shopping center, condominium and commercial property, we need young professionals for these following positions:

Civil Manager - MS
To manage and coordinate all the preparation of civil planning requirement, design and scheduling activities of the project area to which he has been assigned according to agreed planEnsuring that the civil projects are built as per design and specification, project timelines and budgets.Having good leadership, communication, and negotiation skills.Bachelor/Master of Civil Engineering, min. GPA 2.75 (Bachelor) & 3.00 (master) out of 4.00. Max. age 35 years old.Having 2-3 years experience in related position would be advantage.Placement in Bintaro Jaya – Tangerang SelatanOperational Manager - OM
Perform and analyze annual budgeting for building operationalEnsure daily operational security and handling major complain as customer’s conveniencesCoordinating with all sub contractor related to indoor (housekeeping & building) and outdoor (water feature, landscape & gardening) maintenanceBachelor/Master any major, min. GPA 2.75 (Bachelor) and 3.00 (Master) out of 4.00.Max. age 35 years old. 2-4 yrs experience in property retail industry or related positionPlacement in Bintaro Jaya - Tangerang SelatanHuman Resource Supervisor – SHRD
Formulate the Human Resources objectives and programs including manpower planning, training and development, productivity improvement programs.Having good communication, leadership, and analytical thinking.Bachelor/Master of Psychology, min. GPA 2.75 (Bachelor) and 3.00 (Master) out of 4.00.Max. age 35 years old. 2-4 yrs experience in related position would be advantage.Placement in Bintaro Jaya - Tangerang SelatanCorporate Secretary (SEC)
Responsible of all activities of the Unit Corporate Secretary in order to achieve deadlines and targets working set.Planning, coordinating, and reporting the process of PT. Jaya Real Property, Tbk investing and its subsidiary companies to present to investors and stakeholdersBachelor's Degree, Master's Degree / Post Graduate Degree, Finance/Accountancy/Banking, Business Studies/Administration/Management or equivalent.At least 2 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.Placement in Bintaro Jaya – Tangerang Selatan Benefit Officer (BO)
Responsible of the insurance premiums payment process in each period as well as any changes or mutations employee plan.Handling the payment process of employees’ insurance claims.Diploma/Bachelor in any major, min. GPA 2.75 out of 4.00. Max. Age 35 years old.Having at least 1 year experience in insurance compensation/benefit.Placement in Bintaro Jaya – Tangerang Selatan Tax Staff - PJK
Responsible to prepare, coordinate, maintain and perform all financial transactions and records related to TaxEnsure company policies are met with local Tax Regulations, monitor Tax Payment and Submission, Reconciliation & Equalization and others Tax Related taskMaintain physical filing of Tax Documents safe guard for its completeness.Having Brevet certificate A-B, able in accounting is preferably.Bachelor of Accounting, min. GPA 2.75 (Bachelor) out of 4.00.Max. age 35 years old. Fresh Graduates or 1 year experience in tax.Placement in Bintaro Jaya – Tangerang SelatanAccounting Staff - AK
Responsible in composing financial statements as registering and grouping data.Good communication and thorough.Bachelor in Accounting. Min GPA 2.75 out of 4.00. Max 35 years old.Having 1-2 years experience in property accounting would be advantage.Placement in Bintaro Jaya – Tangerang SelatanAdministration Staff – Adm
Responsible in Administration such as payments and database.Having good attention to details & thorough. Good skills on Ms. Office.Diploma/Bachelor in finance/business management, min. GPA 2.75 (Bachelor) out of 4.00. Max. age 35 years old.Fresh Graduates / 1 year experience in finance administration.Placement in Bintaro Jaya – Tangerang SelatanShould you meet the qualifications, please submit your application letter and CV with the position code as subject to: or visit our website at (Applicants with un-code subject would not be proceed) --- Update : lowongan kerja agustus 2013 di »» lowongan kerja accounting staff | lowongan kerja administration staff | lowongan kerja banten | lowongan kerja bintaro | lowongan kerja civil manager | lowongan kerja corporate secretary | lowongan kerja hr supervisor | lowongan kerja operational manager | lowongan kerja property developer company | lowongan kerja s1 | lowongan kerja tangerang | lowongan kerja tax staff  

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Lowongan Kerja Bank QNB Kesawan

Bank QNB KesawanPT Bank QNB Kesawan Tbk provides your carrier path in developing yourself to be the best in banking industry. Bank QNB Kesawan is a public listed company with majority share holder by Qatar National Bank (QNB). QNB Group is the largest financial institution in the MENA region by Assets, Loans, Deposits, Profits, and Equity and was recently named by Bloomberg Markets as the “World’s Strongest Bank”.

As it continues to go forward, honing new skills, developing new assets and expanding its sphere of influence, Bank QNB Kesawan is determined to position itself as a leading financial powerhouse that can, and will, use its assests to make a positive difference in the communities it serves.

Be part of the Agent of Change, by joining Bank QNB Kesawan’s Management Development Program.

Management Development Program.
S1/S2 graduated from a reputable university or has successfully completed the final thesisGrade Point Average (GPA) minimum 2.75Good command in English ; oral & writtenGood analytical, interpersonal and communication skillsSend your CV to: not later than 15 September 2013 --- Update : lowongan kerja agustus 2013 di »» lowongan kerja bank | lowongan kerja bank qnb kesawan | lowongan kerja management development program | lowongan kerja s1 | lowongan kerja s2  

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INTERIOR DRAFTER - PT. WULANDARI LESTARI :: ""; (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = "//"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));

Situs Penyedia informasi Lowongan Kerja dan Karir 2013

HomeCreate Resume OnlineKategori LokerCari Lowongan KerjaPasang LowonganTips LokerLogin Home » Designer » Interior » INTERIOR DRAFTER – PT. WULANDARI LESTARI INTERIOR DRAFTER – PT. WULANDARI LESTARI
Iklan Lowongan Kerja Oleh :
Nama / Perusahaan: PT. WULANDARI LESTARI
Kategori Loker : Interior
Lokasi: Jakarta
Level Pekerjaan: Staff (non-management & non-supervisor)
Syarat Pendidikan: SMA/SMK/STM
Gaji: Negosiasi
Tipe Pekerjaan: Tetap
Tanggal tayang : August 31, 2013
Iklan Sponsor


adalah perusahaan yang terus berkembang dalam bisnis pelayanan jasa & produk di bidang interior, meubelair – furniture, dan kontraktor sipil.
Kami memberikan kesempatan bagi tenaga profesional yang tangguh & menyukai tantangan untuk menduduki posisi :

Requirements :
Pria usia max. 30 tahun
Pendidikan minimal STM Bangunan / Interior
Lebih disukai jika memiliki pengalaman yang sama seperti diatas (drafter, cost estimator, pengawas lapangan)
Bersedia untuk in-charge / turun ke proyek
Mampu menggambar detail interior, Built-In and Loose Furniture
Mengerti material dan konstruksi interior, Built-in and Loose Furniture
Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan
Menguasai AutoCAD / 3D Max / Sketch Up, mampu membaca & menguasai gambar kerja
Mempunyai kendaraan minimal sepeda motor & memiliki SIM C atau A
Pekerja Keras, Kreatif, Rajin, Jujur, Disiplin, Inisiatif, Setia pada perusahaan, Bertanggung Jawab dan memiliki motivasi yg tinggi untuk berkembang

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan: - menggambar detail interior, Built-In and Loose Furniture
- Mengerti material dan konstruksi interior, Built-in and Loose Furniture

Persyaratan Pengalaman: diutamakan pengalaman di bidang interior / furniture

Keahlian: Menguasai AutoCAD / 3D Max / Sketch Up

Kualifikasi: Pria usia max. 30 tahun
Pendidikan minimal STM Bangunan / Interior

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Loker Interior TerbaruLowongan Arsitek / Interior Design – Sebastian and PartnersLowongan Interior Designer – Studio PiuDrafer dan Design Interior – Adirf DesignLowongan Staff Interior Design Galery Bernini SemarangLowongan interior designer – W studio designLowongan Interior Design + DrafterLowongan Staff Produksi Bliss Interior Bintaro Tangerang SelatanAssisten Supervisor Teknik – PT. Wulandari LestariLowongan Untuk Tukang Pasang WallpaperLowongan INTERIOR DESIGNER di Sunter – Jakarta Utara Pasang Iklan Lowongan

Bagi perusahaan atau penginformasi lowongan kerja, anda dapat memasang iklan Lowongan Kerja tersebut melalui form berikut.

Buat Resume Online

Buat resume online dan dapatkan info lowongan kerja rekomendasi dari Loker yang sesuai dengan keahlian anda.

Kategori Lowongan Kerja Law Enforcement & SecurityManagement ConsultingMarketingOther jobsPabrik dan ManufakturPendidikan Dan PelatihanPertambangan Dan EnergiProgrammerProperty & Real EstateRestaurant & HotelRetailSalesSecretarySosialTeknikTelecommunicationsTransportation & Logistics AdministrasiAdvertising & Public RelationsAkuntansi dan KeuanganArts & Entertainment & PublishingAsuransiAutomotiveBanking & MortgageCollectorCustomer ServiceDesignerEventHospitality & TravelHuman ResourcesInformation TechnologyInternet & New MediaKesehatan dan KedokteranKonstruksi dan Bangunan Tips Lowongan Kerja Kuliah VS Kerja Kuliah VS Kerja

Kuliah atau kerja yang duluan menjadi pertanyaan yang sering kali terlontar dari tamatan SMA dan sederajat, Mau kuliah dulu atau kerja dulu, keduanya tidak... 

Tips Melamar Kerja via Email Tips Melamar Kerja via Email

Banyak orang mungkin masih merasa lebih ‘sreg’ mengirimkan aplikasi lamaran pekerjaan melalui pos ketimbang email. Namun, di era yang sangat... 

Berapa Gaji yang “Harus” Saya Minta? Berapa Gaji yang “Harus” Saya Minta?

Bagian yang paling merepotkan dalam proses wawancara kerja adalah menjawab pertanyaan mengenai gaji yang diminta. Banyak orang merasa “serba salah”,... 

9 Hal tentang Karir Masa Depan 9 Hal tentang Karir Masa Depan

Jika Anda baru lulus –atau masih calon– dari pendidikan tinggi, maka Anda sebenarnya tidak tahu banyak, seperti apa hari-hari yang akan Anda... 

Top Ten Interview Tips Top Ten Interview Tips

Tips Interview1. Konfirmasikan waktu dan tempat interview sehari sebelumnya. Setelah konfirmasi diperoleh, anda dapat mengatur waktu untuk besok, misalnya... 

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LF Consulting Tax and Financial Services Positions

We are fast growing tax and financial consulting company with various industries clients, urgently looking for high skilled, motivated and dynamic professionals to fill in the following positions.


Male/Female max 27 years of age
Minimum Bachelor Degree from reputable university majoring in Accounting or Taxation with minimum GPA 2.75.
Fresh graduated is welcome to apply.
Good command in English.
Able to work under pressure.
Has strong analytical skill and detail oriented personality.
Minimum 2 years experience in tax consultant firm or corporate tax division (for senior level).


Male/Female max 30 years of age
Minimum Bachelor Degree from reputable university majoring in Accounting with minimum GPA 2.75
Good command in English.
Able to work under pressure and willing to travel.
Has strong analytical skill and detail oriented personality.
Minimum 2 years experience in public accountant firm (for senior level).

Qualified candidates are welcome to send CV and photograph (email not exceed than 500 KB) to:

Attention of: Human Resource Department

Or please send by email to :
Please Login or Register to apply this job online.

Show Bagikan info lowongan kerja ini ke teman2x anda :

Handbags reviews and advice for best reference

Lowongan Accounting Staff – PT. Citraguna Lestari

Iklan Sponsor

PT. Citraguna Lestari adalah perusahan pemotongan ayam yang berdiri pada pertengahan tahun 2002 dengan mengacu kepada konsep ASUH (Aman, Sehat, Utuh, dan Halal), yaitu sejalan dengan berkembangnya kebutuhan masyarakat Indonesia khususnya di Jabodetabek akan ayam potong broiler yang higinies.

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan:
- Melakukan pengaturan administrasi keuangan perusahaan
- Menyusun dan membuat laporan keuangan perusahaan
- Menyusun dan membuat laporan perpajakan perusahaan
- Menyusun dan membuat anggaran pengeluaran perusahaan secara periodik (bulanan atau tahunan )
- Menyusun dan membuat anggaran pendapatan perusahaan secara periodik (bulanan atau tahunan )
- Melakukan pembayaran gaji karyawan
- Menyusun dan membuat surat-surat yang berhubungan dengan perbankan dan kemampuan keuangan perusahaan

Persyaratan Pengalaman: Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun di bidang akutansi,

Keahlian: - Familiar software accounting
- Keterampilan yang baik di MS office
- Mengetahui Dasar Acounting

Kualifikasi: • Pria atau Wanita, max 28 tahun
• Pendidikan D3, Sarjana Jurusan Akuntansi, Banking, Bisnis
• Min. 1 tahun pengalaman
• Fresh graduate dipersilakan
• Cepat belajar, inovatif, motivasi yang tinggi dan memiliki sikap Leadership
• Bbersedia ditempatkan di Kawasan Industri Cikupa Mas-Tangerang

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Lowongan Kerja Medion Farma Jaya

Medion Farma JayaMedion have been in the business of producing and marketing pharmaceutical products, vitamins, vaccines, and poultry equipment for more than 25 years. Through our experience and commitment to deliver high quality products and satisfy customers, we have been known in the local market as the best vaccine producer and have expanded throughout Asia and Africa.

As one of the leading veterinary pharmaceutical/vaccines/poultry equipment manufacturers in Indonesia. Medion requires candidates to fill positions below :

Technical Support
Job Location: Bandung | Deadline: 06 September 2013
Kualifikasi :
Kami membutuhkan lulusan S1 Teknik IndustriTerbuka bagi fresh graduate (juga yang sedang menyusun tugas akhir) maupun pengalaman kerja 1-3 tahunKhusus bagi yang belum pernah mengikuti tes MedionPharmaceutical Product
Job Location: Bandung | Deadline: 06 September 2013
Kualifikasi :
Kami membutuhkan lulusan :
1. S1 Kimia
2. S1 Teknik IndustriTerbuka bagi fresh graduate (juga yang sedang menyusun tugas akhir) maupun pengalaman kerja 1-3 tahunKhusus bagi yang belum pernah mengikuti tes MedionSurat Lamaran dan Daftar Riwayat Hidup harap disertai dengan :
Fotokopi Ijazah/Surat Keterangan Lulus (D3/S1 dan Profesi)Fotokopi Transkrip Akademik (D3/S1 dan Profesi)Fotokopi Surat Keterangan Kerja (bila ada)Pas Foto ukuran 3x4 sebanyak 1 lembarQuality Assurance
Job Location: Bandung | Deadline: 06 September 2013
Kami membutuhkan untuk Quality Assurance dari lulusan S1 Teknik Industri

Kualifikasi :
Terbuka bagi fresh graduate (juga yang sedang menyusun tugas akhir) maupun pengalaman kerja 1-3 tahunKhusus bagi yang belum pernah mengikuti tes MedionNational Sales
Job Location: Bandung | Deadline: 06 September 2013
Kami membutuhkan untuk National Sales dari lulusan :
1. S1/D3 Ekonomi
2. S1 Teknik IndustriKualifikasi :
Terbuka bagi fresh graduate (juga yang sedang menyusun tugas akhir) maupun pengalaman kerja 1-3 tahunKhusus bagi yang belum pernah mengikuti tes MedionHuman Resource
Job Location: Bandung | Deadline: 06 September 2013
Kami membutuhkan untuk Human Resource dari lulusan S1 Teknik Industri.Kualifikasi :
Terbuka bagi fresh graduate (juga yang sedang menyusun tugas akhir) maupun pengalaman kerja 1-3 tahunKhusus bagi yang belum pernah mengikuti tes MedionSurat Lamaran dan Daftar Riwayat Hidup harap disertai dengan :
Fotokopi Ijazah/Surat Keterangan Lulus (D3/S1 dan Profesi)Fotokopi Transkrip Akademik (D3/S1 dan Profesi)Fotokopi Surat Keterangan Kerja (bila ada)Lamaran dikirimkan ke :

PT Medion – HRD Recruitment
Jl. Babakan Ciparay No. 282 Bandung 40223
Cp : Sdri. Feriza
via email : (cantumkan kode “ccITB” di subject email/kanan atas amplop lamaran) --- Update :

lowongan kerja agustus 2013 di »» lowongan kerja bandung | lowongan kerja farmasi | lowongan kerja hr staff | lowongan kerja jawa barat | lowongan kerja manufaktur | lowongan kerja medion farma jaya | lowongan kerja quality assurance staff | lowongan kerja s1 | lowongan kerja sales staff | lowongan kerja technical support  

Product reviews and advice for best reference

Lowongan Kerja Avrist Assurance

Avrist AssurancePT Avrist Assurance (Avrist), one of the leading joint-venture life insurance companies in Indonesia, was established in 1975 and has a proud 34 years track record of demonstrated financial strength and growth in providing life insurance, accident & health, credit life and pension to both individuals and group clients through a multi-channel distribution strategy.
With over 4,000 agents and 400 employees spread across the country at roughly 27 sales offices and 15 independent agency offices, Avrist serves a large base of over one million customers nationwide. Avrist is the only independent Life insurer in Indonesia that is supported by an AAA-rated international financial institution.

Avrist ’s joint venture partner is DEG (Deutsche Investitions-und Entwicklungscip,,01schaft), which is a member of KfW Bankengruppe, one of the largest European Development finance institutions for long-term project and company financing. With a strong vision of An Avrist policy in every Indonesian household”, Avrist is committed to advancing a rewarding fife for its employees, partners and customers.

Our MT Program consist of 2 years structural programs. This program is designed to develop talented university graduates to be our Future Leader.

Fresh graduate, minimum Master Degree from reputable University with minimum GPA 3, any majors are welcomeExcellent in English both oral and writtenExcellent in Computer Skill (MS Word, Excel and Power Point)Good communication and interpersonal skillGood analytical and management skillCan work in a team and also individualWilling to be placed in any departmentWilling to undergo a bond for 2 years after the program completionShould you meet all of the requirements above, please send your comprehensive CV to : --- Update : lowongan kerja agustus 2013 di »» lowongan kerja asuransi | lowongan kerja asuransi aia indonesia | lowongan kerja jakarta | lowongan kerja management trainee | lowongan kerja pt avrist assurance | lowongan kerja s1  

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Lowongan Marketing Iklan – PT PERTIWI MEDIASINDO

Home » Marketing » Lowongan Marketing Iklan – PT PERTIWI MEDIASINDO
Iklan Sponsor

? Pendidikan minimal S1
? Minimal 2 tahun berpengalaman di dunia media iklan / Agency
? Mempunyai hubungan dan jaringan ke agency Nasional
? Mampu bekerja mandiri dan membentuk tim AE
? Mampu menyusun strategi dan membangun organisasi / tim marketing

? Komisi bulanan, bonus dan insentif tahunan
? Mendapat fasilitas kendaraan roda empat (manajer)

Tanggung Jawab Pekerjaan: Bertanggung jawab atas target iklan yang ditentukan perusahaan
bertanggung jawab pada pimpinan cabang di kantor jakarta
bertanggung jawab membentuk tim marketing iklan (jika manager)

Persyaratan Pengalaman: Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun

Keahlian: - Mempunyai hubungan dan jaringan ke agency Nasional
- mampu membuat presentasi & media kit

Kualifikasi: Lebih diprioritaskan
- Pria
- Usia 25 – 35 tahun
- Jujur dan teliti

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Lowongan Kerja SMCC Utama Indonesia

SMCC Utama IndonesiaPT. SMCC Utama Indonesia is one of the leading Construction Companies in Indonesia and subsidiary company of Sumitomo Mitsui Construction Co., Ltd. During our 30 years establishment, we have many experiences in the construction of Building, and Civil Works such as Factory and Plant, High Rise Office Building, Shopping Mall, Hotels, Apartment.

Our well experienced in construction, has taught us to be able to offer a systematic range of integrated services from project finding, feasibility studies, and implementation of project.

SMCC Utama Indonesia absolutely realize that our biggest strength came from our personnel which make us gradually improve our human resources competency.

We truly understand the importance of Customer Satisfaction, therefore each of us is personally responsible for the ensuring the Construction Product with Consistent Quality Work, On-time Delivery, Safety Work,

Since the beginning, our company always give our best effort to present best quality building, therefore in the year 2005, our company Maintain and Continually Improve the effective operation of the company’s quality management system with the requirements of ISO 9001 : 2000 standard.

We are looking for :

Act as the maintechnical advisor on a construction site for subcontractors, crafts people and operatives with main focus of product quality and customer satisfaction.Requirements:
Male, preferred age 23-45 years oldGraduated from reputable University majoring in Civil EngineeringGood communication in English and interpersonal skillUnderstanding ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007Fresh graduates are welcomeQA/QC ENGINEER
Inspecting all material kind complies with qualificationInspecting all work kind complies with quality qualificationInspecting all laboratory data test and result complies with quality qualificationQuality checking to all material kind including size and quality complies with quality qualification (before and after material delivery)and visual and procedural test resultWork quality checking based on laboratory or authorized institution test resultChecking work quality based on the company environment policy and quality objectivesReceiving/rejecting all kind of unqualified / unneeded materialRe-testing all data test result which does not confirm with quality qualificationRequirements:
Male/Female, preferred age 25-35 years oldGraduated from reputable University majoring in Civil EngineeringGood communication in English and interpersonal skillHaving minimum 2 years experiences in the same field in construction companyUnderstanding ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007Preferably having training certification in the same fieldFresh graduates are welcomeHaving good skill for Auto-CadSAFETY OFFICER
Guiding and socializing work safety and healthy performance in company including in company projectsPrepare the Project Safety Plan, Emergency Response Team and conduct emergency drillPreparing safety work program and conduct trainingPerforming safety and healthy work meeting with the client or subcontractor/supplierInspecting, controlling, documentationpreparing safety and health work report and arranging Monthly Safety ReportRevising all Safety and health work documentation for data evaluation and analysisAssuring equipment and work safety conditionControlling Staff safety in performing daily dutyEvaluating and projecting all projects equipmentReporting work accident and give advice on preventionMaking relationship with Department of Manpower (for Manpower and heavy equipment control), Manpower Social Guarantee, Hospital, Fireman, Local Government and Police for accident reportPerforming and controlling the implementation of company Quality & SHE policy and objectives on siteRequirements:
Male, preferred age 25-40 years oldGraduated from reputable University majoring in Public Health or Occupational Health and SafetyGood communication in English and interpersonal skillHaving minimum 2 years experiences in the same filed in construction companyUnderstanding ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007 and having K3 certification for safetyPreferably having training certification in the same fieldFresh graduates are welcomeSURVEYOR
Making BenchmarkMake marking levelingMake marking coordinateControlling foreman/subcontractor work execution positionMake / keep measurement dataInform to related personnel regarding environment conditionPreferable having training certification in the same fieldFresh graduates are welcomeRequirements:
Male, preferred age 25-40 years oldGraduated from reputable University majoring in Civil Engineering or Vocational High SchoolGood communication in English and interpersonal skillHaving minimum 2 years experiences in the same filed in construction companyUnderstanding ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007Preferably having training certification in the same fieldFresh graduates are welcomeINDUSTRIAL MACHINERY MECHANIC
Analyze test results, machine error messages, and information obtained from operators in order to diagnose equipment problemsClean, lubricate, and adjust parts, equipment, and machineryDisassemble machinery and equipment to remove parts and make repairsExamine parts for defects such as breakage and excessive wearObserve and test the operation of machinery and equipment in order to diagnose malfunctions, using voltmeters and other testing devicesOperate newly repaired machinery and equipment to verify the adequacy of repairsRequirements:
Experiences of work for 2 years in the same fieldPreferably understanding EnglishPreferably understanding ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007Preferablywith training certification in the same fieldFresh graduates are welcomeELECTRICIAN OF CIVIL CONSTRUCTION FIELD
Proficiency with cabling and distribution boardAssemble, install, test, and maintain electrical or electronic wiring, equipment, appliances, apparatus, and fixtures, using hand tools and power toolsDiagnose malfunctioning systems, apparatus, and components, using test equipment and hand tools, to locate the cause of a breakdown and correct the problemRequirements:
Experiences of work for 2 years in the same fieldPreferably understanding EnglishPreferably understanding ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007Preferably with training certification in the same fieldFresh graduates are welcomeCAD OPERATOR
Knowledge of international codes and standardComputer : faculty of MS Office and CAD operationRequirements:
Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering or Vocational High School under 35 yearsGood communication in English and interpersonal skillHaving Auto CAD certificationPreferably having training certification in the same fieldFresh graduates are welcomePlease submit your application letter and curriculum vitae to: not later than September 26th, 2013 --- Update : lowongan kerja agustus 2013 di »» lowongan kerja cad operator | lowongan kerja electrician | lowongan kerja mechanic | lowongan kerja QA engineer | lowongan kerja quality control engineer | lowongan kerja s1 | lowongan kerja safety officer | lowongan kerja site engineer | lowongan kerja smcc utama indonesia | lowongan kerja surveyor  

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